Five weekly rounds begining 21st June 2017 on the Trinity Park closed road circuit, Ipswich.
Online entries close Friday 11.45pm each week ahead of the Wednesday race i.e. entries for the first round on the 21st Jun 2017 will close at 11.45pm on 16th June 2017.
For the full 2017 SCRS details click CALENDAR or RACE DETAILS.
Novices and 4th Cat, E123 and Womens racing begins from 1840.
Go Ride U12's and Youth racing begins from 1800.
If you have never raced and are not sure what to expect, why not marshal for a round and see the race environment and set up before committing and at the same time fulfill an essential role, without which racing would not be able to take place.
Contact me via the email if interested.
"Due to land constraints, it has not been possible to increase the width of the path, although two metres is accepted within Department for...
Holds it in place better no doubt. It's not complicated.
Tri-Flow smells so much nicer, though.
Unfortunately then you end up with systems that emergency stop for an empty plastic grocery bag blowing across the road.
I met and rode with Mohit on an ultra event a couple of years ago, one of the nicest guys you could meet. So sad to hear this - RIP
I would suggest that while this is the level of technology required to replace humans performing at their best, I doubt most would have spotted...
Only uno-fish-ally, though.
Yeah - but torx is obviously the plural of torque, so you're getting more for your money.
In my experience road tubeless rarely holds air consistently. Losing a few psi per week is the norm with some much worse than that. I have one...
As usual, "progress" really means "keeping up with the Joneses". Nothing that says it has to enhance your wellbeing in any other senses!...