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LCC hopes "thousands" will attend Blackfriars Bridge flashride on 12 October

London cyclists urged to turn up to give Boris Johnson the message that he got it wrong on speed limit

Cyclists in London and beyond are being called upon to descend on Blackfriars Bridge on the evening of Wednesday 12 October – that’s a fortnight today – for a ‘flashride’ to show their opposition to the refusal of Mayor Boris Johnson and Transport for London (TfL) to keep the speed limit at 20mph, among other safety issues. London Cycling Campaign (LCC) says it hopes that thousands of cyclists will turn up.

Cyclists are asked to meet up at 5.45pm on the evening outside the Doggetts Coat & Badge pub at the southern end of the bridge, with the ride starting at 6pm. It’s the third flashride on the bridge organised by LCC, which says the first attracted 200 cyclists with just a few hours’ notice, while the second saw 600 take part.

“Now,” says LCC, “it's time for THOUSANDS OF US to show our strength and say 'Boris, you've got it wrong!'”

LCC asks that if you are planning on going along, to enter your email address on its website so it can keep you updated about this and other campaigns.

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rogerhot | 13 years ago

Here's what the last 'flashride' looked like.

Reckon there were more than 600 cyclists there

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