Brace yourselves, the good people of Reddit have found another online auction bike that's equal parts intriguing, equal parts absolutely terrifying.
We've been staring at it for most of the morning and are still not 100 per cent sure what we're looking at. As one Reddit user put it, "The longer you look the weirder it gets". The context is that this is up on Yahoo auctions in Japan so, naturally, we stuck a VPN on and went to have a look. The highest current bid is 16,000 Japanese Yen (£83) and the bidding ends just after 9pm tonight.
The seller explains: "A vintage homemade road bike. There is no manufacturer information and it is an old item, so please consider it as is. We would appreciate it if you could judge the condition from the images as much as possible. Everything in the photos is included. Please look at the photos and consider your purchase."
We shall try to judge it from the pictures, as asked, although something tells me there'll probably still be quite a few questions. That crankset is what got most people talking online, it quickly dubbed the 'Knee Destroyer 2000' or the bike that only goes down hills. A few intrigued people had suggestions, perhaps that it is "trying to emulate a running motion".
Someone else said: "Those few inventors attempting to change how cyclists pedal their bikes, in this case — an experimental prototype tested only on a closed track — some wanting to emulate walking or running, while trying to achieve higher speeds."
Another user commented: "My guess is to try to mimic running for a tri athlete who runs more than bikes. My guess also is it failed to improve anything for anybody. Unless maybe the user had a range of motion injury it helped with....which given it reduces how high up your knee comes, seems possible."
On the injury idea, someone else suggested they'd heard a story from a pro bike fitter who'd had to make some sort of modification that sounded a bit like this. "It was hard to imagine at the time as there were no pics," they said, but it was "for someone who had surgery on their knee, lost range of motion, and didn’t have enough bend in their knee to keep riding a bike".
The other big question people wanting answered was... how does it ride? We're going to guess not incredibly comfortably. Now there's an idea, perhaps we should make an 'investment' and see how Jamie goes on it for your YouTube-viewing pleasure?
One commenter said: "This thing is amazing, I'd absolutely watch a long form YouTube review of this as they break down every very important mod done and the dental work after hitting one pothole."
Another made the interesting point that it's been built with Dura-Ace rather than just whatever cheap groupset they could get their hands on, so obviously the "builder must be some kind of mad scientist genius with humongous quads"... it's only logical.
From the bars, to the "spaghetti rear end", random rear light (suggesting it's not just a track bike), Dura-Ace, that saddle, the rear derailleur cable routing straight through the frame, oh... and the frame and cranks... it certainly takes a lot of working out. Here's the link if anyone wants to put a bid down because, after all that, why wouldn't you want it? Comfort, practicality, financial and potential safety issues aside...
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Not completely sure if that was implied, but that Frankenbike does not have the Alenax system. I looks kinda the same with those long crank arms, but other than that it really isn't the same.
It looks like it would give you more of a sideways elliptical motion - like a cross-trainer - rather than the up-and-down of the Alenax.
I honestly can not yet get my head around how this thing is supposed to work. What I do know is that it does not have the chain on each side, running from the upward part of the cranks to the cogs and being attached to eachother via a (cable running over a) pulley under the bottom bracket, that is the essence of an Alenax.
The Frankenbike has a conventional chain/cassette setup. The only puzzling part is how that chain is rotated forward.
What the Frankenbike needs is some good old L-shaped cranks
The good old uci at it again.
del Torro fined for bringing the sport into disrepute because of a broken zip on his skinsuit.
Beggars belief.
Guardian article - Rush-hour rewards: how extreme is your commute?
Cable car, unicycle, a 53-mile coastal bike ride… Meet five commuters who are that rare breed – workers who relish their commute
A bit concerned about the woman who drives 2 1/2 hours and then catches a plane:
"On the drive, I listen to podcasts and audiobooks. I’ll sometimes have meetings, or I’ll just call a friend."
I despair at the impotence of the Department for Transport and Home Office, it is bad enough Regulation 110 only applies to devices held in the hand, but why have you not acted to ban all drivers engaging in Zoom meetings?
If it involves the driver seeing the screen of others, it is banned - video is specifically not allowed;
If the driver is distracted, it is an example of driving without due care. Hard to prove, but if it was demonstrated to be the case preceding a collision or another offence, it might be taken as contributory.
'A bit concerned about the woman who drives 2 1/2 hours and then catches a plane'
i actually used to do that. The drive was about 1.5 hours and then fly to work. Not every day but twice a week, there and back and then again on Monday. After three years I'd had enough.
"We have to buy this... for science"
No. Bury it deep, very deep. In a lead lined coffin.
Did that once. Invited the bike into my garage. Would show you a photo of it, but for some reason the image wasn't clear. Ended up burying it in a deep grave by a church above Whitby.
On stormy days I can still hear the creak of the bottom bracket and the clatter of a gear change that never settles.
I will never be free.
Link to the Frankenbike doesn't appear to work (not without a VPN to make it think you're in Japan, anyway).