Those who have ever thought themselves unlucky to actually get fined for running a red light while cycling (it's best not to anyway) should be relieved they didn't come across this particular sheriff in Seminole County, Florida, who cuffed a teenage cyclist and put him in a cell for allegedly trying to 'resist arrest' after rolling through a stop sign.
The author in the Facebook post above explains: "On this morning’s group ride, something unusual happened. My son and another teenage rider, Javier Lopez, were pulled over by a Seminole County Sheriff, and Javier Lopez was arrested for “resisting arrest”.
"The teens had been off the front of the group in a breakaway for approximately the last 20 mins and were holding a 25 sec gap. When they approached the left hand turn that would put them onto Florida Ave, my son stopped and Javier slowed and proceeded to roll through. They then proceeded to kick back up to speed as they were trying to maintain their breakaway gap. This is when the Sheriff, who was on the other side of the turn, took off in pursuit to pull them over. The rest of the group came to a stop then we all proceeded to continue chasing them. Approximately 25 sec later we came up on the teens on the side of the road, Javier already in handcuffs and my son asking why his friend was being arrested. The Sheriff said “why didn’t he stop? I told him to stop.” My son replied, “we did stop as soon as we realised that you were trying to pull us over.” T
"The sheriff insisted that he had yelled at them at the stop sign and that Javier was, in essence, “fleeing the sight of the traffic violation.” Although the group of cyclist tried to explain the situation, the sheriff said, “Today’s not the day for a road side jury.”
"They took Javier away, arrested him, and he is currently detained in a jail cell. His bail is set at $8500 and he will probably spend the night in jail unless his father, who is also a cyclist and was there on the ride, finds a bail bondsmen today.
"I understand enforcing the law, however, I do not understand the actions these sheriff’s carried out today. Why ruin the life of a good kid, who is in essence a child, with a criminal record? This should have been, worse case scenario, a traffic violation. Ask yourselves how many times you have slow rolled through a stop sign in your vehicle or your bike. Should this be how you’re treated? Or worse, is this how you would want your child treated? As cyclists, we should always follow the laws of the road, but we should also stick together when situations like these arise."
The cyclist Javier Lopez has now been released on bail, and a GoFundMe has been set up with a $10,000 target to go towards costs and attorney fees.
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"UK chemicals firm"
I'm sick to death of promoting Ineos. Ratcliffe's company is actively destroying the climate with ever-expanding oil and gas production, and contributing massively to plastic pollution in our seas and oceans.
Ratcliffe greenwashes his appalling company through sports sponsorship, with the active collaboration of, who report his every waffle in gushing terms.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
So, as announced by the instantly forgettable minister for cycling, whose name I've forgotten, all children will be able to take bikeability; it's just that there won't be anybody to train them as they can't afford the fees.
Look, I know this government is the most incompetent, useless bunch of ex-public schoolboy liars and cheats ever, but honestly.........
Meanwhile, Holland shows us the way again, with entire neighbourhoods without personal cars.
Nice to see a bit of BMX on here. Although Courage Adams should have been 2nd at least (easy 1st if he'd stayed on). Great rider. If you liked that competition street riding find some real street riding on youtube as it's even better. The lack of helmets also made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. If it wasn't so damn stormy outside I'd go get the old bike out (and probably end up injured/concused as was usual).
Kevo H's twitter stream consists of 3 things
1. Rants about cyclists (e.g. "any lights?" on a Chris Boardman retweet of a bike review, "any cyclists?" on CycleGaz's tally of convictions, and the ones above )
2. Rants about traffic jams (usually with what appears to be photos from a hand-held phone from behind the wheel of his black cab).
3. Rants about footy
Oh, and rants about mincab drivers.
Thats four things ...
/stops before descending into a pale pastiche of the monty python spanish inquisition sketch
No matter how much reckless cyling this illegally driving professional captures, he will never make up for the disgusting criminality of John Warboys.
Anyone know if "The Black Cab Rapist" was a member of the LTDA?
Exactly - all taxi drivers need to be held accountable for the actions of every other taxi driver, even the ones they've never met. After all, that's how they treat cyclists and what's sauce for the goose etc etc

"Not only are they a nuisance, but they cause significant risk to passers-by and it may only be a matter of time before someone gets injured by a reckless rider."
I'm sure the good councillor has all the relevant data to make such a claim of "significant risk" like the number of people killed and injured by cyclists at that location, and if he doesn't, his claim is false. Funny how the rest of the world seems to get by with shared use in such areas, but in wonderful free Britain, we have to have pointless laws brought in by cycle-hating councillors.
Also ok to drive down it at certain times if you are a permit holder !
Councillor Ron Shepherd is super pleased that "out of control" cyclists are picking up fines, and people are "sick to death" of them "whizzing along Victoria Street":
Lets face it, the one's "whizzing" are not getting caught. Much easier for a lard-*rsed enforcement "officer" to catch granny on her way to the shops
The headless picture of the couple of enforcement officers are not particularly flattering.
Also it's a gross inaccuracy to describe Grimsby town centre as a 'pleasent place for visitors'. (Do people visit Grimsby - or are they just unfortunate to have to 'visit' it?)
I went to the Grimsby Telegraph to get the full story, and now I aware of the phrase "dog s*** chandelier".
The dog sh*t maypole is even better/worse
The local cyclists have called in reinforcements for Javier, the cyclist arrested by the over-zealous cop, from the equivalent of the Cyclists' Defence Fund
"Bike Law wants to thank the thousands of cyclists, clubs, coaches, and organizations who have spread the news about the arrest of Javier Lopez. I recognize how understandably concerned our community is and am always amazed by our diversity, unity, and resilience."
How is that place pronounced? Because semen hole sheriff sounds entirely appropriate. And to think they give those mental hospital inmates a uniform, a badge and a gun. Power tripping gone mad.
I don't think he actually went through a red light. Reading the report it sounds as if he didn't actually come to a standstill at a STOP road sign, but he slowly rolled through (as we would do in the UK at a GIVE WAY sign). If so it is even more harsh.
Yeah, that's how I read it too. It's even more harsh when you consider that some states have the Idaho stop law which allows cyclists to treat a STOP sign as a yield sign and a red light as a STOP sign.
Not really surprising in the biggest police state in the world, where "sheriffs" are still allowed to roam.
Shame they don't have the 'Idaho stop' law in Florida. That sounds incredibly harsh by the sheriff - what would happen if a deaf person was cycling and didn't hear the sheriff's commands?
Probably would get shot in the back, it's 'murika
Wasn't there a case in NYC last year where someone didn't stop for the police and they ran him over with an SUV "for his own safety"...?
Given that riding with headphones in is so dangerous it should, apparently, be banned I think that deaf people would be banned too. So would never be on a bike to be in that position.
I don't really see why people think that cycling whilst wearing headphones (or indeed being deaf) is so dangerous. I appreciate that you can get a lot of information about what traffic is doing behind you but that just means that you don't have to look behind so often. The main danger is if you try to turn right or pull out without looking and that's just as dangerous if you're deaf or not. Ultimately, there's not much control you have over traffic behind you (except maybe taking primary position) so being able to use your ears just gives you better awareness of what's going on.
I used to cycle a couple of miles from the station to my house with headphones on, listening to music. It's not difficult to just make a point of looking around more often and being especially careful at junctions. In the end, I found it a little bit disorientating and prefer to not use them, but it wasn't dangerous at all.
If you're in favour of banning deaf people from cycling, then it would make just as much sense (and be just as wrong) to ban them from driving. If hearing is so important to road safety then we should start to ban car music systems. I'm not sure if there's been much research on hearing ability and road safety, but we should at least find that out before discriminating against deaf people.
Have a look at
For clarity, I have no issue with people riding while wearing headphones of any sort, nor do I have an issue with deaf people doing anything. I choose, personally, not to wear them, but that's because I like listening to the wheels on the road and the wind in my ears, no other reason.
At least the lad in Florida didn't get tasered...
Based on this quote from that link, shouldn't we just tase ALL drivers?
"Meier said he tased the bicyclist because he was causing a danger to himself and other drivers."
I put the important bits in bold just for fun.