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Movember teams up with The Tweed Run to auction gold-plated moustache bars

Proceeds from Going Going Bike sales of blinging bars to benefit charity

This month, thousands of men around the world will be growing ‘taches to show their support for the prostate cancer charity, Movember, and cyclists are being encouraged to do their bit too, with The Tweed Run getting involved in helping auction a pair of 24-carat Gold Moustache Bars on the cycling auction website, Going Going Bike.

“We wanted to help Movember engage male cyclists in a funny and memorable way. Auctioning 24 ct gold moustache bars seemed the right kind of ridiculous to get people talking about a really important issue. We spoke with Andrew Nethercot of Going Going Bike and he got behind it right away,” explains Jacqui Shannon, of The Tweed Run.

“The bars are actually stunning. It’d be nice to see them go for a decent price, it is for charity after all and we want to support our community,” added Going Going Bike’s Nethercot.

Throughout the month, the bars will be on display at London cycling café, Look Mum No Hands, and if you fancy placing a bid on them or just want to find out more information, head over to the dedicated page on the Going Going Bike website.

The handlebars were made by US manufacturer Velo Orange, with gold plating added by London-based Premier Platings Works, and bar wrap and the case provided by Brooks England. The successful bidder will also receive a new roll of Brooks Leather tape following the end of the auction in case they intend using the bars.

Movember sees Mo Bros, with the support of their Mo Sistas, start the month clean-shaven and spend the rest of the month growing their moustache to help raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity, as well as raising awareness of the condition, which claims the lives of 10,000 men in the UK each year.

Last year, more than a quarter of a million Mo Bros and Sistas worldwide helped raise over £25 million for the charity, and full details can be found here.


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TRs Blurb n Blog | 14 years ago

I'm growing mine for Movember, you can sponsor me here.

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