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Highway Code cycle helmet tweet branded ‘victim blaming’ by Cycling UK

Charity says advice allows careless drivers to evade responsibility

A tweet from the official Highway Code Twitter account stating that cyclists should wear a helmet has drawn a strong response online and been branded ‘victim blaming’ by Cycling UK.

The tweet, posted on Thursday night, quoted rule 59 of the Highway Code which relates to clothing when cycling.

You should wear

  • a cycle helmet which conforms to current regulations, is the correct size and securely fastened
  • appropriate clothes for cycling. Avoid clothes which may get tangled in the chain, or in a wheel or may obscure your lights
  • light-coloured or fluorescent clothing which helps other road users to see you in daylight and poor light
  • reflective clothing and/or accessories (belt, arm or ankle bands) in the dark.

These guidelines are not legal requirements. Points supported by the law use the word ‘must’ in place of ‘should’.



A spokesperson for Cycling UK told the Guardian that the recommendation led to a culture of “victim blaming” of cyclists and allowed careless drivers to evade responsibility.

“Helmets are only really effective in low-impact collisions, we need better infrastructure for cyclists and education for drivers,” they said.

“If you look at places like the Netherlands and Denmark, where there are more cyclists, it’s not helmets that contribute to low death rates for cyclists but roadscapes and townscapes that are designed to keep people safe.”

The tweet attracted several hundred replies, most of which made similar points (occasionally employing rather more robust language).

British Cycling policy advisor and cycling commissioner of Greater Manchester, Chris Boardman, said the message was, “like the 1950s healthy people smoke Marlborough messages – we will look back on in years to come and ask what were we thinking.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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alansmurphy | 6 years ago

RTB I disagree somewhat despite a similar incident without the car...


Studies have also proved that drivers pass cyclists closer when they are wearing a helmet, hence the car may not have hit you. The telegraph pole and your head would have been at totally different points without helmet, your head may have missed completely without the added circumference. Also, the time space continuum relating back to the time it took you to fish your helmet out and wear it may mean you'd have been at a different point of the road (ok so I'm stretching it).


I'm not saying that you're wrong or that you should be happy/unhappy about the helmet. I had an incident coming down Ventoux, hit a crash barrier followed by a ski pole. The pole made a hell of a mess of the shoulder (surgery still due in 3 weeks, incident 18 months ago) and the side of my helmet looks pretty mashed. I'm glad i was wearing the helmet and glad i didn't die, however I can't be sure my head would have hit the pole without the helmet on.


I can't say it didn't save my life, simply that it didn't kill me.


BTBS, similarly, you've gone for the ergo hoc logic that doesn't work. The accidents per mile, safety of cars, wearing of helmets do not work together as you think they do. Yep drivers and pedestrians are doing better, drivers are much more protected and on and on. However, the reasons we are being crushed to death isn't helmet wearing it's ever decreasing standards of driving backed up by lack of enforcement, sentences and generally giving a fuck. 


Helmets are no more murdering than a magic hat...


whobiggs | 6 years ago
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"appropriate clothes for cycling. Avoid clothes which may get tangled in the chain,"

But surely they should also have pointed out his horribly baggy trousers too?


BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

We have better brakes on bikes, we have motors with better brakes and more tech that is supposed to make crashes less likely, they have better/wider tyres, as have bikes, better lights, and yes, despite the infra being crap, more infra that is being utilised.

We already know that there have been a reduction in all other modes EXCEPT cycling per mile travelled, in fact a huge increase, the differential is a 50% swing!!

We can say with absolute certainty that whilst helmet wearing has increased massively in the UK, particularly by those doing the most miles, injuries of cyclists has gone up significantly whilst everyone else using the roads has gone down. It's pretty cut and dried how helmets are a bag o shite, an absolute sham and a massive failure despite all the other positives.

More crashes, injuries and deaths in the pro ranks despite better tyres, despite better brakes, despite better on course H&S, despite more marshals on course, yup, helmets have worked a fucking treat. You see the same thing in cricket, boxing, most definitely in gridiron, horse riding helmets have not changed a damn thing and neither has skiing despite virtually universal wearing. it's so bloody obvious yet people are still umming and arghing because of 'other factors', yet other factors would improve things as we see with the reductions in injuries of other modes, so the only real difference is helmets! 

Rich_cb replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

We have better brakes on bikes, we have motors with better brakes and more tech that is supposed to make crashes less likely, they have better/wider tyres, as have bikes, better lights, and yes, despite the infra being crap, more infra that is being utilised.

We already know that there have been a reduction in all other modes EXCEPT cycling per mile travelled, in fact a huge increase, the differential is a 50% swing!!

We can say with absolute certainty that whilst helmet wearing has increased massively in the UK, particularly by those doing the most miles, injuries of cyclists has gone up significantly whilst everyone else using the roads has gone down. It's pretty cut and dried how helmets are a bag o shite, an absolute sham and a massive failure despite all the other positives.

More crashes, injuries and deaths in the pro ranks despite better tyres, despite better brakes, despite better on course H&S, despite more marshals on course, yup, helmets have worked a fucking treat. You see the same thing in cricket, boxing, most definitely in gridiron, horse riding helmets have not changed a damn thing and neither has skiing despite virtually universal wearing. it's so bloody obvious yet people are still umming and arghing because of 'other factors', yet other factors would improve things as we see with the reductions in injuries of other modes, so the only real difference is helmets! 

Back to just posting made up stuff again I see.

Sniffer replied to Rich_cb | 6 years ago


Rich_cb wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

We have better brakes on bikes, we have motors with better brakes and more tech that is supposed to make crashes less likely, they have better/wider tyres, as have bikes, better lights, and yes, despite the infra being crap, more infra that is being utilised.

We already know that there have been a reduction in all other modes EXCEPT cycling per mile travelled, in fact a huge increase, the differential is a 50% swing!!

We can say with absolute certainty that whilst helmet wearing has increased massively in the UK, particularly by those doing the most miles, injuries of cyclists has gone up significantly whilst everyone else using the roads has gone down. It's pretty cut and dried how helmets are a bag o shite, an absolute sham and a massive failure despite all the other positives.

More crashes, injuries and deaths in the pro ranks despite better tyres, despite better brakes, despite better on course H&S, despite more marshals on course, yup, helmets have worked a fucking treat. You see the same thing in cricket, boxing, most definitely in gridiron, horse riding helmets have not changed a damn thing and neither has skiing despite virtually universal wearing. it's so bloody obvious yet people are still umming and arghing because of 'other factors', yet other factors would improve things as we see with the reductions in injuries of other modes, so the only real difference is helmets! 

Back to just posting made up stuff again I see.

He certainly doesn’t know anything about cricket.

Mungecrundle | 6 years ago
1 like

Just a comment to stop this thread dropping.

No particular reason.

burtthebike replied to Mungecrundle | 6 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

Just a comment to stop this thread dropping. No particular reason.

That's what this forum needs!  More pointless posts.broken heart

peted76 | 6 years ago
1 like

.....I count five in that spot the difference picture. 



alansmurphy | 6 years ago
1 like

It was the squirell with the big boobies...

Mungecrundle replied to alansmurphy | 6 years ago

alansmurphy wrote:

It was the squirell with the big boobies...


Oh Lordy, I expect he will be sharing a picture from the "special" folder on his hardrive.

hawkinspeter replied to Mungecrundle | 6 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

alansmurphy wrote:

It was the squirell with the big boobies...


Oh Lordy, I expect he will be sharing a picture from the "special" folder on his hardrive.

They're all special


brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago
1 like

HawkinsPeter wrote:

Mungecrundle wrote:

alansmurphy wrote:

It was the squirell with the big boobies...


Oh Lordy, I expect he will be sharing a picture from the "special" folder on his hardrive.

They're all special


OK, thats kind of disturbing... 

burtthebike replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

HawkinsPeter wrote:

Oh Lordy, I expect he will be sharing a picture from the "special" folder on his hardrive.

They're all special


Quite a piece of tail, as a certain American president might say.

macbaby | 6 years ago

Having come off on two separate occasions at around 25 and 15mph respectively with the helmet hitting 1) the kerb and 2) the road and the much-maligned polystyrene cracking on impact, I'm happy to to wear the noddy hat. My distinctly un-random sample of two is enough statistics for me. And I don't need to be profane about it either ...

burtthebike replied to macbaby | 6 years ago

macbaby wrote:

Having come off on two separate occasions at around 25 and 15mph respectively with the helmet hitting 1) the kerb and 2) the road and the much-maligned polystyrene cracking on impact, I'm happy to to wear the noddy hat. My distinctly un-random sample of two is enough statistics for me. And I don't need to be profane about it either ...

Look in the mirror and repeat "Anecdotes are not data" until you understand it.  You can use a profanity in there somewhere if you'd prefer.

ChrisB200SX replied to macbaby | 6 years ago

macbaby wrote:

Having come off on two separate occasions at around 25 and 15mph respectively with the helmet hitting 1) the kerb and 2) the road and the much-maligned polystyrene cracking on impact, I'm happy to to wear the noddy hat. My distinctly un-random sample of two is enough statistics for me. And I don't need to be profane about it either ...

I've only ever experienced car drivers driving into me when I was wearing a helmet. I've had no such experience when not wearing one... does this anecdata prove that wearing a helmet causes drivers to crash into me?

BehindTheBikesheds replied to macbaby | 6 years ago

macbaby wrote:

Having come off on two separate occasions at around 25 and 15mph respectively with the helmet hitting 1) the kerb and 2) the road and the much-maligned polystyrene cracking on impact, I'm happy to to wear the noddy hat. My distinctly un-random sample of two is enough statistics for me. And I don't need to be profane about it either ...

I came off at high speed (over 30mph) about 15 years ago after my front wheel went into a massive hole in the road - hidden by dark shadow and off the normal line as I was avoiding a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

As I hit the front edge and was sliding down sideways as my front wheel hit fresh air I got flipped (I think the left side pedal dug in too) I tucked my head and impacted on my shoulder dislocating it and tearing lots of muscle tissue, ligaments and tendons. IF I had been wearing a helmet I would have struck my head (I missed the road by a very small amount) and at the very least suffered a serious TBI and a severely damaged neck plus being unconscious in the middle of a NSL road, AT BEST!

Xmas day just gone, I slid out at 5mph negotiating the mini roundabout not 150m from home due to black ice. If I had been wearing a helmet I again would have struck my head, this time on the kerb edge of the roundabout. So a sideways fall replicating the speed of an adult skull when tripping whilst walking. Wearing a helmet would have again guaranteed a head strike, to the side of the head, which is not the strongest part of a cycle helmet for a start off, I would have had a concussive force transmitted through my brain, who knows how this might have turned out. For me my only injury was a was a bruised hip and a scrape to the STI plus a large amount of annoyance at LA for not gritting the road when the temps were clearly below feezing!

My distinctly un random sample is enough for me, I'll never wear a helmet even if government were to force matters and make it compulsary, I'd rather go to prison than wear a helmet.

Please make sure to wear a helmet at all times though, just in case you have another un random event, I'm sure like most others you'll have bashed your head and statisically you're more likely to have a serious head injury whilst not on a bike sans helmet than many activities so best to be safe mate!

hawkinspeter replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

... a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

I swear it wasn't me!

burtthebike replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

HawkinsPeter wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

... a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

I swear it wasn't me!

Sorry, but we need times, dates, pictures, statements from at least two reliable, non-furry, witnesses and your doubtless flimsy alibi.  I seem to remember seeing a picture of a squirrel with tyre marks round about then.  Confess!  Cardinal Biggles, bring on the comfy chair!

hawkinspeter replied to burtthebike | 6 years ago

burtthebike wrote:

HawkinsPeter wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

... a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

I swear it wasn't me!

Sorry, but we need times, dates, pictures, statements from at least two reliable, non-furry, witnesses and your doubtless flimsy alibi.  I seem to remember seeing a picture of a squirrel with tyre marks round about then.  Confess!  Cardinal Biggles, bring on the comfy chair!

You've nothing on me - I was wearing a disguise at the time.


brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

HawkinsPeter wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

... a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

I swear it wasn't me!

I had to re-read BTBS after reading this - for a moment, I thought they'd meant the furry critter was 2 metres long (do we get Womp-rats in the UK, they're not much bigger than 2 metres...?)

hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 6 years ago

brooksby wrote:

HawkinsPeter wrote:

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

... a furry critter shooting out, it was not just wide it was nearly 2 metres longitudinally and a fair depth too.

I swear it wasn't me!

I had to re-read BTBS after reading this - for a moment, I thought they'd meant the furry critter was 2 metres long (do we get Womp-rats in the UK, they're not much bigger than 2 metres...?)


Hirsute replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Xmas day just gone, I slid out at 5mph negotiating the mini roundabout not 150m from home due to black ice. If I had been wearing a helmet I again would have struck my head, this time on the kerb edge of the roundabout. So a sideways fall replicating the speed of an adult skull when tripping whilst walking. Wearing a helmet would have again guaranteed a head strike, to the side of the head, which is not the strongest part of a cycle helmet for a start off, I would have had a concussive force transmitted through my brain, who knows how this might have turned out. For me my only injury was a was a bruised hip and a scrape to the STI plus a large amount of annoyance at LA for not gritting the road when the temps were clearly below feezing!

This 2 minute video posted in the Forums illustrates your point with a large sample of people, none of whom hit their head.

fukawitribe replied to Hirsute | 6 years ago
1 like

hirsute wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Xmas day just gone, I slid out at 5mph negotiating the mini roundabout not 150m from home due to black ice. If I had been wearing a helmet I again would have struck my head, this time on the kerb edge of the roundabout. So a sideways fall replicating the speed of an adult skull when tripping whilst walking. Wearing a helmet would have again guaranteed a head strike, to the side of the head, which is not the strongest part of a cycle helmet for a start off, I would have had a concussive force transmitted through my brain, who knows how this might have turned out. For me my only injury was a was a bruised hip and a scrape to the STI plus a large amount of annoyance at LA for not gritting the road when the temps were clearly below feezing!

This 2 minute video posted in the Forums illustrates your point with a large sample of people, none of whom hit their head.

So BTBS would  have had a concussive force rather than a potential tensile neck stress, or not, the amount and effect of either we don't have a clue about, there's a video showing some people not hitting their heads and I can also provide a number of anecdotal data about various head hits and misses, with and without a helmet, on bikes and skateboards to add to those already given and... we're still no closer to actually making any meaningful conclusion point about anything. There's a change.

Bill Tucker | 6 years ago

Enough conjecture. How many of the 92 cycling fatalities detailed on the internet for 2018 would have been avoided if the cyclist had been wearing a helmet? How many were wearing helmets? How many were wearing suitable clothing? How many were under the influence of drugs or alcohol? How many were killed when the lights were green? How many when the lights were red? I am sure the Department of Transport know the answers but are they saying. 

The best safety advice is to assume that all drivers are being paid to kill you and take action to avoid them before they get the chance. The next best is to avoid using A roads as 42 of those 92 fatalities were on A roads.

There are far more safety rules that could be implemented before making helmets compulsory. 



burtthebike replied to Bill Tucker | 6 years ago

Bill Tucker wrote:

Enough conjecture. How many of the 92 cycling fatalities detailed on the internet for 2018 would have been avoided if the cyclist had been wearing a helmet?

Well, the TRL report estimated that helmets could save 16% of those fatalities, a figure repeated often in headlines of the msm, so that must be right.  Except that if you actually read the whole report not just the executive summary, you found out that that figure was plucked from the air, they literally made it up and had absolutely no data to support it.   They could find no evidence that cycle helmets reduced the death rate of cyclists, which is also the finding of other epidemiological studies in Australia and New Zealand, which have helmet laws.

So no conjecture needed; helmets don't save lives.

BehindTheBikesheds replied to burtthebike | 6 years ago

burtthebike wrote:

Bill Tucker wrote:

Enough conjecture. How many of the 92 cycling fatalities detailed on the internet for 2018 would have been avoided if the cyclist had been wearing a helmet?

Well, the TRL report estimated that helmets could save 16% of those fatalities, a figure repeated often in headlines of the msm, so that must be right.  Except that if you actually read the whole report not just the executive summary, you found out that that figure was plucked from the air, they literally made it up and had absolutely no data to support it.   They could find no evidence that cycle helmets reduced the death rate of cyclists, which is also the finding of other epidemiological studies in Australia and New Zealand, which have helmet laws.

So no conjecture needed; helmets don't save lives.

Yes, that TRL 'report', no. PPR446.2009 was full of holes and had the square root of fuck all in hard evidence.

In fact the idiots doing the study just looked at the flawed research that has time and again being shown to be flawed/bias with those doing the research already wanting to find that helmets work or had agenda's like Jake Olivier who is directly funded by NSW state government (that state which is the worst in the world for punishing cyclists for not wearing helmets so has a vested interest in keeping them).

Data on the rate of killed and seriously injured per billion miles travelled shows that from 2002 to 2012 cyclists had an increase of 19% compared with a general reduction for other road users of 35%

So since the huge increase in helmet wearing, KSIs of cyclists have gone up, whereas for everyone else they've dropped significantly. That's how fucking bad helmets have been in terms of safety, this is repeated in every country with helmet laws or big increases in helmet wearing! It's repeated in the pro peleton, it's repeated for the weekend warriors who seem to crash massively more than when they weren't all in noddy hats.

Yet people still think they need to wear helmets for racing/weekend run, yet it's the helmet that is having a significant negative effect on behaviour (of both riders and motorists) whilst offering next to naff all protection at the higher speeds/collisions with motorvehicles.!

burtthebike replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 6 years ago

BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

So since the huge increase in helmet wearing, KSIs of cyclists have gone up, whereas for everyone else they've dropped significantly. That's how fucking bad helmets have been in terms of safety, this is repeated in every country with helmet laws or big increases in helmet wearing! It's repeated in the pro peleton, it's repeated for the weekend warriors who seem to crash massively more than when they weren't all in noddy hats.

Yet people still think they need to wear helmets for racing/weekend run, yet it's the helmet that is having a significant negative effect on behaviour (of both riders and motorists) whilst offering next to naff all protection at the higher speeds/collisions with motorvehicles.!

Helmets are a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy; wearing one makes collisions more likely, therefore you need a helmet.

HoarseMann | 6 years ago
3 likes gets worse, the tractor driver escaped jail after trotting out a list of unbelievable excuses. The stretch of road where the collision occurred has a national cycle network road sign warning of cyclists.


HoarseMann | 6 years ago

I found this depressing reading. Not just for the poor chap who lost his life, but the campaign that is targeting measures that made no difference.

There are so many other things that would be worthy of campaigning for, like more stringent training for tractor drivers (currently anyone 16 and over with a regular license can legally get behind the wheel). But no, it’s focused on the cyclist.


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