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The Eternal ticking of the Spotless Look pedals

In March I did a major overhaul on my drive train. I replaced the Pressfit bottom bracket from a plastic to a Steel one. This has cut out a lot of noise and creaking. After this I replaced my look (Keo) pedals with new ones. I was able to narrow the noise down to the pedals by spinning with no pressure. The new ones were buttery smooth for a few weeks, but pretty soon the dread ticking of doom started again.

I admit I do take my (No.1 road) bike off-road on some gravel paths and do a lot of short sprints where I am putting quite a lot of pressure on the pedals. I think it is the side/downwards torque that causes the issue on the pedal bearings. 

I have been using Look pedals for the last five years and not had much trouble with them. Initially I liked the easy of clipping in, and the large surface area means they are flat enough to be worn with trainers on an off day. Now I might be willing to forego some of these benefits if it  means a quieter ride.

I have just regreased the crank screws and given the pedals a good spray with lube and it seems to have dampened things down, but not eliminated noises. Are ticking noises inevitable with other systems? I have Giro shoes with 3 holes on the bottom, am I stuck with Look?

TL:DR - Look Pedals are noisy, maintenance/replacement tips please.

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londoncommute | 7 years ago

Which type have you got?  Some people have had issues with the Keo Blade 2 type:

CXR94Di2 | 7 years ago

I have the same issue with my Shimano SPD M520 pedals. clicking/creaking.  I stripped them down, wiped old grease away and reapplied lots of new grease.  It worked on silencing the pedals for a few hundred miles but the problem has returned.  So my plan is to strip again and use a heavier/thicker grade of grease, so much so that as I reassemble the it oozes out, so I know I have filled the spindle cavity.

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