A new cycle lane – including gated barriers at the foot of the ramp, road markings and new signage – is to be created on the north ramp to Edinburgh Waverley station, reports the Edinburgh News.
Cycle access had been restricted in summer 2014 following the removal of all public vehicles, including taxis, from Waverley, but the Scottish Parliament’s infrastructure committee asked for the decision to be reviewed.
Transport minister Derek Mackay said:
“This Government has a clear focus on integrating and improving transport connections to help make public transport as convenient and accessible as possible. Cycling facilities at stations play a crucial role within this commitment by allowing more people the opportunity to start and complete their rail journeys by bike.
“I am therefore delighted that the ScotRail Alliance has responded to the passenger concerns most recently raised by the Scottish Parliament’s infrastructure committee and reinstated cycling access at Edinburgh Waverley station.”
The work will be carried out over the next few weeks and the cycle lane should be open by early October. The station will also be taking steps to limit delivery vehicle access to the north ramp during peak day-time periods.
Phil Verster, managing director of the ScotRail Alliance, said:
“We have heard loud and clear that the people who use Waverley wanted us to find a way to reintroduce cycling access to the station. We have listened and we have taken action.”
"The arrangements we are putting in place at Waverley to bring back cycling deliver a pragmatic solution which balances our need to provide safe access while also responding to what customers want.”
In 2014, anti-terrorism barriers erected at the station resulted in a number of cyclists being injured after hitting the £1 million obstacles. Edinburgh cycling campaign group Spokes criticised the size of the warning sign instructing cyclists to dismount, but station management said it was cyclists’ responsibility to see and obey them.
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