2014 was a unique year for the County of Essex and for all who cycle on her. The third stage of the Tour headed through many of the wonderfully road bike friendly roads that we at SportiveUK cycle on a regular basis. The Tour De Essex features a 42, 72, and 110 mile choice of routes that utilise many of the same spectacular roads as the 2014 Tour de France.
The Tour had a huge effect on this area of countryside, many roads were updated to accommodate the peloton. These immaculate surfaces will get your wheels spinning making for an impressive average speed.
I concur........
Panorama used to be a serious programme based on serious journalism informing the public on important issues. What a fall from grace for the BBC.
They can be remarkably honest about the consequences of using their vehicles though https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8GHiY6jmR8
Not a Londoner but I recall reading (probably here) that quite a few people did try to put that point to Sadiq and co. Not sure if it was was...
If your old bike is made of steel you can convert to disk, just find an experienced metalworker, give him a mocked up example and ask him to make...
There appears to be a bollard at a 45º angle mostly obscured by the bins - presumably they were able to remove that and then drive through the gap.
Have to say as a long time and multiple (7 bikes) user of Camapg - I have about half the fleet on genuine rivetted Campag chains and half on SRAM...
There is also the BBC's own complaints process, which is utterly useless, but it might be good to submit a complaint there to show Ofcom that you...
You don't make it clear what exactly you mean by 'the garments'....