Mauro Santambrogio, who insisted last month he had learned his lesson after being banned for 18 months due to a positive test for EPO in the 2013 Giro d’Italia, has failed another anti-doping control – this time for testosterone.
The Italian was cleared to race again last month after receiving a reduced ban due to his co-operation with the Cycling Independent Reform Commission, and was due to race next season for the Italian UCI Continental outfit, Amore & Vita.
Today, however, world cycling’s governing body has confirmed that the former Vini Fantini-Selle Italia rider, who last year credited people on the internet for helping pull him back from the brink of suicide, tested positive for testosterone in October.
In a statement released this afternoon, the UCI said:
The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) announces that it has notified Italian rider Mauro Santambrogio of an Adverse Analytical Finding of Testosterone in a sample collected in the scope of an out-of-competition control on 22 October 2014.
The rider has the right to request and attend the analysis of the B sample.
In accordance with UCI Anti-doping Rules, the rider has been provisionally suspended until the adjudication of the affair.
At this stage of the procedure, the UCI will not comment any further.
The 30-year-old’s positive test on the 2013 Giro d’Italia was revelaed after he had won Stage 14 of the race to Bardonecchia, which was shortened due to driving snow, and which saw Santambrigio and eventual champion Vincenzo Nibali strike out alone at the head of the race.
The sample that produced the positive result was taken ahead of the start of the race in Naples.
More to follow
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if what he says it true about telling the testers and showing all the paperwork i would suggest that is hardly the act of a cheat intending to gain a benefit for racing.
I find it SO hysterical how disjointed and upset some these little whining momma's boys get when their false idols are found to be taking anabolics! Is that really what you're focused on?
Let's see, for the Brit's, your government is FUCKING you every second of the day. But you LOVE it!
To the Euro dopes...your government (the Trans Global Tyranny) is enslaving YOU everyday. But you LOVE it!
To the American jackoff's, your government (the Fourth Reich) ONE of the most devious, scumbag governments in the world is FUCKING you every moment, of every breath you take. #PoliceState. BUT YOU LOVE IT!!!!!
Do you muppets get this upset about your piece of shit corrupted governments? Hardly. Ideological Statists...
Instead you RANT and cry and whine about athletes! So fucking IGNORANT. So fucking STUPID.
I cannot wait for the COLLAPSE of the WEST! Then we'll see what really matters to your pathetic little lives...
Oh well done ! in one go you have managed to show so much ignorance that i doubt anyone on here will ever take you seriously. Also is there any need to use such profanity on the site ?
Ah yes, the "you're ignorant" playbook reply! Nice deflection Princess, but you fail Fozzie. Sadly, you and those like you are ignorant beyond the pale when it comes to pharmacology and arbitrary laws implemented by Quasi-Fascist governing bodies. But, I expect nothing less from a mindless, mopsy-flopsy dumbass, who couldn't conclude logic if it bit you in your fairy ass.
I take solace in the fact that you and your kind, will be steamrolled at some point. Those who are incapable of reasoned and logical thought always fall away.
I'd take pity on your sorry vagina Mary, but you get what you deserve in the end. Now run along, I think they are serving jelly-filled pellets...
let's all give up on pro cycling and just ride our own bikes.
As if you couldn't possibly think that any other sports; futbol, T&F, football, baseball, etc doesn't have athletes on some type of ped. The limited thought process from guys like you is simply amazing. It's as if your entire life and world revolve around sports and athletes. That is so very, very sad...
Yeah, right. Next thing he'll be claiming he was only taking EPO because he was anaemic due to end stage renal failure!
Well, he is a cock.
He has claimed to it's because of treatment for erectile dysfunction and infertility.
Probably Test-C then. Very valid for ED. Of course the running (albeit) false narrative by the muppets is that he is cheating. This is understandable from minds that have been conditioned and are limited in their capabilities of logical, rational thought.
Rather than utilizing the neo-cortex, they use the limbic region and emotional, psychological thoughts. What can one expect from a muppet? after all, Fraggle Rock doesn't promote's only about FEELING...there, there Fozzie, mommy will make all better for you!

UCI's position is hardening on this
Whooo! Too funny. Do it up. Engineer the the body! Excellent...
I wonder if it was test-c or e.
Cannot wait for GMH in about 20 years...then all these anti-anabolic idiots will have to figure out something else to wail and get their dainty little panties in a bind about! LMMFAO.
So what juice do you use then?
I would LOVE to be on Anabolics NFE. Insurance issues and an unwilling doc at the moment. But I have a line on another doc who understands that at my age, (49) physical issues of fatigue, ED, and low energy levels are triggered by much lower levels of natural Testosterone in the body.
So, I hope to have some Test-C soon. I could buy it on the black market from Turkey or India, but it's very expensive and there is a possibility of it being seized by customs.
Well if I was that tiny I'd be caning the testosterone as well
Well if I was that tiny I'd be caning the testosterone as well
Yeah, that massive bottle of bubbly in the pic is actually a normal bottle of Budweiser!
he's an idiot. A moron. A cheat, a liar. Hopefully this is the end for his cycling career.