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Blockhead Compressed Energy Caffeine Gum



Packs a punch, and the flavour is a nice distraction

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Blockhead is a brand developed by Danny Lowe, a 21-year-old sport scientist who as an athlete himself wanted to make energy easier for everyone. He came up with Compressed Energy Caffeine Gum. It has a distinct mint flavour and it works.

Blockhead works via oral absorption. The company says it's a unique and patented method that works five times faster than other energy products.

It includes caffeine, taurine, B vitamins and aspartame, released by chewing. On top of these main ingredients it is sugar free.

The four main ingredients are:

Caffeine, as found in coffee, can have a positive effect on sustained endurance or high intensity exercise. It is safe in small doses although advice should be sought if you are pregnant, breast feeding or under 16.

Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid, found in high levels in white blood cells, skeletal muscles, central nervous system and heart muscles. In helps to regulate several metabolic processes and is found in our diet.

B vitamins assist the normal energy yielding metabolism and can reduce tiredness and fatigue. We can get enough of these in our normal diet.

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener.

All of these combined into a lump of gum with more than a hint of mint make for a powerful mix. The mint is strong but not over powering and there is a definite kick to it. It left an impression of feeling slightly perkier and energised within a few minutes of chewing.

If you're flagging and need a boost and quickly then Blockhead's compressed energy gum is worth having to hand.


Packs a punch, and the flavour is a nice distraction test report

Make and model: Block Head Compressed Energy Caffeine Gum

Size tested: 10 pieces per packet - 2 packets sent

Tell us what the product is for, and who it's aimed at. What do the manufacturers say about it? How does that compare to your own feelings about it?

Providing a caffeine hit and vitamins while you ride wrapped up in a mint flavoured gum is an interesting proposition, but Blockhead pulls it off. If you want something to provide a bit of a boost but have had your fill of gels then this could be the answer.

Tell us some more about the technical aspects of the product?

Flavoursome with a definite caffeine boost.

Rate the product for performance:

Perhaps because cycling and caffeine are synonymous this seems the perfect match. If you aren't used to caffeine this may prove a little too much as there is a noticeable boost, it probably only lasts a twenty minutes or so but if you're flagging then this is what you need.

Rate the product for durability:

This isn't normally something you'd associate with energy products, they are eaten or swallowed swiftly but this is different. In chewing gum you don't want the flavour to dispel quickly but something you can chew on for 20-30 minutes and the gum from Blockhead does provide that.

Rate the product for value:

At £1.95 for ten pieces, given the boost it provides I feel this is good value. A decent plan B.

Tell us how the product performed overall when used for its designed purpose

It works quickly and provides a timely boost, so if you're flagging and need a something to keep you going this it just what you need.

Tell us what you particularly liked about the product

What could be simpler? In need of a boost and need it quickly? All this within a chewing gum, easy to take with you and works quickly.

Tell us what you particularly disliked about the product

As with any chewing gum, you still have to get rid of it when the flavour has worn off and the job is done. It comes with a warning, excessive consumption can have a laxative effect. Keep in case of emergency then!

Did you enjoy using the product? Yes in limited use.

Would you consider buying the product? Yes.

Would you recommend the product to a friend? Yes.

Anything further to say about the product in conclusion?

Small, compact and does the job. A decent boost with a decent taste.

Overall rating: 8/10

About the tester

Age: 45  Height: 178cm  Weight: 80kg

I usually ride: Currently riding a Pinnacle Evaporite Three  My best bike is: As above

I've been riding for: Under 5 years  I ride: Every day  I would class myself as: Experienced

I regularly do the following types of riding: road racing, commuting, sportives, mtb, Not yet but looking to dip my toe in the world of TT


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tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

You'd have to be a pretty inadequate human being if you can't do something basic like chew gum and pedal without suffocating.

I actually think chewing gum could be useful during sport. Might try some of this stuff when it's 75p on sale.

dare99 | 8 years ago

I've used these at work, and can confirm they're oddly moreish, which isn't a good thing in a caffeine gum. After a whole pack in an afternoon, I needed a lie down indecision

As for them being a choke hazard, you sir are why we get “may contain nuts” warnings on peanuts. If you can’t eat a piece of gum without it being a life threatening experience, I’d question that should be out by yourself anyway.

Accessibility f... | 9 years ago

I don't think it's a particularly good idea to chew gum while cycling. In the event of an accident it might cause you to suffocate.

bobbinogs replied to Accessibility for all | 9 years ago
Peowpeowpeowlasers wrote:

I don't think it's a particularly good idea to chew gum while cycling. In the event of an accident it might cause you to suffocate.

I cannot imagine any worse than chewing gum whilst cycling although I am not sure about worrying too much about suffocating, after all footy players chew gum all the time and that is an impact sport.

However, this is a bonkers idea and for "a 21-year-old sport scientist who as an athlete himself wanted to make energy easier" I don't think he has succeeded. Caffeine does gives a (limited) boost but if he wanted to make energy easier then caffeine chewing gum isn't the answer.

I'll stick to the odd can of coke when I need it  1

andyp replied to Accessibility for all | 9 years ago
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Peowpeowpeowlasers wrote:

I don't think it's a particularly good idea to chew gum while cycling. In the event of an accident it might cause you to suffocate.

and swans can break your neck with their wings.

Stofish | 9 years ago

It seems odd to me that a product that would be ideal for endurance sport uses sugar free as a selling point.

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