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Cyclist uses bike to smash COVID conspiracy theorist's car window

Anti-mask campaigner had been leaning out of the window haranguing passers-by with a megaphone. The rider may face charges for his actions

A Vancouver cyclist ​who used his bike to smash the window of an SUV taking part in an anti-mask rally and from which a conspiracy theorist was haranguing passers-by may face criminal charges.

The incident, on the Canadian city’s Main Street, happened on Saturday 27 March with footage shot from inside the vehicle going viral on social media.

Anti-mask protester Alex Lasarev, using a megaphone, sarcastically congratulates people for “following the narrative and trusting the news and not questioning anything.

Toronto-born Lasarev, who spent some time on the UK stand-up comedy circuit, continued his tirade, saying: “There’s definitely not a psychological operation happening when you’re convinced of a reality that’s based on fear that has nothing to do with what’s actually happen – ”

At that point, a man stepped forward and pushed away the megaphone, telling Lasarev to “Shut the f*ck up!”

The pair traded insults as the man put up his bike and pushed it towards the vehicle, with Lasarev continuing to address people on the street.

Three more heaves of the bike followed, the final one shattering the vehicle’s passenger window, which at this point had been closed electronically.

CTV News reported that Lasarev had previously featured in an online video in February shouting at employees of a camera store who had refused to serve him due to the fact he was not wearing a mask.

It added that Vancouver Police has recommended that charges of mischief and assault with a weapon be brought against a 52-year-old man in connection with last weekend’s incident.

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Projectcyclingf... | 3 years ago

"(Vancouver Police has recommended that charges of mischief and assault with a weapon be brought against a 52-year-old man in connection with last weekend’s incident)"
Since when have cops routinely persued such criminal actions against anyone intentionally using their personal mode of transport as a "weapon" to target their victim ?
Would cops persue a motorist, ramming the anti-mask protester's SUV, with an equal vigour?

Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

Personally I'd have liked to have seen that megaphone shoved so far down his throat that every fart he makes from now on sounds like the wrath of Odin.

However, if we cannot condone drivers attacking cyclists doing something that annoys them, then we cannot condone matey boy launching a sustained physical attack whether he uses a bicycle as the weapon or not.

wtjs replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

However, if we cannot condone drivers attacking cyclists doing something that annoys them, then we cannot condone matey boy launching a sustained physical attack whether he uses a bicycle as the weapon or not.

Correct! Morons like this driver should be ignored by the public, but should eventually be disciplined as a nuisance by the police for 'shouting from a moving vehicle'.

Mungecrundle replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

Be careful what you wish for.

You might just find that your right to protest in any way that inconveniences anyone else, including being caught voicing your protest in anything other than your calm indoor voice is suddenly illegal.

Rapha Nadal | 3 years ago

Why do bother reporting such shite?  Man with a bike has a go at somebody.  Big whoop.

hawkinspeter replied to Rapha Nadal | 3 years ago
Rapha Nadal wrote:

Why do bother reporting such shite?  Man with a bike has a go at somebody.  Big whoop.

Why bother reading the article? Personally, I'm not interested in cycle racing so I just don't bother reading those articles - you can tell from the headline what kind of article it is.

Captain Badger replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago
hawkinspeter wrote:


Why bother reading the article? Personally, I'm not interested in cycle racing so I just don't bother reading those articles - you can tell from the headline what kind of article it is.

What? You can do that?

Rapha Nadal replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I didn't read the article because, guess what, it's not cycling related.  After all, this IS a cycling website, no?

hawkinspeter replied to Rapha Nadal | 3 years ago
Rapha Nadal wrote:

I didn't read the article because, guess what, it's not cycling related.  After all, this IS a cycling website, no?

Well, the article features a bike and I guess it was a slow news day. It just seems more effort to complain about their editorial choices than to just ignore the bits you don't care about.

LetsBePartOfThe... | 3 years ago

I totally support freedom of speech, providing it is not committing a hate crime. (And if it is insulting then the audience should be consensual participants)

And I denounce the attack.

However is it just accepted that someone can use a megaphone to force their noise ( of whatever persuasion ) through the hands covering my ears, and straight into my consciousness.

I find the tannoy in Sainsbury's, telling what on which aisle to find discounted cabbage, intrusive enough.

Someone ramming their noise into my head is not going to be popular    
Just put it on a T-shirt for goodness sake




mike the bike replied to LetsBePartOfTheSolution | 3 years ago
1 like
LetsBePartOfTheSolution wrote:

I totally support freedom of speech, providing it is not committing a hate crime......  

In other words you totally support the limiting of freedom of speech.  Don't be shy, just say what you mean.

Captain Badger replied to mike the bike | 3 years ago
mike the bike wrote:
LetsBePartOfTheSolution wrote:

I totally support freedom of speech, providing it is not committing a hate crime......  

In other words you totally support the limiting of freedom of speech.  Don't be shy, just say what you mean.

Depends what you mean about free speech.
Do you mean I can't be prosecuted for voicing opinions that are unsavoury to others?
Our do you mean that I have the right to create a noise nuisance?

mike the bike replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago
Captain Badger wrote:
mike the bike wrote:
LetsBePartOfTheSolution wrote:

I totally support freedom of speech, providing it is not committing a hate crime......  

In other words you totally support the limiting of freedom of speech.  Don't be shy, just say what you mean.

Depends what you mean about free speech. Do you mean I can't be prosecuted for voicing opinions that are unsavoury to others? Our do you mean that I have the right to create a noise nuisance?

I wasn't referring to the man with the megaphone, only to the comment I quoted.

Captain Badger replied to mike the bike | 3 years ago
1 like
mike the bike wrote:
Captain Badger wrote:
mike the bike wrote:
LetsBePartOfTheSolution wrote:

I totally support freedom of speech, providing it is not committing a hate crime......  

In other words you totally support the limiting of freedom of speech.  Don't be shy, just say what you mean.

Depends what you mean about free speech. Do you mean I can't be prosecuted for voicing opinions that are unsavoury to others? Our do you mean that I have the right to create a noise nuisance?

I wasn't referring to the man with the megaphone, only to the comment I quoted.

Aaaah, the libertarian realisation that free speech in absolute terms is a myth, and has never existed....

LetsBePartOfThe... replied to mike the bike | 3 years ago


Yes I do only support freedom of speech where it is NOT committing a hate crime. So let's say I 99% support it, rather than "totally". Happy to clarify 

( and on my other points...people equally should not have to listen to offensive-and-insulting-though-legal speech. And should not be assaulted with noise. Ie signpost the insulting free speech and do it where people can choose to attend or not. Or publish it. We can choose which newspapers we read. We should be able to choose which speakers we wish to listen to )






Rich_cb | 3 years ago

The guy with the megaphone might be obnoxious and he might be expressing some unpopular opinions but that doesn't excuse violence against him.

Hearing opinions we disagree with is the price we pay for the freedom to express our own opinions freely.

Captain Badger replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

The guy with the megaphone might be obnoxious and he might be expressing some unpopular opinions but that doesn't excuse violence against him. Hearing opinions we disagree with is the price we pay for the freedom to express our own opinions freely.

Much as I usually butt heads with you Rich, in principle on this one you're of course correct . I despise what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.

It's just,.... I can't muster any sympathy with the antivaxxer, and have a great deal of empathy with the rider. The anti-vaxxers aren't voicing a harmless opinion (which may just happen to be offensive). They are deliberately spreading lies for their own cynical ends, that have real life and death consequences for millions. The numpties that follow the AVs are also victims, but only in as much as extremists are victims of their groomers - they are still complicit in the death and horror that results.

So yes, actions leading to harm is wrong. That applies to the Antivaxxers too.

FrankH replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago
1 like
Captain Badger wrote:
Rich_cb wrote:

The guy with the megaphone might be obnoxious and he might be expressing some unpopular opinions but that doesn't excuse violence against him. Hearing opinions we disagree with is the price we pay for the freedom to express our own opinions freely.

Much as I usually butt heads with you Rich, in principle on this one you're of course correct . I despise what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.

Here, here (or is it hear, hear?)

Apart from the death bit. I'll limit my support to the comment section of a website. That'll show 'em.  3

eburtthebike replied to FrankH | 3 years ago
1 like

Here, here (or is it hear, hear?)


It's hear, hear.

hawkinspeter replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

The guy with the megaphone might be obnoxious and he might be expressing some unpopular opinions but that doesn't excuse violence against him. Hearing opinions we disagree with is the price we pay for the freedom to express our own opinions freely.


I think it's reasonable for a society to ban anti-public health messages, but that should only be where someone is using their position to push known false statements *cough*Fox News*cough*. However rational people are unlikely to be persuaded by a MAGA rally, so they should be allowed to spout their rubbish without getting attacked.

There is the paradox of tolerance though ( so speech that incites violence or intolerance does sometimes need to be suppressed (I don't think it applies to this case though).

Rich_cb replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I'm pretty conflicted when it comes to freedom of speech.

I find the idea of a society with complete freedom of speech/expression very appealing but simultaneously I worry about the potential harm that could be done by a charismatic speaker with hateful views. Conversely I also worry about the harm that could be done by a government with the ability to punish anyone who didn't agree with their perspective.

hawkinspeter replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

I'm pretty conflicted when it comes to freedom of speech. I find the idea of a society with complete freedom of speech/expression very appealing but simultaneously I worry about the potential harm that could be done by a charismatic speaker with hateful views. Conversely I also worry about the harm that could be done by a government with the ability to punish anyone who didn't agree with their perspective.

Yeah, it's a fine line that needs to be trod between the two.

To my mind, the distinction is whether someone is expressing hate against people because of what they are versus expressing disagreement with what people are saying/doing. History is filled with examples of the former turning into genocide and there's plenty of examples of the latter leading to positive changes. It's the difference e.g. between hating motorists for being motorists or hating bad behaviour by some motorists. Another way of looking at it is whether someone is expressing a more specific complaint or a vague generalisation.

VIPcyclist replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago

"Hearing opinions we disagree with is the price we pay for the freedom to express our own opinions freely."
I remember a bloke were I used to work he came in with a #FREETOMMY sign and sat in the canteen. After I stopped him getting battered he was sacked. I believe the manager agreed he had a right to free speech but suggested that, nevertheless, saying things has consequences.

Rich_cb replied to VIPcyclist | 3 years ago

I certainly admire you for protecting a man who was in danger, especially as you, I presume, in no way share his views.

I find it quite worrying that people so quickly resort to violence when encountering views they object to.

Is believing Tommy Robinson (I'm assuming this was the Tommy referred to) should not be in jail really so offensive? Is holding such a belief really a sackable offence?

Captain Badger replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
1 like
Rich_cb wrote:

I certainly admire you for protecting a man who was in danger, especially as you, I presume, in no way share his views.

I find it quite worrying that people so quickly resort to violence when encountering views they object to.

Is believing Tommy Robinson (I'm assuming this was the Tommy referred to) should not be in jail really so offensive? Is holding such a belief really a sackable offence?

I would imagine it would depend on where you are and who the audience is

hawkinspeter replied to Rich_cb | 3 years ago
Rich_cb wrote:

I certainly admire you for protecting a man who was in danger, especially as you, I presume, in no way share his views. I find it quite worrying that people so quickly resort to violence when encountering views they object to. Is believing Tommy Robinson (I'm assuming this was the Tommy referred to) should not be in jail really so offensive? Is holding such a belief really a sackable offence?

I guess it'd be the link between Tommy, racism and islamophobia. I doubt it's just holding a belief, but making your beliefs known in a threatening fashion wouldn't go down well with HR and most businesses don't want to be associated with extremism. However, I don't know any details of this incident so I'm just guessing.

alexuk | 3 years ago

No excuse for that voilence. The douche on the bike is BANG out of order. Why is everyone so upset over words theses days? when I was in school, we were MADE to chant "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will NEVER hurt me". So much pointless violence would be avoided if people could remember that.

Philh68 replied to alexuk | 3 years ago

The guy in the car DID threaten to kick him in the head though. Cyclist was just getting the window glass out of the way so he could have a fair crack at it, his first attempt with the leg out the window was weak 😉

hmas1974 replied to alexuk | 3 years ago

Pointless comment. Totally irrelevant to this context.

1. Calling you names at school is hardly akin to driving around a city spreading misinformation.

2. Bit hard to chant at someone leaning out of a car with a megaphone.

Captain Badger replied to alexuk | 3 years ago
alexuk wrote:

No excuse for that voilence. The douche on the bike is BANG out of order. Why is everyone so upset over words theses days? when I was in school, we were MADE to chant "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will NEVER hurt me". So much pointless violence would be avoided if people could remember that.

I wonder if anyone has totted up the number of deaths caused by anti-vaxxers so far.... On my to do list


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