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Police install 'give cyclists room' signs...local asks for 'cyclists single file' version; Cycling UK defends West Kernow Way muddy trails; Gino Mäder donates €4,500 to charity; Alex Cow-sett; Cav Netflixbombs Movistar; TOB TTT + more on the live blog

It's Tuesday and another belter on the weather front...join Dan Alexander for the second live blog of the week...
07 September 2021, 15:47
"Applaud the motive, but five minutes to check with a grown up before heading for the photocopier wouldn't hurt": Reaction to Leicestershire Police's signs...and one local's alternative

Mark Sayner led the way with the reaction to the main blog story of the day...putting forward the radical idea of "A better deterrent would be if the police acted on incidents with meaningful prosecutions/fines/licence withdrawals instead of the usual soft-touch improvement courses".

Gareth Roberts changed our headline..."Local asks for 'cyclists make it easier for me to scrape by you' sign."

In the comments under the live blog, Mungecrundle applauded the idea, but couldn't help but think the execution could be improved: "Give cyclists space sign: The car is overtaking on the left. The cyclist should be more central within the area of the sign to indicate that they should be in secondary at least, not in the gutter with the drain covers and broken glass. A 1.5m distance measurement would be a useful addition. Applaud the motive, but 5 minutes to check with a grown up before heading for the photocopier wouldn't hurt."

On a similar note, mdavidford added: "Nice idea on the passing cyclists signs, but the actual design could use some work. Firstly, it says 'Give cyclists plenty of room' and then shows a car giving barely a handlebar's width - about twice that would be nice. Secondly, why is that bike riding itself? Showing it without a rider just helps to depersonalise 'cyclists' - making people focus on the bike, rather that the person riding it."

Anyone else got any more?

07 September 2021, 15:03
British Cycling plots path to Paris following record-breaking Tokyo Games
Bethany Shriever and Kye Whyte at Tokyo 2020 (copyright Alex Broadway,

British Cycling has published its strategy for the 2024 Olympic campaign, building upon the record-breaking success of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. While the results at the elite level are what makes headlines, British Cycling has wider goals, such as growing the organisation's membership to 250,000 and increasing the number of cycling clubs and groups with young people riding in them by 20 per cent.

GB topped the cycling medal table at both the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer, surpassing the total medal count from London 2012 and Rio 2016. The success included ground-breaking success in mountain biking, BMX and BMX freestyle.

"As another incredible summer of cycling draws to a close, today I’m delighted to present a new purpose, strategy and vision for British Cycling, with the ambition of extending our proud history of medal success, renewing our commitment to the grassroots of the sport and making our organisation more relevant, inclusive and familiar to Britain’s communities than ever before," British Cycling CEO Brian Facer said.

07 September 2021, 14:17
Ineos Grenadiers dominate Tour of Britain time trial to put Ethan Hayter into the race leader's jersey

 Ineos Grenadiers were comfortable winners on stage three of the Tour of Britain this afternoon, taking the team time trial by 17 seconds ahead of Deceuninck-Quick-Step and 20 quicker than Jumbo-Visma. Ethan Hayter moves into the race leader's jersey; teammate Rohan Dennis is second, six seconds back. 

Wout van Aert and Julian Alaphilippe are now the closest rivals to the Ineos pair, at 16 and 23 seconds respectively. Stage two hero Robin Carpenter dropped out of the top ten as Rally Cycling finished 11th. 

Tomorrow, the race heads to Great Orme and finishes with a 1.9km at 9.2 per cent summit finish, peaking with one kilometre at 12.5 per cent.

07 September 2021, 13:44
Can we move in too? Jay Vine's wife rustles up full English for Grand Tour debutant

No black pudding? We'll forgive it because of how top-notch the rest of it looks. Now I'm hungry again. Great. 

07 September 2021, 13:22
This is going well...

 We brought you the surreal news this morning that Spurs and Chelsea fans have been urged to cycle to the 'world's first net zero carbon football match', next Sunday's London derby between the two of the Premier League's early pace setters. As you can see above, there have been some inconsistencies on that front...

07 September 2021, 13:08
Netflixbombing Cav swaps teams...Movistar consider Miguel Ángel López's future

Cav in, Miguel Ángel López out? The Spanish team are reportedly considering terminating the Colombian's contract after he stormed out of the Vuelta a España on the penultimate stage after missing a split.

Team boss Eusebio Unzué ripped into his rider in a radio interview yesterday evening, confirming a presenter's question about if López's contract being ripped up is being considered...

"It’s one of the options, that’s clear," Unzué said. "We’ve wanted to put a bit of distance between things, analyse the Vuelta, and in a couple of days take the definitive decision."

07 September 2021, 11:50
South Western Railway improves cycling facilities at six stations
Bournemouth Station (Google maps StreetView)

The Bournemouth Echo reports South Western Railway has announced the completion of improvements to six cycle parking schemes at stations across Dorset. Weymouth, Dorchester South, Wareham, Parkstone, Gillingham and Bournemouth Station have all benefited from the works.

There is now increased parking, as well as upgraded CCTV. Similar works were completed at Sherborne's station last year. 

Cllr Mike Greene, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Sustainability at BCP Council said: "I am delighted that BCP Council has been able to assist South Western Railway in introducing these CCTV-monitored cycle racks in Bournemouth and Parkstone Stations. It is a relatively minor start but helps address a real need.

“Not only does this make it more accessible for those who cycle on their commute, but it is very much in line with the council’s effort to encourage people to choose more sustainable ways to get about ways to get about."

07 September 2021, 11:34
Places we'd rather be...Annemiek van Vleuten pedals past paradise

Add it to your bucket good does that look? 

07 September 2021, 10:44
Police install 'give cyclists room' signs...local asks for 'cyclists single file' version

Thoughts on these new signs Leicestershire Police have been putting up? Can't be a bad thing to keep informing motorists...

Ana Blanquete certainly thought so, she replied: "Love this! Plenty of times shouting 'roads are for vehicles, not just cars' to careless drivers."

Someone who did not, however, was the one local who thought he had a much better idea: a sign reminding cyclists they 'must' ride single file. Among the amusing replies was this one from RC D Mitchum explaining, "Police only deal with crimes mate. Riding abreast is not only legal, it's recommended by police and driving instructors." 

Beyond this part of the discussion, some wondered what difference the signs would make on a road such as the one shown, as drivers would likely squeeze past anyway. Another user set their sights on winning the 'niche alternative sign' award...thankfully not about cyclists...but demanding a "sign for horse riders not to use mobile phones"...

07 September 2021, 10:09
Alex Dowsett goes wildlife watching at the Tour of Britain

We shared the snaps of the highland cows out on the stage two route yesterday...but what about the baa-rmy army getting a little too close to the action?

07 September 2021, 09:09
Cycling UK statement on West Kernow Way

We got in touch with Cycling UK for a bit more reaction to the West Kernow Way kerfuffle...

Hopefully it shouldn't come as a surprise to the UK-based cyclist that if you head off-road pretty much at any time of year potentially there will be mud!

At Cycling UK, we don't want to give people the wrong impression about the adventure routes we're creating - they are tough and challenging but also filled with history and the variety of natural beauty which makes riding through our countryside so attractive. 

This type of cycling isn't for everyone of course, but for those who like that type of riding it's a whole world of fun. Catering for this sort of riding, doesn't just give the leisure off-road rider somewhere to go though, but also has massive tourism benefits for rural communities and is a vital part of our off-road campaigning on improving access in England and Wales.

It's a bit of a leap though to suggest by doing vital work in this area, we're ignoring the wider needs to improve everyday cycling. The recent changes we've helped bring to the Highway Code for cycling, adoption of our calls for increased funding by the Welsh and Scottish governments, ongoing legal battle in Shoreham and more clearly show our commitment in this area.

The great thing about Cycling UK is that we're working to support all types of cycling, cyclists and potential cyclists too - hopefully that's something everyone who enjoys cycling or wants to cycle more can support.

07 September 2021, 08:55
Vuelta white jersey Gino Mäder donates €4,500 to charity

He promised to donate €1 to charity for every rider he beat on stages of the Vuelta a España...who knew Gino Mäder would end up fifth on GC and wearing the white jersey? That made it a hefty €3,159 bill, but Mäder went one step further and added on €10 for each rider he beat on GC too — what a good sport.

Justdiggit, a charity aiming to 'regreen' Africa in the next ten years, is the deserving charity the Swiss rider will help out.

07 September 2021, 07:45
Cycling UK defends West Kernow Way after criticism of overly muddy trails

Cycling UK defended its headline new route, the West Kernow Way, after some on social media objected to the pictures used to promote the ride showing challenging muddy trails. On its website Cycling UK is upfront about the route being a challenge and that "there are a few short sections that were very wet and boggy even in June." Although some have said these were mysteriously missing from the route's glossy promotional video (at the bottom of this post), and the picture above of one such sector, didn't go down too well with some...

To which Cycling UK responded...

However, for every person slamming the state of that trail, there was also someone ready to say you should expect some sticky sections on a 230km off-road route here in the UK. Some also pointed out that Cycling UK had done well to join up existing routes and lost trails into a challenging route, and unlike Sustrans and the Canal & River Trust — it doesn't hold responsibility for creating and maintaining the routes.

What do you reckon? Are a couple of muddy trails a dealbreaker for you? Have you been put off? Or does the challenge make you more likely to take a trip down to the South West?

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Muddy Ford | 3 years ago

The give cyclists room shows a car coming from opposite direction to the bike, or they borrowed a Euro version..

whyme replied to Muddy Ford | 3 years ago

We already have enough problems with cars trying to overtake on the left (or through us), without the recommendation from the powers that be, it would be better if the sign designer actually knew anything about which side of the road we travel on, and how to overtake in the UK

Bungle_52 | 3 years ago

They've had "give cyclists 1.5m" signs round Cheltenham for months now but when I submitted NMOTD 630 no action was taken. No point giving a message if you're not going to enforce it.

wtjs replied to Bungle_52 | 3 years ago

No point giving a message if you're not going to enforce it

Lancashire Constabulary agrees! However, rather than the enforcement bit which goes against LC's Mission Statement 'We Never Do Anything About Any Offence Against Cyclists!' they have gone for removing the 1.5m signs. As soon as you go into Cumbria from Lancashire the 1.5m signs appear, but the Lancashire ones I know about (with the exception of a fallen-down one on Shard Bridge, Over-Wyre that I haven't checked recently) have accordingly been removed by LC or the County Council. Anyone know of any of these Lancashire 1.5m signs?- they must have a rarity value now under the LC 'Pass As Close As You Like' initiative!

Geoff Ingram | 3 years ago
1 like

Eusebio actually seemed very calm and restrained on the Spanish tv interview.

lllnorrislll | 3 years ago

I saw one of those Leicestershire 'give plenty of space signs' and was promptly close passed by a Jaguar driver!!!

Submitting video to near miss of the day!!

lllnorrislll replied to lllnorrislll | 3 years ago

The sign

lllnorrislll replied to lllnorrislll | 3 years ago

The Pass

Bentrider | 3 years ago

If a horse rider is using a mobile phone then there's still one brain watching the road.

mdavidford | 3 years ago
1 like

I hope that's both of their breakfasts, because that green nonsense has no place in a fry.

Rik Mayals unde... replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

And how can you possibly have a full English, and not have black pudding?

Awavey replied to Rik Mayals underpants | 3 years ago

very easily, I dont eat dried blood

mdavidford replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

Boiled, not dried. Mmm - boiled blood... 

For a really good version you'd want some white pudding, or if you can find it, fruit pudding, on there as well.

brooksby replied to Awavey | 3 years ago

Awavey wrote:

very easily, I dont eat dried blood

"I don't drink ... wine."

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 3 years ago
1 like

Vegan, organic wine !

eburtthebike replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

hirsute wrote:

Vegan, organic wine !

Bulls Blood?

AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

Re van Vleuten Paradise. I expect cycling with her would be. 

Anyone know where that is btw? And I still can't get past the first reply telling off AvV for cycling in a dangerous enviroment. I suspect she can handle cycling anywhere with no difficulty and what she does for a living is probaly a lot more dangerous. 

mdavidford replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

Re van Vleuten Paradise. I expect cycling with her would be.

I don't - I imagine trying to hold her wheel would be a nightmare.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

For the five seconds she was in view though.......

But she wasn't going fast in the video. 

Type17 replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
1 like

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

Anyone know where that is btw?

Here's the exact section:

I've been there in Summer (not on a bike, sadly) and it's much better than skiing in Winter (which is also great, I understand).

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Type17 | 3 years ago

Thanks, although wtf happened to the Lake in 2017?

oceandweller replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

AlsoSomniloquism wrote:

Re van Vleuten Paradise [...] I still can't get past the first reply telling off AvV for cycling in a dangerous enviroment

Dangerous? Dangerous? How can it be dangerous, there aren't any cars?

Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

Give cyclists space sign:

The car is overtaking on the left.

The cyclist should be more central within the area of the sign to indicate that they should be in secondary at least, not in the gutter with the drain covers and broken glass.

A 1.5m distance measurement would be a useful addition.

Applaud the motive, but 5 minutes to check with a grown up before heading for the photocopier wouldn't hurt.

brooksby replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

They probably borrowed the graphic from a US website, didn't they...

Sriracha replied to brooksby | 3 years ago
1 like

Maybe the car just has droopy rear light clusters? Or possibly it isn't even overtaking - on a road like the one shown many motorists need to be told not to mow down oncoming cyclists.

mdavidford replied to Sriracha | 3 years ago

Or they're going in opposite directions, and the sign is about not forcing oncoming cyclists into the hedge.

Mungecrundle replied to mdavidford | 3 years ago

One would hope that motorists don't need to be reminded about not driving head on at other road users.

That is a rather more alarming prospect than a negligent close pass, but at least you should be able to see them coming.

DoomeFrog replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago
1 like

Has no one noticed the Boudica style wheel hub sword that car is adourned with. 

hawkinspeter replied to DoomeFrog | 3 years ago

DoomeFrog wrote:

Has no one noticed the Boudica style wheel hub sword that car is adourned with. 

That's why they need to give space

brooksby replied to DoomeFrog | 3 years ago

DoomeFrog wrote:

Has no one noticed the Boudica style wheel hub sword that car is adourned with. 

What a good idea  4


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