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“It makes you feel powerless” – victims in UK's bike theft capital share their frustrations

Cambridge residents are being urged to register their bicycles in a bid to beat the thieves

Bike theft victims in Cambridge, where more bikes are stolen per head of population than any other city in the UK, have been sharing their frustrations with, with one highlighting that repeated break-ins at bike storage facilities where she lives have left people feeling “powerless” and another saying that after their bikes were stolen, neither she nor her partner cycle to the city’s railway stations.

Some 4,000 bicycles are reported stolen in Cambridge in a typical year, with many more thefts going unreported, and local cycle campaign group Camcycle estimates that theft of bicycles – the most reported crime in the city – costs residents more than £1.5 million.

Now, Camcycle is urging cyclists in Cambridge and surrounding areas to log details of their bikes, including the serial number, on BikeRegister to increase the chances of being reunited with them shout they be stolen, in a campaign called Save Our Cycles run in partnership with Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire Constabulary and other local organisations.

The campaign group is using social media to highlight the importance of registering bikes to help police trace the owner should it be recovered, as well as providing tips on correct locking techniques to deter thieves, and is also working with employers, universities, schools and local bike shops to help get the message across.

Camcycle’s Executive Director, Roxanne De Beaux, said of the campaign: “After many frustrating years campaigning for action on cycle theft I can say that I am now seeing the most positive action yet.

“Camcycle is pleased to be collaborating with stakeholders including the police, city and county councillors and officers, Greater Anglia, Cambridge University, Anglia Ruskin University and the business community (via Cambridge Ahead) on a number of initiatives aimed at tackling cycle theft across enforcement, infrastructure and education.

“Now that action is being taken, it is important that each individual also takes steps to “log it and lock it” and keep their cycles safe. We hope to see a massive increase in the number of cycles registered as the public gets on board with the Save our Cycles campaign,” she added.

> Bike theft crisis as police forced to focus on violent crime (+ video)

Inspector Ed McNeill of Cambridgeshire Police commented: “Cambridgeshire Police are working with partners to reduce cycle theft, working on improving infrastructure, increasing opportunities to arrest cycle thieves and those that knowingly sell on stolen goods.

“One of the biggest blockers to the prosecution of offenders is not being able to positively identify a bike as being stolen. We’re grateful for Camcycle’s efforts with the Save our Cycles campaign as we expect that increased registrations of bike frame numbers will allow us to apprehend more offenders.”

Many bike theft victims in the city have expressed frustration and disappointment over their experience with the police after reporting that their bicycle has been stolen.

Here’s the experience of one cyclist responding to a post by editor Jack Sexty on the Stolen Bikes in Cambridge Facebook group, who said she had been left frustrated and disappointed by the reaction of police after her bike was stolen, adding that neither she nor her partner now ride their bikes to the city’s train stations – both known cycle theft hotspots.

I had my bike stolen from Cambridge station about 18 months ago. At the time (33 years old and lived in Cambridge for around 18 months), I had no idea it was common. I called the police in tears not knowing where to turn, they created an incident but said I needed to get the CCTV footage myself.

I went to the train station that said in order to request it I had to submit bank details to verify my identity.

I went through all of that and then went to check with the police multiple times and they closed the case. I have no idea if they got the footage, reviewed the footage, cared.

If they aren’t going to do something about it, I would have rather had that transparently shared with me at the start rather than any kind of false hope.

My partner then had his bike stolen from Cambridge North train station six months later (we parked it there overnight since mine had been stolen from city centre station).

We now refuse to bike to either station either walking or taxi’ing, and I do not swim in the city centre as I don’t want to leave my commuter where it’ll just be immediately pinched even if locked.

A number of people responding to the post also highlighted that secure cycle storage in new developments in the city is often anything but – with such facilities regularly targeted by thieves, in some cases on more than one occasion. Here’s what one resident had to say about the development she lives in:

I live in a modern development that's been broken into repeatedly. There have been two break-ins, two months apart, this year alone. 

Each time, the thieves steal multiple bikes from multiple bike stores. We've had doors broken to gain access, cycle racks dismantled ... yet the police never do more than hand out crime numbers.

When I called them to report the theft of my bike, the call handler said, "They're going to have to do something about that place. It's becoming a regular thing." So they are aware of the issue, they just seem reluctant to do anything about it. 

As a result of the thefts we started a residents' WhatsApp group, which has helped with solidarity and logging crime (we have a spreadsheet for neighbourhood incidents). We've also managed to thwart multiple attempts to tape over the electromagnets on the communal garage door to prevent it from closing, but unfortunately the thefts continue. 

It makes you feel powerless, just waiting for the next time, and it's very VERY frustrating ... not to mention expensive. 

There seems to be a lack of interest in joining the dots between these thefts, county lines drug trafficking and cuts to social services. But until they do, Cambridge is likely to continue to be the bike theft capital of the UK.

PS By miracle, I got my bike back when the new "owner" took it to my regular bike shop and the staff recognised it ... but it was no thanks to the police. 

One bike theft victim told us he had experience of “lack of police help” after his “very expensive” bike was stolen from a bike shed at the large Tesco supermarket on Newmarket Road at 8pm one evening, with the thieves presumably using an angle grinder to cut his lock; another highlighted photos “showing a couple of bike thieves openly carrying a set of boltcutters while they scope out the bike racks outside Tesco, adding, “nothing was done.”

Yet another victim of the thieves said that her electric bike had been stolen recently from a secure parking unit. Sharing a photo, she said, “This morning we saw this bike shed was cut open [in the] next building from us. We don’t know how many bikes were stolen, but we spoke to one of the residents, his bike was stolen.”

> Spate of cycle thefts after bike sheds discovered to have unique safety flaw

Omar Terywall, who set up the Stolen Bikes in Cambridge Facebook Group, has given his backing to Camcycle’s Save Our Bikes campaign.

“I’m pleased to say that we have managed to retrieve a large number of bikes since setting up the Facebook page,” he said. 

“However, there would be more success stories if people were just aware of their serial/frame numbers – and had them registered on Bike Register.

“We have had an overwhelming number of instances where we, or the victims, have identified stolen bikes by distinctive markings or features – but have failed to recover them because we didn’t have sufficient evidence for the police to act.

“In each case, sellers claim they have purchased the bikes innocently after checking Bike Register. Despite the victims being able to point out all distinctive features, the sellers have refused to hand the bike back because the owner didn’t have it registered and/or couldn’t provide hard evidence ie confirm the serial/frame number.

“There is no lock that a determined bike thief can’t break,” he added. “Registering their bike’s frame/serial number on is, in my opinion, the most important thing that any bike owner could do.”

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Chris Hayes | 3 years ago

I had a mate who was knocked off his bike on Silver St outside The Anchor.  He was carted off to Addenbrokes and his bike was left parked by the bridge.  Amazed it was still there when he went to retrieved it later, he rode home, put it in the shed and went to bed.  Imagine his surprise when it had been nicked from the shed the next morning! 

My daughter also studied there had three bikes nicked - usually parked outside bars and nightclubs.  I walked.  

Mungecrundle replied to Chris Hayes | 3 years ago
Chris Hayes wrote:

My daughter also studied there had three bikes nicked - usually parked outside bars and nightclubs.  I walked.  

You walked? Most people in Cambridge just nick the closest bicycle to get home after an evening of refreshments.

Chris Hayes replied to Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

Student-on-student crime? Is that a mirco-aggression?

mdavidford | 3 years ago


have been sharing their frustrations with

Is that a lengthy list?

brooksby | 3 years ago

We complain about police forces not taking "near misses" seriously, but the way that they seem to approach bike theft makes their approach to bike-related traffic stuff look like they're Mega City judges...

Dave Dave replied to brooksby | 3 years ago

Some scrote parked a nicked motorbike round the back of my place the other day. I assume leaving it there for a while to check it didn't have a tracker. I reported to police when I saw it early morning, but they didn't bother to reply until after it was gone again sometime after midnight. Yes, it was nicked, they confirmed that bit - but not in time for me to chain it up until they got there.

Not sure what a new KTM costs, but I'm sure it's more than most bicycles. 

lesterama replied to Lance ꜱtrongarm | 3 years ago

I loved cycling in Cambridge.

My solution was to have a bike and just cycle everywhere, while trying not to be elitist about the colleges. I used to shake my head at why fewer people cycled in other cities to be honest - it was a pretty friendly place to ride a bike.

Rendel Harris replied to lesterama | 3 years ago

lesterama wrote:

I loved cycling in Cambridge.

My solution was to have a bike and just cycle everywhere, while trying not to be elitist about the colleges. I used to shake my head at why fewer people cycled in other cities to be honest - it was a pretty friendly place to ride a bike.

I agree, no idea from what experience NG derives his assertion that it's an unfriendly place to cycle, thirty years ago it was fine and I assume it's improved since.

Captain Badger replied to Lance ꜱtrongarm | 3 years ago

Nigel Garrage wrote:

As has always been - I was a student at Cambridge and people always used to get their bikes nicked, it didn't even matter what the state of your bike was, it would be virtually guaranteed to go walkies.

My solution was to not have a bike and just walk everywhere, but some of the weaker colleges are quite a long way from the city, so it wouldn't be a solution for everyone. I used to shake my head at why so many would cycle there to be honest - it was a pretty unfriendly place to ride a bike (or drive any vehicle for that matter) in the first place.

Having a standardised bike registration scheme at point of sale and frame numbering system would go some way to resolve this, but I think certain issues would remain.

I can certainly understand taking that pragmatic decision. Mrs Badger was at Cambridge and she relied on her bike to get around. Would she have been able to cope without? well yes, adapt and survive, however I personally think it's sad that you had to make a decision like that not based on your own circumstance, but in response to the criminal behaviour of others. In other words it seems that your decisions and behaviour was directly adversely affected by criminals. 

And this is the issue with a crime that the rozzers (and their political masters) see as "low level". It really isn't about a £50 BSO. It is about freedom of the vulnerable being openly curtailed by criminals whilst the authorities stand by.

Add the wider policy necessity of reducing fossil transport, and we find that theft and security is a massive impediment to increasing other modes of transport - for many bikes are the most realistic method of travelling over about 1/2 a mile or so, but only if you know that it's still going to be there when your errand is run.

A standardised registration scheme as you say only solves part of the issue. The other part of this is a joined-up approach between public agencies. Unfortunately, this requires political impetus to make things better for all citizens of this country, something sadly lacking currently on all fronts


nikkispoke replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

Upon recovery of my bicycle that had been stolen the frame number had been filed down making it unreadable even as a part number which I was told is very common. To show ownership you need to have some other identifiable feature a common one I was informed is to mark the inside of the seat post  and any photograghs showing other features that may identify your bicycle such as a scratch or spot of paint.  

Captain Badger replied to nikkispoke | 3 years ago

nikkispoke wrote:

Upon recovery of my bicycle that had been stolen the frame number had been filed down making it unreadable even as a part number which I was told is very common. To show ownership you need to have some other identifiable feature a common one I was informed is to mark the inside of the seat post  and any photograghs showing other features that may identify your bicycle such as a scratch or spot of paint.  

That's a great pooint. I believe in France(?) defacing teh reg is an offence in itself - and rightly so, however proving it would be difficult.

Thanks for the tip too. I'm on the registration scheme with my current bikes, but am about to get a new one delivered in the next couple of weeks. Will be all over it like a rash with a camera and will be looking for welding irregularities in particular, not to complain, but to use as identifiers!

Rendel Harris replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

Captain Badger wrote:

Thanks for the tip too. I'm on the registration scheme with my current bikes, but am about to get a new one delivered in the next couple of weeks. Will be all over it like a rash with a camera and will be looking for welding irregularities in particular, not to complain, but to use as identifiers!

Smartwater might be the way to go, impossible to remove and lasts for years. I've been told by a police officer that (anecdotally, obviously) when a multi-bike theft has been committed at a bike parking facility they often find the ones with Smartwater stickers have been left behind.

Hirsute replied to Lance ꜱtrongarm | 3 years ago
1 like

Anglia Ruskin then.

Rendel Harris replied to Lance ꜱtrongarm | 3 years ago
1 like

Nigel Garrage wrote:

...some of the weaker colleges are quite a long way from the city...

Nobody who actually went to Cambridge would refer to the outlying colleges as "weaker"; I've never heard anyone, student, graduate or don, do that. Just thought you'd like to know for next time you play troll makebelieve.

Sriracha | 3 years ago

Bought a Boardman HYB 8.9E. It does not even appear to have a frame number. There was QR code sticker, which came unstuck, on the bottom bracket. If it's nicked there is no frame number to report.

And even if the bike was to be recovered after being sold by a thief, that just transfers the victimhood on to the hapless buyer, who won't be getting their money back. And it does nothing to deter the thief.

I presume there is very little deterence. Clearly they are not worried about being at large tooled up for theft, as I guess the punishment is a slap on the wrist. Members of the public are unlikely to tackle them in the act. And even if the police nick them in flagrante delicto, what actually happens? Community service? Meanwhile, there's bikes out there that need stealing.

Secret_squirrel replied to Sriracha | 3 years ago

Nationa Rail have got a major case to answer here too.  It's fairly obvious that they don't give a sh*t about their customers bikes with quite often wilful arrangement of cycling facilities that increases the chance of successful thefts.  
Case in point - the cctv camera at Reading station has never been pointed at the bike racks - even though it's in a 360 degree dome.  Had this confirmed to me by a BTP officer after mine was stolen. 

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