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“If you voted for Brexit, please realise this is 90% because of your decision”: UK cycle distributor FLi ceases trading

“I’m done with the red tape and the barriers to trade,” FLi Distribution’s director Colin Williams said

Brexit’s impact on the UK’s cycling industry is once again under the spotlight after FLi Distribution’s director blamed the “red tape and barriers to trade” currently affecting businesses as the Huddersfield-based distributor ceased trading with immediate effect.

FLi – which began life in 2008 as FLi Race Team Management, before transitioning to distribution – was known for supplying KTM bikes to the UK for over a decade, a relationship which ended in April this year.

The distributor notified dealers and suppliers of its decision to cease trading earlier this month, with director Colin Williams citing the impact of Brexit, the complexities and restrictions surrounding UK and EU trading, and the difficulties facing the bike industry in the post-Covid lockdown period as the main reasons behind FLi’s demise.

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Confirming the news, Williams posted on LinkedIn: “That’s it, FLi is done. Thank you to everyone who’s supported FLi over the past 15-plus years… it would not have been possible without all of you who’ve helped out in thousands of ways, making 99 percent of my time running FLi so much fun. So if you’ve helped in any way, thank you, it’s been a great ride.

“But if you voted for Brexit, please realise this is 90 percent because of your decision back in 2016. I have no idea what will be next, but as the people close to me know, whatever it is, it’ll be better than the last 18 months.

“I’m done fighting, I’m done with the red tape and the barriers to trade. It hadn’t been fun for some time, so the time was right to end it now, life is too short. The relief now the decision is made is amazing, but I am so sorry for any negative impacts it will have on anyone and I’m doing my best to resolve any and all of them where I can.”

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Earlier this year, Williams told the Podcast that the bottom line of companies in the UK bike industry is being squeezed like never before, thanks to the supply chain and manufacturing disruption brought on by the pandemic, as well as the impact of Brexit on trade.

He explained that because many brands service the European market through distribution operations within the EU, this means that typically products will arrive in the UK from the bloc – adding on not just administrative burdens but also costs for distributors and retailers here.

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Those additional costs have had a crippling effect on the UK’s cycling distributors, with FLi the latest in a growing line of distribution companies to cease trading this year alone.

In May, Livingston-based distributor 2pure entered administration, just months after the company announced that it was restructuring to focus solely on the cycling industry, following what it described as a “highly volatile” 2022 caused by macro-economic events in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

And in March, Moore Large, the leading UK distributor for well-known brands such as Tern Bicycles, Lake, Forme, ETC, Emmelle, and MeThree, entered liquidation, leading to its £35 million product inventory being auctioned off.

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Formed from the bike shop opened by John Moore in 1947, the Derby-based distributor was founded 30 years later and owned by the Moore family up until last year when, following growth since the pandemic, the board’s directors bought ownership from the family.

Dale Vanderplank, Adam Garner, Adam Biggs, and Andrew Walker acquired the business on 19 April 2022, with retiring chairman Nigel Moore at the time saying that the “last few years have been particularly successful and it is now the right time for me to hand over the company to the existing management team”.

However, four months ago the company confirmed its closure, adding to an increasingly bleak time for a UK cycle industry beset by inflation, changing consumer habits, overstock, and a challenging economic climate.

Ryan joined in December 2021 and since then has kept the site’s readers and listeners informed and enthralled (well at least occasionally) on news, the live blog, and the Podcast. After boarding a wrong bus at the world championships and ruining a good pair of jeans at the cyclocross, he now serves as’s senior news writer. Before his foray into cycling journalism, he wallowed in the equally pitiless world of academia, where he wrote a book about Victorian politics and droned on about cycling and bikes to classes of bored students (while taking every chance he could get to talk about cycling in print or on the radio). He can be found riding his bike very slowly around the narrow, scenic country lanes of Co. Down.

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Legin replied to mattsccm | 11 months ago

mattsccm wrote:

Well done Legin. Possibly literacy standards should be looked at as well nationally. Lovely considerate annd socially minded reply. Reminds me of the selfish littel 10 year old who had a melt down today because his foot ball team lost. Despite being over manned with the supposed "stars" . 

Realistically I doubt this will be any great loss. No idea when I last saw a KTM bike if ever. We have plenty of choice anyway. 

Your standard of written English is appalling. Apart from that fact what is written is utter garbage. Brexit has irreparably damaged the economy of this country and still some of the people who voted for it attempt to defend it.

Now toddle off and wave your flag!

essexian replied to Legin | 11 months ago

Legin wrote:

Now toddle off and wave your flag!

Made in China no doubt.  Wrapping yourself in the flag, like both the Tory and slightly less Tories are doing at the moment is pathetic.

Time to apply to rejoin the EU, bring back freedom of movement, join the Euro and take back control of our country from rightwing morons. 


David9694 replied to essexian | 11 months ago

essexian wrote:

Legin wrote:

Now toddle off and wave your flag!

Made in China no doubt.  Wrapping yourself in the flag, like both the Tory and slightly less Tories are doing at the moment is pathetic.

Time to apply to rejoin the EU, bring back freedom of movement, join the Euro and take back control of our country from rightwing morons. 


amen to all that. If the EU will have us of course. A tiny, insignificant island badly in need of friends. 

By the way, a Tory vote is one in favour of your life being shorter and probably more painful.  

It astounds me that people believed (and a few continue to believe) actors who simply do not have their best interests at heart. 


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