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Pinarello to release disc-equipped Dogma?

Disc brakes continue to sweep through the industry, Pinarello the next company to jump onboard

We've been saying for a while that disc brakes could be the next big thing in road bicycle development, and certainly much of the industry thinks so. The latest to confirm their intentions appears to be Pinarello, judging by this photo leaked on the facebook page of US online cycle store Competitive Cyclist of a disc-equipped Dogma.

We have no details about it, but it's clearly a regular Dogma adapted to take SRAM's new Red 22 hydraulic disc brakes. The wheels are Vision carbon deep-sections. The discs look like a 140mm rotor front and rear; we've heard aIl sorts of opinions on how big road discs need to be but Pinarello clearly believe that small is beautiful.

If the rumours we've heard are correct, Pinarello will be launching something in June, could it be this bike? We'll have to wait and find out. Will this be the bike that Team Sky are riding in the future? Well, that's less likely. The UCI aren't exactly falling over themselves to sanction disc brakes in road racing, and the rumours we've heard are that Sky will be riding a different brand of bike for next season.

We've already seen disc-equipped road bikes from that other big Italian manufacturer Colnago, and SRAM have released a new groupset with hydraulic disc brakes, and we suspect Shimano are close behind in offering something similar.

David worked on the tech team from 2012-2020. Previously he was editor of and before that staff writer at RCUK. He's a seasoned cyclist of all disciplines, from road to mountain biking, touring to cyclo-cross, he only wishes he had time to ride them all. He's mildly competitive, though he'll never admit it, and is a frequent road racer but is too lazy to do really well. He currently resides in the Cotswolds, and you can now find him over on his own YouTube channel David Arthur - Just Ride Bikes

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Super Domestique | 11 years ago

Hope they announce this soon. Last year they did the extension in June.

Super Domestique | 11 years ago

Sky Trek just sounds wrong, we all know it's Star Trek  3

danstuff | 11 years ago

It's hardly a 'leak' - that bike was on display at the Gran Fondo Nove Colli on the Pinarello stand. There was another one on the SRAM stand. From the look of them both, I'd say it's ready for production and wouldn't be surprised to see them on sale soon.

RobD replied to Nzlucas | 11 years ago

Ah thanks, I should have guessed it'd be out there somewhere.
I suppose once the UCI give in to discs this kind of development will take off much faster.
I'm hoping once it does they'll start to make them look a bit prettier too, great that sram have got onboard quickly, but they really do look awkward.

RobD | 11 years ago

A small thought, but does anyone know of reasons why ceramic type brakes as used on high end sports cars (usually for a hefty price increase) aren't used on bikes? Is it a cost thing or a practicality issue? I don't know if they're too expensive or fragile, but with lots of the concerns being raised about weight and overheating on long descents they seem like a possible area of research?

andyspaceman replied to RobD | 11 years ago
RobD wrote:

A small thought, but does anyone know of reasons why ceramic type brakes as used on high end sports cars (usually for a hefty price increase) aren't used on bikes? Is it a cost thing or a practicality issue? I don't know if they're too expensive or fragile, but with lots of the concerns being raised about weight and overheating on long descents they seem like a possible area of research?

My understanding is that those ceramic brakes are desigend to operate most effectively at high temperatures, and on a racing circuit in a sports car it's easy to reach those temperatures and maintain them.

On a bike I would suspect that we don't have the mass to get the temperatures that high under 'normal' riding conditions, and even if we could on a very technical descent, they'd cool down again during long periods of climbing or any other riding that doesn't require braking.

andyspaceman | 11 years ago

Descending any hill or mountain that requires braking to corner is simply faster with disks. They make sense for most bikes, especially best/race bikes from that angle.

Weight and aero comparison is less clear cut. The recent wind tunnel tests done by Culprit showed them to produce more drag than an aero rim brake, but no data on a 'standard' rim caliper.

Aesthetics are obviously down to personal choice.

There's nothing wrong with my caliper brakes, they've safely seen me through many thousands of miles, including a crossing of the Alps.

But once hydraulic disks go mainsteam and my wallet can justify it, my next bike will be disk-braked.

gw | 11 years ago

disks do seem to make a lot of sense for year round all weather bikes, or high milers. My rims are pretty worse for wear after the amount of grit thrown around the 6 month winter we just had, topped off with enogh rain to make a lovely slushy grinding paste.

BUT, for sunday best/race bikes it just doesn't seem right. Saying that, I dont think the Pina looks too bad, it is just those hoods that spoil it.

therevokid | 11 years ago

those hoods ..... Cav wouldn't need a lead out train
sitting behind a pair of them ... YUK

cydonian74 | 11 years ago

Rumours all around ref Sky's next choice of bikes but there is a strong suggestion that Trek want to be involved. I think that with BC's/Team Sky's obvious 'links' that whoever it is would almost certainly need to, not only build Road and TT frames, but also a Track line too?

lookmanohands | 11 years ago

 31 #uglysramhoods

Super Domestique | 11 years ago

Those hoods are pretty bad and even with the small discs it's not as sleek as a road bike with rim brakes

I am fully aware of the benefits of discs just can't get passed the look at the moment. A road bike should be a work of art.

Any ideas on who supply Sky then?

GrimpeurChris | 11 years ago

Can't help thinking that this is just a gimmic to get more money out of the MAMILs ... and agreed Sadly Biggins, captial U for Ugly hoods!

Sadly Biggins | 11 years ago

I still can't get used to the look of those hoods

mattheww385 | 11 years ago

I'd like to see Sky on something at least nominally British.

arrieredupeleton replied to mattheww385 | 11 years ago
mattheww385 wrote:

I'd like to see Sky on something at least nominally British.

Planet X? (at least the stickers are applied in England) or Enigma. Ti with Rapha gear must be a marketing execs dream?

I just hope they don't go with Trek. There's already too many comparisons with you know who and USP.

antozzi48 replied to arrieredupeleton | 11 years ago

Planet X!?! The Sky boys would go through a frame every stage!!

Super Domestique | 11 years ago

Sky only extened Pinarello contract for a year (this year) so it looks like they will be aboard something different next season.

The rumour last time was Spesh but with Cav gone that makes less sense.
Although they(spesh) did supply the tour of Britain neutral service bikes iirc.

I'm more of a Pina fan than Sky fan tbh but would like to see them stay together actually.

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