Anodising. If anyone was in any doubt that it was back, then one lap of the Taiwanese stalls at Eurobike would be enough to convince you otherwise. You simply can't move for brightly coloured aluminium, the chief offending sector being the burgeoning fixed market (natch), closely followed by, well, everything else. That's not the only way to colour your bike however, as these lovely* pastel seatposts can attest.

*warning: may not actually be lovely

There's definitely a retro feel throughout the show, and the Taiwanese stands are no exception. Take for example Dia Compe, who were proudly showing off a brand new set of something that looks a lot like what we used to fondly refer to as 'suicide levers' when they were attached to your standard hoods. These are a backwards standalone version though and they're certainly an alternative to your Tektro 'cross levers for your BoHo one geared contraption.

While you're doing up your bike perhaps you'd like to fit what's surely the world's smallest luggage rack, also courtesy of Dia Compe. Just big enough for a lunchbox of cucumber sandwiches. and an iPhone. Actually it was fitted to a rather lovely touring frame that was kitted out with a mixture of new retro and actual old kit. With a nice c1990 Dura Ace derailleur.

To top off your look you'll need a cycling helmet cunningly disguised as a tweed cap. There's a real helmet underneath, albeit a fairly thin one with minimal ventilation. Still, it's not far to the graphic design studio, is it?

Chainsets are big news, with plenty of the Taiwanese firms trying their hand. Driveline had a massive range, everything from single ring messenger units (anodised, of course)... full on Carbon road units...

and everything in between.

Oddball of the show was this chainset for belt drive by SMT. quite why it needs to be about 80 teeth around, and quite why it needs individual guides bolted on all the way round, is anyone's guess. The shot-peened gold finish was nice though.

SMT also had plenty of single chainring units on show, including this extraordinary affair in shocking pink and forest green. I can't think of a single bike in all of the world it wouldn't clash with, but maybe I'm not trying hard enough.

Retro guards are all the rage too. we found these lovely looking copper finished and wood 20" guards hard to resist. There's also a 700c bamboo version, and a Titanium one to boot.

Being seen at night is taken care of courtesy of with this natty seatpack which has an electroluminescent strip inside, and batteries tucked away at the top of the bag. You can have whatever design you like on the strip, here's one they've knocked up for Marvel comics. Or not.

If you don't want to fit lights to your bike (spoils the lines, baby) but you do want to wear your trucker cap down the bar, then here's a handy light that clips on to your peak to guide you home when the Mojitos run dry.

Alternatively you could scare the local grannies with one of these glowing-eye skulls, in a variety of garish colours.

My favourite light of all though was the squeaky crocodile. It lights. It squeaks. It's rubbery. It's got a universal Knog-alike mount. It's all good!

If you don't want a squeaky horn you could go for a bell instead. Our favourites are Hello Kitty in the bath...

...and the retirement clock
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Think the pink one had red eyes...
The skullz are well cool are they going to do some with red eyes as rear lights even cooler.
You've got to haggle! Ten for that? you must be joking! etc and so on
are people really sticking 'goards' on bikes these days..jeeeez!
Ah that cap with the helmet integrated will help solve the 'chavs riding with no helmet' issues...where is the burberry style one?
On a serious note, I think those mud goards are stunning...Id love to see a shot of the bamboo one if you have it available.