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Scottish Transport Minister urges fellow Scots to leave the car at home in 2012

Scots encouraged to cycle, walk and use public transport - but opposition say he should set example himself

Scotland’s Transport Minister, Keith Brown, is urging his fellow Scots to leave the car at home and embrace alternatives such as cycling, walking and public transport in the New Year.

The SNP politician, who represents Clackmannanshire and Dunblane, made the call in his New Year Message, published on the Scottish Government website.

However, Mr Brown has been accused of “breathtaking hypocrisy” by Labour’s transport spokeswoman Elaine Murray.

She says that Scotland’s active travel budget had been cut from £25.1 million in 2011/12 to £13.9 million in 2014/15, reports the Evening Times.

Mr Brown opened his message by saying, “Many of us rely on our cars to get about. Personally, my car acts as a mobile office, allowing me to catch up on work in between engagements in a way I wouldn't be able to using other means of transport.

"However, I know that there are journeys I make where I could leave the car at home and often I feel the benefit of doing so.

"We have some of the most stunning scenery in the world right on our doorstep and you really see the best of it if you take a train journey or get out on your bike. Even in our cities, you are never far from some countryside or the sea and you just don't see the best of it sitting in your car.

After outlining public transport options such as train, bus and coach services as well as ferries linking island communities with the mainland, Mr Brown turned his attention to outlining ways in which he claims the Scottish Government is encouraging people to take to bicycles to get around.

"Cycling in Scotland is more accessible than ever and a great way to get some exercise without having to fit a gym session into your day.

“We are investing in infrastructure such as cycle paths and cycle lanes, as well as campaigns aimed at raising driver awareness of cyclists, all of which is making cycling safer.

“We are also trying to encourage children to get involved in cycling from an early age with our cycle training in primary schools programme.

"I took part in Pedal for Scotland back in September and was impressed that 14,000 people turned out for this great even, a sign that cycling is growing in popularity.

"Finally,” concluded the minister, “the most sustainable mode of transport of all is your feet! Short journeys can often be made on foot and walking is a great way to stay active, clear your head and reduce your carbon footprint all at once.

"We are fortunate in Scotland to have a range of transport options available to us and I would encourage people to explore more of these in 2012."

However, Ms Murray said that Mr Brown should himself seek to set an example to others.

“If we are serious about cutting our carbon emissions and making 10% of trips by 2020 by bike, we must make walking and cycling become a more convenient, attractive and realistic choice for short journeys,” she maintained.

“Keith Brown should make 2012 the year he starts practising what he preaches and he gets out his petrol-guzzling ministerial limo and on his bike."

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bikecellar | 13 years ago

Re commuting by bus, for 47yrs I have either commuted by bike or lived at my workplace, apart from 6mths using motorcycle (very cold)and 6mths by car (boring). The bus was never an option, always slower than the bike and of course cost more than the bike. I was lucky enough to never live too far from my place of work. Now that I am retired and have a bus pass I am never off the buses, but still put in a lot more miles on the bike :D.
Re Cycle to work scheme, I used to sell bikes, customers would often try to get bikes for the children with vouchers, some times it was just too obvious to let through, on one occasion a lady was very annoyed at my refusal to supply 2 x bmx's, after some discussion we settled on a bike her husband "could also ride". The worst case was a guy who wanted sat nav for his motor so that he could avoid all those speed traps  13

thefatcyclist | 13 years ago

I work for a health board that is supposed to promote public transport, but Websense blocks access to Bus and Train timetables on the internet at work

The cycle to work scheme was oversubscribed in our organisation within 2 hours of being opened in November, I wonder how soon it would have been up to capacity if launched in January. merry Christmas to all those kids that got bikes subsidised by this scheme. Funny how the number of bikes chained up has not increased.
Bitter... you bet.

The whole thing is a joke, spin and rhetoric

Gkam84 | 13 years ago

As much as its a great idea on paper, I already cycle and use the bus, BUT i would much prefer to use a car/motorbike instead of the bus as its SO expensive and takes to long, 2 hours to travel 40 miles and charged £16 for it.

They did put up all these posters offering cyclists free bike bags to put your bike on the bus, i thought, yes, i'll have one of them, got in touch with one of the local drivers as it said to do, he happens to be a friend, but he informed me that the package which was supposed to come out to my village with all the bags was opened in the big depot in Aberdeen and all the drivers there took them, i later saw lots of them on Ebay, nice work  14

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