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108 T-shirt lets you pay tribute to Wouter Weylandt while helping his family

SImple yet powerful design incorporates Leopard Trek logo

Following Monday’s tragic death of Wouter Weylandt at the Giro d’Italia, the number 108 which he wore during the race is destined to assume a special significance in the cycling world. Now, a T-shirt is available bearing those three digits that will allow you to pay tribute to the 26-year-old Belgian, while benefiting the fund that his team, Leopard Trek, have set up to provide support for his family including his girlfriend and the unborn child he will never know.

During Tuesday’s neutralised Stage 4, fans lining the roadside held up banners paying tribute to the rider, many simply bearing his race number 108 and the words “sempre con noi” – “always with us.” Organisers of the race have confirmed that they have permanently withdrawn the number from all future editions of the Giro as a mark of respect.

Produced by American cycling-themed T-shirt firm Stomach of Anger, the design is simple yet powerful, with the ‘zero’ based on the logo appearing on Leopard Trek’s own jersey.

It costs $20 plus postage, with between $12 and $15 going to the fund set up by the team via Facebook, the final amount depending on the number of orders received.

Stomach of Anger say that in order to raise as much money as possible for Weylandt’s family, the T-shirt will be on sale until after the Giro ends on Sunday 29 May. After that, one run of the T-shirts will be made, with the garments shipped out immediately.

Postage is $5.85 to the US, $12.85 to Canada and $14.85 to the Rest of the World via USPS Priority Mail. Expected delivery dates are the second week of June for US orders and between two and four weeks for international orders.

The T-shirt can be ordered here, where there is also a link to enquire about making large orders, or if you have any further questions.

Of course, if you would prefer to make a donation without ordering a T-shirt, you can do so directly on the Facebook page set up by Leopard Trek here.



Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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dullard | 13 years ago

Thanks Simon. Note to self to read articles properly in future also... And before you ask, no, I don't read instructions before trying to build flat pack stuff which means my flat pack construction is somewhere between shite and very shite indeed.

dullard | 13 years ago

Thanks Dave. Note to self to read the instructions and notices properly in future...

dullard | 13 years ago

Not being churlish as it's an excellent cause, but has anyone received the 1o8 shirt yet? My order went in over 2 weeks back and I can't raise SofA for an update.

dave atkinson replied to dullard | 13 years ago
dullard wrote:

Not being churlish as it's an excellent cause, but has anyone received the 1o8 shirt yet? My order went in over 2 weeks back and I can't raise SofA for an update.

I get the feeling they've been rather overwhelmed by the response, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were having to work out a different fulfilment route than the usual.

But, this is what the website says:


In order to maximize the amount of money we can collect together for Wouter’s family, this benefit tee will remain on sale through the end of the 2011 Giro on Sunday, May 29th.

When all orders are finalized on 5/29, we will produce one run of the tees to fulfill those orders and then ship them immediately after. Expected arrival date for your order will be the 2nd week of June for US & Canadian addresses, and could take 2-4 weeks to other international locations.

So they haven't even started making them yet. They're doing one big run to maximise the amount of money they can donate.

Simon_MacMichael replied to dave atkinson | 13 years ago
dave_atkinson wrote:

But, this is what the website says...

It says that in the article above, too  3

Supergoose | 13 years ago

I ordered one too. I would urge folk that can, to order one as well, with the proceeds going to his unborn child you cannot donate to a worthier cause. Dreadfully sad circumstance in which he passed. r.i.p.

xcstu | 13 years ago

Ordered one too... Hope it goes to help..

niceguysean | 13 years ago

Just ordered. For European readers, mine came to €21.
Posted link to FB and Twitter to help raise awareness.

Trev Allen | 13 years ago

ordered. came to about £18.75 I think.

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