Well we had a tremendous response to this rather special schwag grab, not surprisingly, and we now know where you all live (well, 1,100 of you anyway) which will help us in the long run to make the site more useful for everyone. More on that later. There can only be one winner though, so it was off to www.random.org to pick a winner. And that winner is...
... pregnant pause ...
mers hanson!
Yup, South-East-based mers is our lucky winner! he/she hasn't been on the site long, but long enough to share this gem with the readership, for which we're very grateful.
Sorry to everyone that missed out this time around but at least you can take solace in the fact that you've helped to make the site a bit better. There'll be another schwag grab along in a minute to help ease the pain...
Thanks to the guys at Charge Bikes for the prize!
A shiny bike! A shiny bike to give away, to one of you, for free! Thanks to the inestimably generous Charge Bikes one lucky road.cc user will be walking away with a Charge Plug Grinder in not much more than a week's time.
Not familiar with the Plug Grinder? Well, it's a singlespeed, fashioned from Tange heat treated tubing and painted in a city-friendly olive green. The fork is Tange steel too, and most of the finishing kit is Charge's own brand gear, including the wheels and the excellent Spoon saddle. You get a Sugino-Messenger-powered drivetrain (42x16) and full colour co-ordinated metal mudguards which makes it a superb all-weather commuting and round town bike.
We think it's a cracking looking bike, and we're not alone. Of all the bikes that have come and gone from road.cc towers, not many have been as much admired as the Grinder. It really is pretty. And it can be yours.
"What do I have to do to win such a great prize", I hear you cry? Well there's the thing. It's not about commenting this time. Let me write that in big:
It's not about commenting this time.
Here at road.cc we're dedicated to UK cycling and we're always looking to improve our site. One of the things we want to be able to do is show you regional content, be it events or news or whatever. Some of our content is already tagged regionally, but we want to do more with it further down the line, and to do that we need to know where you, dear reader, are.
To that end, there's a new bit in your profile to fill in, and this is what you do:
1) Log in and click your name top left, where it says 'Hi [your name], welcome back'
2) Hit the edit tab and then click on Location
3) Choose a region from the drop-down menu and click on Save
4) That's it! If you're regional, you're in the hat.
If you don't have a user account, now's a good time to be creating one, eh?
This compo will run from now until Thursday 21 October at tiffin o'clock. Usual Schwag grab rules apply, and you might want to look particularly closely at the one concerning overseas postage for this grab.
If you think you could be in two regions, just pick the one you'd most like to be in. Cheers!
If you want to talk about the compo or ask us anything about it or to do with our perverse and arbitrary division of the country… such as where is "Central South?" (it's that bit that's north of the South, but south of the Midlands… sort of nowhere, Milton Keynes and similar latitudes to be exact), then feel free to comment below. But remember: comments aren't entries on this one!
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I'm in! I really need a bike for uni.
beautiful machine...........please
Done the deed, lets hope I am lucky enough to win such a pretty bike, so well put together.
Regional news/info would be great.
im in
and keeping everything crossed , if i dont win then this competition is "fixed"....get it ?
Thanks to the guys that run this site for quickly fixing the wee 'location in Scotland' issue. I've changed to Glasgow & The West. I feel right at home now
All done - ta!
count me in!
I'm Done, great colour btw
charge me officer
Alright then
I'm in even with the hills! (no, I am not that 'Mike Cooper!)
i am now offically "repping my ends"... which i believe is the current street vernacular...
Have room, yes please!
Um, yeah alright, go on then.
count me in please.
Love the colour.
Mine too!
I'd absolutely love to win this bike, been saving up for a new one for time. So 'me' to win please.
I'd absolutely love to win this bike, been saving up for a new one for time. So 'me' to win please.
Ah, it's perfect for daily commute! Please please PLEASE!
prrffect partner!
"Europe" ???? That's as close as I can get!
Greetings from the continent.
Done the location charge
Boom! As I'm in Bath the singlespeed/hill combo is the perfect way to get MASSIVE legs! Only then might I be able to compete with my housemates: T-dawg. Aiiiii!
Yes please.
single speed & green,wots not to like!!
Shiny, shiny.....please send some shiny stuff to the West Midlands, please please.
Location edited..... happy days !