Dyfed-Powys Police are looking into nail traps left on a path in the Upper Forest near Lampeter in Ceredigion. The flat planks of wood feature a series of rusty four to six inch nails sticking out of them and are also daubed with messages intended for anyone unfortunate enough to fall victim to one.
Wales Online reports that two traps were found by local resident Dr Roderick Bale, who believes they are intended for cyclists.
“I was walking along the path on Tuesday when I saw one of these traps,” he said.
“The person who left it there had clearly made an attempt to hide it from plain view, obviously hoping that someone would not be able to see it until it was too late.
“On the underside was a message, so someone’s obviously taken a bit of time over this. I would imagine it is someone who has something against cyclists.”
The messages read: “Keep to the footpath now” and “fuck off wanker”.
Bale took the trap to the police station, but then discovered a similar trap when he returned to the woodland the next day.
This one was partly concealed by moss and positioned behind a large tree root. It read: “Ha ha! Got you again wanker”.
Five similar traps were found in the same area in 2016 and last year Bale found piles of broken glass and nails on the path.
Huwel Manley, operations manager for National Resources Wales, said: “People can use our forests to walk, run or ride. It’s a great way to enjoy our environment and get healthy in the outdoors, but people need to be safe while doing so.
“Sabotaging woodlands is incredibly dangerous and puts people and animals at risk. We’ve cleared hazardous items left on the trails in our forest near Lampeter.
“If anyone sees evidence of dangerous activity or items in our forests, please report it to the Police on 101 and to us on 03000 65 3000.”
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People had been doing stuff like this near me - the area has a mountain bike ban which I guess they used to justify their actions... but the 'saboteur' had been planting broken glass shards facing up in footpaths. Far morely likely to injure a person or a dog. How can someone be that cruel?
I still say that hawkinspeter has a very worrying collection of squirrel pictures... Are they photos from life?
Where else would they be from?
Them squirrels look organised. First they came for the red squirrels....
Are we we absolutely sure they're on our side??
I've brokered a deal and they'll help protect the woodlands (for now, anyway).
Holy shit! They exist.... Bring 'em on.
There's a pretty easy way to stop this sort of thing. Whenever piano wire is strung across a track or nails left like this, then the next day, a paving stone is dropped off of a random motorway flyover, onto the carriageway below.
10/10 for enthusiasm, but I just feel that there's more sensible and targetted ways of addressing these problems.
Is it guns? Should we start carrying guns? We could pop a cap in the asses of those responsible, couldn't we? And everyone would be safe then.
Squirrels with knives.
That is all.
I need evidence, or they don't exist and we're back to guns.
Except that it wouldn't stop anything, it would merely justify the people putting up the piano wire, so they would do it even more. Escalation is rarely, if ever, the solution to anything.
Ah, but it wouldn't though, because they wouldn't make the connection between the two events! Admittedly that would also remove any deterrent effect on the nail-plank-miscreants.
(Also, have you mentioned your point to any world leaders lately?)
Yes, indirectly, through my MP, to whom I made it abundantly clear that there should be no military action in Syria without a vote by parliament.
the only way to stop things like this is to appease the woodland spirits with a human sacrifice.
His Most High Excellency Rinpoche Tulku Archimandrite Presiding Patriarch Suffragan Pandit Emir of the Flatlands Lord Eddy hath commanded that you be the first offering and that we throw you, armed only with a sword, from a random motorway flyover.
Ce n'est pas la chute, c'est l'atterrissage.
You're just being silly now. woodland spirits won't do shit - you need to direct your sacrifices towards Shub-Niggurath (the black goat of the woods).
Clearly MTBers need to start setting up a little shrine to Her at the start of every trail.
I mean, sure, maybe a MTB rider disappears from time to time, but the protection offered by Her young when properly propitiated would definitely keep off haters with nail boards and fishing wire...

I blame the Popular Front for the Liberation of Picnic Areas.
I'm sure the police have access to a few hard-to-spot surveillance devices that they could put high up in the trees to get some evidence. If not, they're cheap and easy to buy. (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Camera-HD1080P-Wireless-Security-Detection/dp/B...)
"Sabotaging woodlands is incredibly dangerous" Way to go with the underplaying the issue here, it's not sabotage, it's deliberately attempting(intent) to cause ABH, they make it sound all so passive.
Police flew into action after some nasty words were aimed at a soccer referees wife and the fact they had someone knock on their door after he sent an Italian goalkeeper off. Threaten to maim possibly even kill a person on a bike and plod will do their usual 10 minutes of 'investigating' and all be forgotten about ending with the there's nothing we can do, be vigilant and no-one got hurt so all okay BS.
These people ARE terrorists, in fact motorists that kill, maim and target vulnerable road users are also terrorists but government and indeed the police, 'justice' system are all complicit in allowing it ...oh wait just like the other political terrorists.
If the message is that they want oeople to stick to the footpaths, perhaps they are actually targetting walkers? Very nasty injuries could result.
People are reading too much into this ... maybe they just (literally) hate wankers.
I go with this, I have a low tolerance of wankers too. I mean, they're just wankers.
Not exactly original phrases. Eff off wanker.
Pretty nasty for joggers and dogs. Maybe they hate dog walkers?
Sounds like an act of terrorism.
Agreed, clearly an attempt at terrorism, it seems a repeated effort, so this cowardly nutcase needs to be identified and removed from society asap.