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Is Peter Sagan planning more fireworks? You decide ...

First the white shorts with the rainbow jersey, now an outfit inspired by Guy Fawkes?

We’re not sure how famous Guy Fawkes may be in Slovakia – but that’s the person who immediately came to mind when we saw this picture of Peter Sagan, whose explosive turn of pace brought him a second successive world championship victory on Sunday, rocking up for tonight’s World Cycling Gala in Abu Dhabi.

It’s a few weeks early for Bonfire Night admittedly, but we can’t help wondering whether Sagan, whose own brand of fireworks have lit up many a race, may have been inspired by his visit to York in the 2014 Tour de France Tour de France?

Stage 2 of the Grand Depart began in the North Yorkshire city, with the peloton passing within yards of the reputed birthplace of the Catholic conspirator, the building in the shadow of York Minster now called the Guy Fawkes Inn.

In the south of England, Bonfire Night is a big thing in Sussex – with the Edenbridge Bonfire Society in 2012 burning an effigy of Lance Armstrong, freshly stripped of his seven Tour de France titles.

Perhaps the inspiration for the outfit sported by Sagan – accompanied to this evening’s event by his wife, Katarina – was rather more contemporary, however?

The picture of the man the Wall Street Journal earlier this year dubbed The Rock Star of Cycling had one team member immediately thinking of former Libertines frontman Pete Doherty. Though given the beard and hair, the rest of us are sticking with Fawkes.

Here’s another picture of Mr and Mrs Sagan in all their finery ahead of this evening’s shindig.

12 months ago after winning the rainbow jersey for the first time in Richmond, Virginia, Sagan caused a bit of a sartorial stir when he was pictured in his new kit wearing white shorts, a big no-no for many purists – who were no doubt relieved then, when it turned out he was racing in black shorts.

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Butty | 8 years ago
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I thought that this would be more appropriate:



The Charlie Chaplin look doens't quite cut it.


Utterly brilliant cyclist and showman and also very slightly bonkers.

HarryTrauts | 8 years ago
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The man has style and class.  

(He's a pretty good cyclist, too.)

Edgeley | 8 years ago
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There is no excuse for wearing those shoes to a formal event.


The man is a bounder.

Yorkshire wallet | 8 years ago

The Johnny Depp of cycling. Good job Pantani was already 'the pirate'.

only1redders | 8 years ago

Fair play to him: If I was a good looking lad, had just won my 2nd world championships and had such a large fanbase, I would like to think I'd do whatever made me happy as well (although that's an outfit I would never consider - even though I do appreciate the cane!). The fact that he seems a relaxed, happy-go-lucky guy, not a total ar*ehole and interviews/interacts with the media and the general public pretty well is a definite-plus for me - some of his fellow pros could take a leaf out of his book.

His 'antics' somewhat grated on me when he hit the scene (celebrations, sitting on Cancellara's wheel a lot etc), but think that was more my opinion rather than anything 'wrong' that he's done.

In a scene that is largely devoid of personality, Sagan is brilliant for cycling, end of

atlaz | 8 years ago

He looks like he had a fiver to spend in a charity shop

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