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'Cycling champion' knocked out by pavement cyclist calls for action against reckless riders

Incident happened as Barnes town centre manager left meeting about cycle routes

'A ‘cycling champion’ who was knocked out by a pavement cyclist who crashed into her just after she had attended a meeting about cycle routes has called on the police to get tougher on reckless riders.

Emma Robinson, who as town centre manager for Barnes in south west London has been involved in planning improvement to cycling infrastructure in the area, was left badly concussed after the collision in Twickenham in August.

Doctors have said it may take Mrs Robinson, who suffered a blackout the following day and is still affected by dizzy spells, as much as three months to fully recover., reports the London Evening Standard.

She told the newspaper that the incident has left her feeling anxious when she walks along the street.

“It was a very scary moment,” she said. “It was literally moments after I had come out of the offices and the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

“I flew through the air and hit my head which meant there was a lot of blood. When I did come to I remember I had no vision and couldn’t feel my arms and then I just remember this pain in my head.”

The cyclist stopped at the scene but on being told the police had been called, tried to make off.

According to the website Putney SW15, Steven Mindel, the chair of the Barnes Community Association, chased and caught him and police subsequently made an arrest.

Zac Goldsmith, Member of Parliament for Richmond Park, whose constituency includes Barnes, told the website: "Emma has been a champion for cyclists, as well as a brilliantly active town centre manager.”

The Conservative politician, beaten by Labour’s Sadiq Khan in the London mayoral election in May, added: “I’m pleased she has recovered, but appalled by what happened.  Clearly the police need to take a stronger stance on this sort of behaviour."

His call for police to enforce the law against those who ride recklessly and endanger others was echoed by Mrs Robinson.

“I am someone who has championed cycling provision but it does need to be balanced,” she told the Standard. “Cyclists need to respect pedestrians and follow at safe speeds. This chap clearly wasn’t.

 “I’m a great advocate of getting people on bikes and improving routes so people can get around quicker and easier but with that comes hand in hand with respecting pedestrians.

“I have an element of anxiety when I’m out and the other day as I was crossing in Barnes High Street a cyclist whizzed through a red light and in front of me. I thought it was happening again.

“I’m not sure what can be done but there doesn’t seem to be any significant penalties for cycling on the pavement or for riders who whizz through red lights. The feeling I got from police was that there was nothing they could do in my case.

“Had this man hit an elderly man or my young daughter it could have been a different story,” she added.

The charge most commonly brought against cyclists who have injured pedestrians while riding is causing bodily harm by wilful misconduct by wanton and furious driving, contrary to section 35 of the Offences Against The Person Act 1861.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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FluffyKittenofT... replied to wycombewheeler | 7 years ago
wycombewheeler wrote:
CasperCCC wrote:

Gourmet Shot wrote:

So essentially the same case as a car then, when they run red lights (yes this actually happens, it's not the sole domain of cyclists) or when they routinely speed, perform dangerous manouvres, close pass a cyclist etc. etc.......i.e. nothing happens when cars do stupid stuff whats the difference.  

I think this is known as "whataboutery", isn't it? 

Since when was it an either/or situation? Drivers should face the consequences when they do stupid and dangerous things. So should cyclists. 

The size and speed of the vehicle means that drivers doing dangerous things are a lot more dangerous than cyclists doing dangerous things, but this guy has obviously behaved like a total dick. It seems totally fair to suggest that he should face the consequences.

I don't drive at all, so I'm firmly in the cyclist camp, but the "but what about the drivers!" knee-jerk reaction is way too predictable.

It's either or, because of limited police resources, every call for a cracking down on dangerous cyclists, takespecially resources away from policing roads for the benefit of all, focusing on those that kill 1800 people a year.

I'd happily see zero tolerance and 100% enforcement for all road offence by cyclists if the same also applied to drivers.

Though if penalties for seriously crap cycling also included a lengthy driving-ban, it might serve a purpose, as those anti-social cyclists will probably soon go on to become dangerous drivers.

Subotai replied to Gourmet Shot | 7 years ago
1 like

Gourmet Shot wrote:

 but once again the behaviour of cars and pedestrians is overlooked in favour of singling out cyclists who are portrayed as habitual red light runners!!!


She wasn't knocked over by a car or pedestrian. That would be a totally different story wouldn't it and absolutely irrelevant to this one.

FluffyKittenofT... replied to Subotai | 7 years ago
Subotai wrote:

Gourmet Shot wrote:

 but once again the behaviour of cars and pedestrians is overlooked in favour of singling out cyclists who are portrayed as habitual red light runners!!!


She wasn't knocked over by a car or pedestrian. That would be a totally different story wouldn't it and absolutely irrelevant to this one.

It's not entirely irrelevant, as one can notice an asymmetricality in how stories are covered, depending on whether it's a cyclist or a motorist who has injured someone (I am sure that if you compare the media coverage per-incident in each case there'd be quite a disparity, e.g. that R4 "You and Yours" episode).
I still detest the pavement-racers, mind you. But having had lots of run-ins with both them and their motorised equivalents, its pretty clear to me they are exactly the same kinds of people, just the latter are more heavily armed.

A2thaJ replied to Subotai | 7 years ago

Subotai wrote:

Gourmet Shot wrote:

 but once again the behaviour of cars and pedestrians is overlooked in favour of singling out cyclists who are portrayed as habitual red light runners!!!


She wasn't knocked over by a car or pedestrian. That would be a totally different story wouldn't it and absolutely irrelevant to this one.


If she was knocked over by a car or pedestrian it wouldnt be a news story, regular occurances arnt news stories.



Subotai replied to A2thaJ | 7 years ago

A2thaJ wrote:

Subotai wrote:

Gourmet Shot wrote:

 but once again the behaviour of cars and pedestrians is overlooked in favour of singling out cyclists who are portrayed as habitual red light runners!!!


She wasn't knocked over by a car or pedestrian. That would be a totally different story wouldn't it and absolutely irrelevant to this one.


If she was knocked over by a car or pedestrian it wouldnt be a news story, regular occurances arnt news stories.



I agree. It wouldn't be a news story...on a cycling website.


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