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Video: taxi driver deliberately runs cyclist off the road

Taxi driver gets £700 fine and six license points for deliberately knocking a cyclist off the road with his wing mirror after two close passes

A taxi driver has apparently been fined £700 and received six license points after deliberately knocking a helmet cam cyclist over with his wing mirror.

The cyclist, who posts online as Traffic Droid and Son of the Winds, was riding along with several prominent cameras on his helmet and bike, when a taxi driver approached from behind sounding his horn, before making two close overtakes before hitting the breaks, the second manoeuvre knocking the cyclist to the ground with the off-side wing mirror.

Son of the Winds' multiple cameras record the collision, which took place last year, from several viewpoints including from a GoPro mounted on a long arm to the front of his bike facing backwards.  

In captions towards the end of the video, Son of the Winds says the incident occurred about a year ago.

"I waited 3 months after the attempted assault [for] a decision to prosecute," he said.

"it was decided that it would be best for the driver to undergo [a] Driver Safety course offered by 

the police.

"The taxi driver refused to attend. The police called to advise they will now press charges of driving without due care.

"A hearing followed where the driver pleaded not guilty.

"9 months later I attended court for trial as a witness.

"The driver foolishly defended himself - and the verdict?


"He received 6 points on his licence and £700 in fines and court costs."

Laura Laker is a freelance journalist with more than a decade’s experience covering cycling, walking and wheeling (and other means of transport). Beginning her career with, Laura has also written for national and specialist titles of all stripes. One part of the popular Streets Ahead podcast, she sometimes appears as a talking head on TV and radio, and in real life at conferences and festivals. She is also the author of Potholes and Pavements: a Bumpy Ride on Britain’s National Cycle Network.

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Carton | 9 years ago
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The cyclist being a crusader and a bit crazy should have no relevance to the fact that he was dangerously assaulted and that the penalty seems far too lenient. But while think in general it's a good thing he's out there fighting for road safety, doing away with a few of those cameras would make him a more relatable victim/witness, which also matters IMHO. YMMV.

Also,  this is a comments section of a news site and not a court of law. So outrage brigade notwithsanding, posters can comment on whatever aspect of the story floats their fancifully taken boats.

PaulBox | 9 years ago

Cab driver is a complete prick, hope something more can come of this as he got off far too lightly.

Bez | 9 years ago

Oh, come on. It looks like a clear case of assault and really should have been charged as such, but saying it's attempted murder is ludicrous.

fixit | 9 years ago

ALL I see here is attempted murder, the rest is british court system bulshit...

bikebot replied to fixit | 9 years ago

tsarouxaz wrote:

ALL I see here is attempted murder, the rest is british court system bulshit...

That took longer than ususal...

ibike | 9 years ago

How can the driver only be guilty driving without due care? He deliberately used his vehicle to intimidate the guy on the bike and then knocked him over!

And yes, camera guy may be a little odd but what on earth has that go to do with anything?


Critchio | 9 years ago

Shocking court result. That driver used 2 tons of metal and plastic to deliberately knock a cyclist off his bike at speed, albeit low.

Driver should have had his licence removed for at least 10 years and should have gone to prison for that assault for a few months. In this day and age why oh why is the justice system not fit for purpose?

Eric D | 9 years ago

Hopefully this judgement and video will be seen by drivers - taxi, van, bus and others.
Should have been much worse punishment.

eg 33 months -
and watch for sentencing of Gledhill soon - killed an experienced cyclist, trying to 'give him stick'.

Only thing I would say to Lewis is 'Don't wear a cable-lock as a noose !'

"could have been avoided"

  • Lewis pulls right in to the left at the junction, and signals to let the taxi behind pass - exemplary behaviour
    taxi1 turns right instead : taxi2 is way behind
  • when taxi2 overtakes, the road is clear : should have used the other lane as per highway code
  • Lewis beeps to let him know he is close, but he brakes hard and pulls in front - 'brake-check' - deliberately dangerous
  • then the punishment pass - attempted murder, in effect

"lack of sound is suspicious" turn your sound on ! I hear beeping + swearing OK 

"Something very wrong about people with that many cameras"
 "not your average cyclist", "not exactly everyday cycling"

Something is very wrong that we have got to the point where just a run to the shops involves equipping youself like this. Otherwise you get all kind of dismissive comments from police, and no chance of a prosecution. So drivers could kill with impunity - open season on cyclists. We need Lewis and others like him - in part he is the reason that you feel safe ! You should be thankful, rather than criticising him.

Your average cyclist, like the Met Police Chief (Hogan-Howe) and the NPCC top road policing officer (Davenport), will have given up cycling (and hence given up on road safety !), and be driving or in the back of the taxi !

Even a single camera can be seen as only weak corroborating evidence. How do you know whether you will be rammed from front, rear, left, or right ?

Many points of view give a much better sense of space and depth : the 'bowsprit' front camera suffers less from the 'objects may be closer than they appear' effect, and record the rider's actions, so that no-one could possibly accuse him of 'looking for trouble' ?)
Selfie poles are pretty weak and collapsible.

"video can be editted"
Really, really hard when you have multiple cameras and soundtracks !

"attempts at educating cyclists" "cabbie genuinely believed he had done nothing wrong"
This is why it is the drivers that need educating. eg Primary position. Should have been done when Bikeability training launched (2007?)

CXR94Di2 | 9 years ago

The taxi driver was extremely dangerous.

I wonder if this conviction will start a disciplinary hearing or revoke his license.? Does it need a complaint to initiate proceedings. ?

bikebot replied to CXR94Di2 | 9 years ago

CXR94Di2 wrote:

The taxi driver was extremely dangerous. I wonder if this conviction will start a disciplinary hearing or revoke his license.? Does it need a complaint to initiate proceedings. ?

The consequences for him with the PCO (Public Carriage Office) are almost certainly zero. Unless the complaint is from someone who was a passenger, it's rare for them to give a damn about complaints from the public.

It's a major failing, and discredits the claims from the industry that black cabs are better for public safety. If a driver with AddLee or any other major minicab firm had done the same thing, they'd almost certainly lose their job.  

That driver is probably still operating, and if he's an LTDA member they'll provide legal assistance to help him keep his licence if or when he reaches 12 points.


Paul_C | 9 years ago
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they're making taxi drivers retake their driving tests in Gloucester... lots of fuss over it...

Leodis | 9 years ago

I was going to comment but it looks like MikeyMike has had his pants pulled down enough.

MikeOnABike | 9 years ago

Let me first say that the cab drivers conduct was absoluetly disgsuting and he should have got a custodial sentence and driving ban for using his vehice as a weapon. But, and it's a big but. The whole situation could have been avoided.

Any London cyclist has had a close pass by a black cab and, to be honest, this one wasn't that close. Call him a wanker under your breath and move on.  Son of the wind / Cycling droid decides to blow his loud air horn to escalate the situation and got more than he bargined for. At least he got some excellent footage and lots of youtube views.

Him and his ilk (I'm looking at you Megatron) do simply go out of their way to turn a mole hill into a mountain. I have no problem with people filming their ride in case something unfortunate does happen, personally I don't. But there is no need to have more cameras attached to your bike than the BBC covering the Olympics.  

rasalati replied to MikeOnABike | 9 years ago

MikeOnABike wrote:

Let me first say that the cab drivers conduct was absoluetly disgsuting and he should have got a custodial sentence and driving ban for using his vehice as a weapon. But, and it's a big but. The whole situation could have been avoided.

Any London cyclist has had a close pass by a black cab and, to be honest, this one wasn't that close. Call him a wanker under your breath and move on.  Son of the wind / Cycling droid decides to blow his loud air horn to escalate the situation and got more than he bargined for. At least he got some excellent footage and lots of youtube views.


The whole situation could have been avoided had the taxi driver not tried to run him off the road. Or not made the close pass in the first place.

Rule 112

The horn. Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence. Never sound your horn aggressively. You MUST NOT use your horn

  • while stationary on the road
  • when driving in a built-up area between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.00 am

except when another road user poses a danger.

I would say his use of the horn was justified. The driver's actions were the escalation (assuming there was no provocation before this video began).

FluffyKittenofT... replied to MikeOnABike | 9 years ago
1 like
MikeOnABike wrote:

Let me first say that the cab drivers conduct was absoluetly disgsuting and he should have got a custodial sentence and driving ban for using his vehice as a weapon. But, and it's a big but. The whole situation could have been avoided.

Any London cyclist has had a close pass by a black cab and, to be honest, this one wasn't that close. Call him a wanker under your breath and move on.  Son of the wind / Cycling droid decides to blow his loud air horn to escalate the situation and got more than he bargined for. At least he got some excellent footage and lots of youtube views.

Him and his ilk (I'm looking at you Megatron) do simply go out of their way to turn a mole hill into a mountain. I have no problem with people filming their ride in case something unfortunate does happen, personally I don't. But there is no need to have more cameras attached to your bike than the BBC covering the Olympics.  

Its not so much that I agree or disagree with your last two paragraphs (I couldn't be bothered to decide on a view) but more that I continue to be puzzled why people think that irrelevant stuff (even if it were true) always has to be appended to any discussion like this.

Your first paragraph says all that matters about the incident. I just don't see why the rest is necessary to even think about.

The goat | 9 years ago

Traffic Droid may be odd but the taxi driver was found guilty.  I would describe the taxi drivers behaviour as psychopathic, he should lose his licence for a couple of years and as part of a re-test have to prove he is pschologically fit to be on the road.

hawkinspeter | 9 years ago

I can't understand why people are commenting so much on the cyclist and his number of cameras. Also, commenting that he's not an "average cyclist" seems facetious when cyclists are an incredibly varied group and I don't think I could describe an "average cyclist". Anyone who rides a bike is a "cyclist" and we should all be able to ride safely on the public roads (providing we abide by the various laws).

I'm shocked but not surprised by the lenient sentence. How is that not assault?

alexb | 9 years ago

I took the train and walked to work today rather than riding in (works Crimbo do).

It's beyond shocking the number of drivers on phones in traffic. Almost 50% at most sets of lights  and probably about 10% talking in moving traffic.

Of course hardly any of them can see what the driver in front or behind is actually up to. As a pedestrian you realise that an astonishing number of delya are due to drivers not realising that the lights have changed or the driver in front has just opened a massive gap etc...

I don't use cameras on my bike, but if I did, I suspect the temptation to start documenting drivers' behaviour would drive me mad.

fizrar6 | 9 years ago
1 like

We've established that the taxi driver was wrong but you must admit Traffic Droid is a bit odd and not your average cyclist. Why did he call for an ambulance? He seemed perfectly capable to walk about and phone for it himself. I think his comment was "get an ambulance just in case". 

Narcissist is a good descritption of him. I wonder what his day job is, or does he get paid to make videos of bad driving?

wycombewheeler | 9 years ago

Totally failed by the justice system. Driver education? Driving without due care? This is minimum dangerous driving and possibly assault. Why wasn't it tried as such? Sentence may be lenient or may be at the upper limit for the petty charge.

Nixster | 9 years ago

While agreeing that 'Gone with the Wind Droid' or what ever he calls himself is a bit of a 'special' case, I don't see that running people off the road is compatible with being a professional driver.  I don't imagine that deliberately driving into another car would have been treated in a similarly lenient manner either.  A short driving ban would have been more appropriate in my view as higher standards should be demonstrated by those who drive for a living.

I didn't see any bad cycling in the video but then video can be editted...

Cumisky | 9 years ago

Whilst the Taxi driver deserves all he got, the cyclist was featured on a recent episode of Oxford Street revealed on BBC, where he did come across as a bit of a vigilante, provoking situations for his you tube channel.
As for the pole on the front of his bike, as a taxi driver righfully pointed out in the show, it is a danger to other road users in iteself, particularly pedestrians.
There are good and bad cyclist and drivers.
This video showed bad examples of each.

danthomascyclist replied to Cumisky | 9 years ago

Cumisky wrote:

Whilst the Taxi driver deserves all he got, the cyclist was featured on a recent episode of Oxford Street revealed on BBC, where he did come across as a bit of a vigilante, provoking situations for his you tube channel.
As for the pole on the front of his bike, as a taxi driver righfully pointed out in the show, it is a danger to other road users in iteself, particularly pedestrians.
There are good and bad cyclist and drivers.
This video showed bad examples of each.


Let me help you to understand your own stupidity:

Things that have killed/KSI pedestrians this year:

Things that haven't killed/KSI pedestrians this year:
-Go Pro poles

jimbo2112 replied to danthomascyclist | 9 years ago

danthomascyclist wrote:

Cumisky wrote:

Whilst the Taxi driver deserves all he got, the cyclist was featured on a recent episode of Oxford Street revealed on BBC, where he did come across as a bit of a vigilante, provoking situations for his you tube channel.
As for the pole on the front of his bike, as a taxi driver righfully pointed out in the show, it is a danger to other road users in iteself, particularly pedestrians.
There are good and bad cyclist and drivers.
This video showed bad examples of each.


Let me help you to understand your own stupidity:

Things that have killed/KSI pedestrians this year:

Things that haven't killed/KSI pedestrians this year:
-Go Pro poles


This is a difficult one to be clearly on either side:

The taxi driver is an idiot that needs to truly repent and understand that he could kill the next rider he pulls that stunt on (even at 10mph a kerb could kill).

This particular rider is at best a 'character', at worst a maker of rods for his own back. I have seen many of his vids, and while they are amusing, he is looking for trouble in some of them, if not in this instance.

And, if we are going to quote statistics, you need to point out that the odds of being skewered by a GoPro pole in London are small to none as I've not seen anyone else use one there, ever. IMO it's a dangerous thing and should not be allowed.

Housecathst replied to Cumisky | 9 years ago

Cumisky wrote:

Whilst the Taxi driver deserves all he got, the cyclist was featured on a recent episode of Oxford Street revealed on BBC, where he did come across as a bit of a vigilante, provoking situations for his you tube channel.
As for the pole on the front of his bike, as a taxi driver righfully pointed out in the show, it is a danger to other road users in iteself, particularly pedestrians.
There are good and bad cyclist and drivers.
This video showed bad examples of each.

is the pole more or less of a danger than a 10 ton HGV with dreadful visibility and a driver that's more interesting in what going on with his phone ? 


Anyway, I hope the taxi drivers life and livelihood is ruined by UBA. That would be some round about justice for using his vehicle as a weapon 

Glasgow Cyclist | 9 years ago

Come on Laura, it's brakes not breaks.  And it was the nearside mirror, not offside!

fenix | 9 years ago

Brilliant - so a taxi driver deliberately knocks a cyclist over, and the main topic of debate on here is how odd the cyclist is...


Amazing that the guy didnt go and do his course - that would have saved him a lot of money. 

But given how unrepentant he is, and how he chose to take out a guy clearly festooned with cameras that would show the world his actions - is he really a fit person to hold a taxi licence ?


I can't see that any cyclist is safe with him around.  He should lose his licence. HGV drivers have been fired for less haven't they ? 

Ush replied to fenix | 9 years ago
fenix wrote:

Brilliant - so a taxi driver deliberately knocks a cyclist over, and the main topic of debate on here is how odd the cyclist is...

That struck me too. When I'm feeling charitable I suspect that it is because those following this line of thought want to believe that there is something within their control, some behaviour, or attitude which they don't manifest, but which the injured/assaulted/dead cyclist does.

If they're right, then they can avoid that fate.

If they're not, then they have to accept that it could happen to them.

So... maybe it keeps them cycling.

Or, they're just motoring trolls.

MarkiMark | 9 years ago

Something very wrong about people with that many cameras on their bike. Even though the evidence seems to speak for itself, the lack of sound on the video is suspicious. As a fairly fast everyday commuter with no cameras who encounters almost nothing but very good behaviour from motorists, I am concerned that there is a body of cyclinsts that go out looking for trouble. I've seen countless videos posted by commuters (not this one) seeming to assume that everybody will obviously agree that the motorist is at fault, when to my eyes it is clearly the cyclist that is at fault. Sorry, and I'm a full-on rider, not a timid kerb crawler.

Zebulebu replied to MarkiMark | 9 years ago

MarkiMark wrote:

Something very wrong about people with that many cameras on their bike. Even though the evidence seems to speak for itself, the lack of sound on the video is suspicious. As a fairly fast everyday commuter with no cameras who encounters almost nothing but very good behaviour from motorists, I am concerned that there is a body of cyclinsts that go out looking for trouble. I've seen countless videos posted by commuters (not this one) seeming to assume that everybody will obviously agree that the motorist is at fault, when to my eyes it is clearly the cyclist that is at fault. Sorry, and I'm a full-on rider, not a timid kerb crawler.

Really? You encounter almost nothing but good behaviour from motorists? Where do you ride? I wish I rode there! I've commuted for years, on and off - and I'm genuinely surprised if I don't see at least three minor incidents per day that could cause an accident, and probably one or two per week that are extremely close, or actually DO result in accidents.

Some riders don't help themselves, for sure - red light jumping, dangerous filtering and stupid undertakes being the prime examples - but I've yet to see a cyclist endanger anyone else's life on the road other than their own.

Although I do agree there's something a little bit 'different' about TrafficDroid - I've seen his videos before and plenty of them have left me scratching my head thinking 'what was I supposed to have seen there?' - the fact remains his array of cameras is his business, and all he's doing is highlighting some frankly piss-poor driving (like the pillock in this video). You could say it's a bit trainspotterish, but I don't automatically assume there's something 'wrong' about blokes standing at the end of platforms with notebooks just because the way they get their kicks doesn't appeal to me


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