There has been a significant rise in the number of cyclists being killed or seriously injured on Welsh roads according to recent figures from Road Safety Wales. The figures reveal that 138 cyclists were killed or seriously injured in 2014 compared to 100 in 2013.
The Welsh Government is aiming to cut the numbers of people killed or seriously hurt in road traffic incidents by 40 per cent by 2020 compared to the average for 2004-08. However, the comparison is highly unfavourable at present. The average number of cyclists killed or seriously injured for 2004-08 was just 70.
A Welsh Government spokesperson said:
“It is simply too early to say what will happen by 2020. We are committed to improving road safety through a combination of measures including education, engineering and enforcement. However, reducing casualties requires everyone to play their part and take some responsibility.”
It is thought that the rise may have at least partly resulted from an increase in the number of people cycling. In 2013, the Active Travel Bill was passed by the Welsh Assembly, creating a legal duty on local authorities to develop and maintain an integrated network of cycling and walking routes. It was hoped that this might help drive cycling growth.
Despite this, a Statistics for Wales study last year found that only three per cent of people cycled to work and while around 60 per cent own a bike, only six per cent use it at least once a week.
Matt Hemsley, a policy adviser with Sustrans Cymru, told Wales Online that even if cycling levels were on the rise, it was no reason to accept a rise in deaths and injuries.
“Even if the number of cyclists increases it’s not an acceptable reason to then just therefore say: ‘Well then, there will be more killed or seriously injured cyclists’.
“We need to make cycling be a safe everyday activity for everyone aged eight to 80. To do that we need to make sure our roads provide a safe space for cyclists away from traffic.”
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Mayhaps it has something to do with the standard of license issuing in the UK? Perhaps raising the standard of cereal they hand them out from as premiums will improve that somewhat.![19](
Agree. Fewer cars on the road should see these figures fall.
I was worried for a bit at a death rate of over 2 per week, but as it's so few, we needn't do anything about. Only ten families ripped apart by death.
I don't understand this...![7](
Don't under estimate the Seriously Injured in KSI. That' can be paralysis, crushed limbs fractured pelvis, destroyed kidneys, brain injury. One friend of a friend now sits in a special home - breathes and swallows, but sadly, nothing else apparently.
It's a story about cyclists in Wales, quick put up a picture of a Welsh dragon!
At least it's not Max Boyce with a giant leek.
Or some sheep
But of course the more that do a risky activity the more who will die or be injured from it. When will the liberal elite realise that there is a very high cost to curtailing essential infrastructure for an activity no one needs and very few want to do? That cost would save more if in the NHS, police, Fire & Rescue etc.
Most people don't cycle because it simply isn't a viable transport mode. So why are the vast majority having cycling forced on them at all? It's almost like joggers expecting all of us to jog & provide special jogging space.
Can anyone explain why society must have cyclists? Surely that's where we should start the discussion.
Oh, and the Active Travel bill will absolutely not have forced any increase, at all. Not a chance.
thanks lc1981, as a Welsh cyclist I was worried there!
I think they've combined the KSI, i.e. the killed and seriously injured (5 plus 133).
to determine if it is the increase in number of cyclists that is causing this requires them to 'normalise' the figures to derive a KSI rate per 100,000 km cycled or somesuch...
"The figures reveal that 138 cyclists were killed in 2014". The figures actually reveal that 5 were killed, and 133 seriously injured.
I was going to say something along those lines, weren't the 2014 figures for 2014 around about 170 cyclist killed for the UK. I wasn't sure how the Welsh figures could be that bad.
How do they get this basic sh#t sooo wrong.