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Witness appeal after cyclist killed on Manchester's Wilmslow Road

Man died at scene of collision with cement mixer on road highlighted as city's most dangerous for those on bikes...

Greater Manchester Police have issued a witness appeal after a cyclist was killed following a collision with a cement mixer on Wilmslow Road in Fallowfield yesterday afternoon.

The male cyclist was pronounced dead at the scene of the incident, which took place at 3.25pm opposite Manchester University's Owens Park halls of residence, reports the Manchester Evening News.

The newspaper says that the road was closed for several hours while policgconducted investigations, including interviewing the driver of the cement mixer at the scene. It adds that no arrest was made.

Sergeant Lee Westhead of Greater Manchester Police’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit said: “We are investigating the circumstances leading up to this collision and are appealing for anyone who witnessed the incident to call us as soon as possible.”

The Serious Collision Investigation Unit can be contacted on 0161 856 4742.

Daniel Ali, 21, who works close by, told the Manchester Evening News: “There must have been about 10 police cars and quick as a flash they were shutting down a massive area of the road.

“I could see there was one woman walking away crying and a couple of others who looked really shaken up and quickly you realised it was a serious situation - to hear someone’s died is terrible news.

“It’s not unusual at all for cyclists to be knocked off their bikes on that stretch of road - it’s quite common. The road just gets so busy and there’s nowhere for them to go, it’s been a problem for a while.”

Two years ago, law firm Levenes identified several junctions on Wilmslow Road as being among the most dangerous in the city for cyclists.

And last year, Manchester City Council said it planned to introduce cycle lanes and cyclist-only traffic lights in a bid to make the road safer for cyclists, in a move welcomed by local cycling club Manchester Wheelers.

The club's vice-president, Viv Slack, said at the time: “The Wilmslow Road area is a popular route for many cyclists but always feels fairly dangerous with cars and buses pulling in and out of parking spaces and side roads, often without checking mirrors or indicating."

Wilmslow Road is by far the busiest cycle route in Mancchester, with more than 2,000 cyclists riding along it each day.

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psychonabike | 11 years ago

It's always extremely sad to hear of a cyclist dying like this. It feels even more chilling when it's so close to home. I commute down that stretch a couple of times a week and every time have a close encounter. Very sad indeed, my thoughts go out to his family and friends.

andyp | 11 years ago

Exactly. Oxford road really doesn't need any work. If you're going to throw money at an area you need to look further south  2

Argos74 | 11 years ago

Five minutes ride from my front door, and one of the more lethal stretches of road, with plenty of competition. Mystified why Oxford Road is getting millions thrown at it, when the killing fields through Rusholme, Fallowfield and Withington are untouched.

Guyz2010 | 11 years ago

Very sad indeed. What a bloody awful way to go.

“It’s not unusual at all for cyclists to be knocked off their bikes on that stretch of road - it’s quite common. The road just gets so busy and there’s nowhere for them to go, it’s been a problem for a while.”

Says it all....come on the Council you have an obligation to fullfil.

Stumps | 11 years ago

My condolences to the family, i hope he didn't suffer.

farrell | 11 years ago

It's easy to be wise after the event, but christ this was so clearly a recipe for disaster.

For those unfamiliar with the area, the truck in the first picture has pulled down the side street which is just behind/after where the massive skip in the second picture was plonked. The skip has been moved but it just serves to highlight the complete disregard for safety along that stretch.

mrchrispy | 11 years ago

That section down from Didsbury to Withington is horrible, nice wide cyclelane that the car and buses avoid....but only because its like the moon scape with the potholes and raised drains.

The section where the accident was it also chaos, there is a cylcelane but all over the place, at somepoint its on the pavement others its on the road. Its also very very busy.

Dont even get me started on curry mile!

I really feel for the poor chap, 21 year old male living in the area which means he was probably a student, such a shame  2

Notsmallpaul | 11 years ago

Wilmslow Road, Oxford Road, Portland Street and Bridgewater Way have all been identified as dangerous for cyclists. But nothing gets done about it.

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