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safety clothing

why do the majority of road cyclists wear black or other dark-coloured clothing?

Motorists are more likely to hit them, or pedestrians step in front of them!

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Sriracha replied to andy james | 3 years ago
andy james wrote:

Be practical. Its the cyclist who gets killed or injured regardless of who you consider to be at fault. Shouldn't they at least try to reduce the risk?

This is a reason for a parent to tell their offspring to wear a fluo jacket. It accepts that there is nothing they can do about all the motorists, and they'd rather their child did not die.

However when it comes to public policy, things are different. You don't assign priorities on the basis of who comes off worse, and you certainly don't need to accept the status quo.

It would be foolish as a matter of public policy to simply accept the risk posed by motorists, when that is the very thing that needs to be addressed. Mom & Pop can't do that, so they tell their kid to wear fluo and a helmet and light up like the proverbial Christmas tree, and whatever else. But the bigger picture is to address the source of the danger, in all the ways that Hawkinspeter (et al.) has outlined so well.


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