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Sad Day..

After 12 years of playing what I considered to be the best fantasy sports game on the web, this will sadly be my last season, if things do not change. The game still has the potential to be the best, however the games owners roadcc do not seem to have the enthusiasm anymore to match that of the players. Its the only fantasy game I know where as premium players we pay £20 a year and yet there are no prizes available, even a pair of roadcc socks for grand tour winners would be an appreciated token gesture. My main concern is that nobody from roadcc replies to questions on the forum and the failure to respond to mistakes made in scoring. I have some points missing from a race this year, reported it on the forum and yet heard nothing from roadcc and never got the missing points. Another annoyance is the shortened season from what we normally play with no explanation whatsoever, ie no Autumn Classics. I live in hope that Dave or someone from roadcc responds to this, and if I get some reassurance that things will improve then I will gladly renew my subscription in February.  However I have little hope..  Steve.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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nightwol | 2 days ago

I too have been playing (just for fun - I'm not interested in prizes) as a "premium" player since 2012 and I'm very sad to see that the game seems to have been abandonned after the Vuelta without even the courtesy of an e-mail to current subscribers to explain what's happened. I shan't renew my subscription if there's no active fantasy game to play - it was the only reason I subscribed in the first place.

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