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Cycling infrastructure: Feeling smug that the authorities have got my back.

So my local favourite, that I use pretty much every day, cycle infrastructure has just been upgraded by the council road marking fairies.

A whole 13 inches of reserved cycle space ( from the yellow line) protected from automotive traffic by toothpaste advert quality white paint. I cannot express how safe I feel using this state of the art cycle friendly infrastructure.

Picture in comments.

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Cugel | 1 year ago

Were it not for me being a lazy and self-centred ole skinbag, I would name myself "Wolfy" (or even "Foxy") then go out painting out them cyclist symbols and replacing them with a small pic of a motorcar or van. The wider strips of road might even get a Very Large cycle symbol; or even a "cars-forbidden" red circle with a slash through it.

But would the white vans and proto-hummers confine themselves to the gutters, as we cyclists in the towns are expcted to do? I feel not; and the repainting might even stimulate Lazza Fux to come out ranting and swivelling his funny little eyes! 

Would it not be possible to prosecute the "designers" of these white-line murder strips for gross dereliction of thinking or even person-slaughter? But I suppose it would take 8 years for the case to come to court, by which time there might only be vigilante-justice available, anyway, from taxi drivers and fat baldy men with sticks, dressed in cobbled-together uniforms.


chrisonabike replied to Cugel | 1 year ago
Cugel wrote:

... I would name myself "Wolfy" (or even "Foxy") then go out painting out them cyclist symbols and replacing them with a small pic of a motorcar or van. ...
But would the white vans and proto-hummers confine themselves to the gutters, as we cyclists in the towns are expcted to do?

I think you'll find an "advisory" cycle lane needs no special marking to entice motor vehicles to drive or indeed park in it!

Advisory cycle lanes - huh! Yeah! What are they good for? Absolutely nothing!

hawkinspeter replied to Cugel | 1 year ago

Cugel wrote:

Were it not for me being a lazy and self-centred ole skinbag, I would name myself "Wolfy" (or even "Foxy") then go out painting out them cyclist symbols and replacing them with a small pic of a motorcar or van. The wider strips of road might even get a Very Large cycle symbol; or even a "cars-forbidden" red circle with a slash through it.

But would the white vans and proto-hummers confine themselves to the gutters, as we cyclists in the towns are expcted to do? I feel not; and the repainting might even stimulate Lazza Fux to come out ranting and swivelling his funny little eyes! 

Would it not be possible to prosecute the "designers" of these white-line murder strips for gross dereliction of thinking or even person-slaughter? But I suppose it would take 8 years for the case to come to court, by which time there might only be vigilante-justice available, anyway, from taxi drivers and fat baldy men with sticks, dressed in cobbled-together uniforms.

hawkinspeter | 1 year ago

Well, that's certainly an attempt.

I'm starting to think we should get school kids to design bike lanes and the best ones get implemented for a time. It'd be like putting up kids artwork, but would probably be more effective and entertaining than this gutter decoration.

Mungecrundle | 1 year ago

Cannot even fit the cycle lane graphic in the cycle lane. Let alone an actual bicycle.

ktache replied to Mungecrundle | 1 year ago

My bars are 660mm wide, definitely not wide for today's mountain bikes.

And of course that's an advisory lane, so offers no advantage whatsoever.

Makes you wonder why they even bothered?

Owd Big 'Ead replied to ktache | 1 year ago

Ticks a box, doesn't it?

Nobody can say that the council doesn't give a shit about cyclists when they can turn around and phsically show their actual strategy.


jaysa replied to Mungecrundle | 1 year ago

There's a 30mph road near me with an advisory bike lane almost as narrow as this.
Later, the lane stops and its just the bike symbol (think bike, I guess?)
That's where I heave a sigh of relief because cars pass wider after the end of the cycling lane!
I'd sooner there were NO advisory bike lanes, just bike symbols (though I get that bike lanes may make some riders more confident.).

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