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UCI Presidential Vote - Any Informed Predictions?

Is anyone hear knowlegeable enough in the world of UCI and cycle federations to have a handle on how the up and coming UCI vote could go? We hear a lot about the European federations being unhappy with the current leadership but what about the rest of the world?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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The Rumpo Kid | 11 years ago

It's difficult to predict, given that the votes are not from Federations, but from delegates of Confederations. Take a look at for a full explanation of the process. Personally, I think Cookson will edge it, but I'm not rushing down the Bookies.

The Rumpo Kid | 11 years ago

If it helps, here are the latest odds:
Brian Cookson 4/7
Pat McQuaid 5/4
Courtesy of Paddypower.
Do remember that odds are based on, rather than being, the chance of something happening, and Cookson's shorter price could be due in part to his popularity amongst people who have no vote. (Sorry if you knew that already, hope I didn't sound too patronising.)

Gkam84 | 11 years ago

Well it could go two ways. Cookson or McQuaid, provided McQuaid gets through all the legal loopholes he seems to be squeezing his portly figure.

I think on is going to trap him soon and it will be an open door for Cookson. If I were a betting man and it were a fair fight head to head, McQuaid would win. No doubt about it, he has that many federation's in his back pocket and on retainers....

But he's screwed this time, Ireland withdrawing their support, Swiss up in court soon and this back dated rule trying to be voted through in time, which will almost certainly end up in court aswell.

AWP replied to Gkam84 | 11 years ago
Gkam84 wrote:

If I were a betting man and it were a fair fight head to head, McQuaid would win. No doubt about it, he has that many federation's in his back pocket and on retainers....

Is that for real though Gkam? Do you have numbers for and against?

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