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Prudential Ride London 100

First of all, best of luck to all those riding tomorrow, I hope you have a great day and enjoyable ride.
I unfortunately missed out on the ballot but got wind of a few drop outs and nearly got to sub in as part of a team but unfortunately the team have pulled out at the last minute.

I can't help but think the organisers have missed a trick by not creating a reserve list as having seen some of the e-mails flying around between some of the participants, it is pretty clear that there a number of entrants who got the slot, didn't train seriously and then drop out at the last minute which is a massive shame given how over subscribed the event is. I can't help but think the organisers probably should consider some form of pre-qualification as it would appear that a number of entrants have not taken it seriously enough and are happy to just bail at the last minute.
Anyway, enjoy the day all those out there tomorrow and I will hope for better luck next year !

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