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Game Suggestions

Things you may want to ask for.

1. Can you add sortable columns to the 'Rankings' page so you can click on the Rider 'Value' column and have the list sorted by rider value instead of its current sort by points scored?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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drheaton | 11 years ago

I disagree, I think it works better as it is. In previous seasons the KoM points were closer to those awarded and it skewed the emphasis of the game too far towards picking the break. If a rider can score 50 or 60 points in a break without winning a stage or even finishing top 20 I think it unbalances things.

I also think it makes the game too unpredictable. Unpredictability is good but not to the extent that to get a good score you need to pick half the guys in the break.

Ultimately it's Dave's call how points are awarded next year but I prefer how it's working in the Dauphine as I think its a good balance, picking a guy in the break is good but if you concentrate on high finishing positions then you're not really at a disadvantage. That means there are multiple valid tactics and not everyone is trying to chase the break.

TERatcliffe26 | 11 years ago

Some of the races we don't know the amount of points they are awarding for the mountains (until the race has begun), therefore to set a scoring criteria its fairer to just say 5 down to 1 if 5 riders score for example

STEVESPRO 79 | 11 years ago

Im with chiv on this one...In my opinion it would liven up the game and more rewarding for picking breakaway riders and not just sitting with safe points...

TERatcliffe26 | 11 years ago

I think in the GT's they do Chiv.

As for converting it doesn't change things as we type in a value in anyway, in fact its easier working back from say 5 for 1st down to 1 for 5th for example.

chiv30 | 11 years ago

Just been thinking and not sure if it's been suggested before so take it easy on my please .....

Mountain category points , can't they be changed to reflect the points the riders actually receive in the race rather than the fantasy substituted points? It would make the game harder but also in a twisted way a lot closer , ie if someone picks a breakaway rider who manages to take most of the mountain points on an alpine type stage they would likely score massively , and as breakaway riders are usually picked as gambles it could drag that person right up the table and leave them the dilemma of going for overall or continue stage hunting .....

Also I'd assume it would be easier to score for you guys as there is no conversion to make from race to game  39

As I said not sure if it's already been covered or not

enrique replied to chiv30 | 11 years ago
chiv30 wrote:

Just been thinking and not sure if it's been suggested before...

Mountain category points , can't they be changed to reflect the points the riders actually receive in the race rather than the fantasy substituted points? ...

 39 I thought somebody had asked before and I found it in the "New Stage Scoring Table Feedback and Wish List" thread  1

nina... wrote:

Out of curiousity, is the new scoring for the TDU reflective of the actual points in the real race? Is that the way points are awarded during the real race?

orli wrote:

I think it'd be fun if the game awarded points exactly as the races do!  1

 1 ! If it weren't for the different ways different races score them, I'd agree too!  3

rcorbin | 11 years ago

pay premium and you get the 12 month points

ray silvester | 11 years ago

Got to say that was a better approach enrique!!  3

enrique | 11 years ago

Dave, just noticed the "Riders in this comp" "All riders" buttons on the 'Rankings'page... Nice!  1 How about two more for "Points Current Competition" and "Points Last 12 months"?  1

enrique replied to enrique | 9 years ago
enrique wrote:

Dave, just noticed the "Riders in this comp" "All riders" buttons on the 'Rankings' page... Nice!  1 How about two more for "Points Current Competition" and "Points Last 12 months"?  1

Dave, with a whole lot of us contemplating wholesale chnages to our team and trying to fit in a different set of "fillers" for the Ardennes, it reallly would be nice to see all rider values as opposed to just the ones that are riding just the next stage (in this case Brabantse Pijl).  1

Could we have the page do that for us, like it used to?...  39 This may be the only competition where we have changing start lists for each stage, of course, but I always thought it was pretty neat to see all rider values, and their total points for the year, at will anyawys. Thank you!  1

enrique wrote:

... Could we have a sort for riders on the Team Selection page next year based on their total score for the running competition?...

I also thought this was another idea worth considering. It'd be nice to be able to sort, once a competition has started, on the amount of points the rider has within a competition.  1

TERatcliffe26 | 11 years ago

On your last point Enrique, why should the transfers not used be lost? A standard player doesn't loose them as they can role over 2 so why you saying a premium player loose them.

Im sure youve got it in your head that all premium players somehow gain magic transfers somewhere. as before the start of stage 20 having made 2 transfers for stage 19 I had the 2 given to me for stage 20, putting me in the same position as standard player, and leaving me 4 for tomorrow, the same as a standard player could. No advantage at all for me.

enrique replied to TERatcliffe26 | 11 years ago
TERatcliffe26 wrote:

... Im sure you've got it in your head that all premium players somehow gain magic transfers somewhere.'...


TERatcliffe26 wrote:

... why should the transfers not used be lost? A standard player doesn't lose them... why {are} you saying a premium player lose them [?]...

I see your point... I didn't write it out clearly... I can see that what I wrote:

enrique wrote:

... If the stage gets cancelled you should lose the transfers that were to be awarded for that day's stage...

... seemed to be directed at Premium players but I meant both (!) should lose the transfers for the cancelled day... It's not a major point though, I'd be ok with both (!) keeping the cancelled stage transfers...

Although, it does bring me to this (below) which is what I would really like...

And for me this would be the ultimate act of fairness in this game  3 (Drum roll, please!)

Dave, how about this?  3 How about you offer Standard Players a choice when you sign up:

Option A: Play for free with Standard transfers - No more than (2) transfers can be banked a day - and the chance you can win any of the competition prizes OR...

Option B: Play with No (!) expiration of transfers - just like a Premium Player does - but you play just for the joy of the game.

Meaning you are not playing for a bike, a pump, a helmet, a pat on the back or anything (!) at all!  1

That (!) would make my day and would be the ultimate (!) option. And, of course, I would forever shut up about transfers!  1

Of course, I would pick option B (!) Who cares about the bike?... I care about the excitement of the game!  1 And I obviously don't mean to speak for all Standard Players out there...

Ok, nuff said (!) I am forced to admit even I am tiring of transfer talk  1 Whew! Let's enjoy the race!  1

1wrangler | 11 years ago

Apologies that I don't know how to properly add quotes from previous posts without taking the whole post, but if it's possible to do that then I will learn it later, I promise.

I just wanted to add that I like this idea of Enrique's:

enrique wrote:

"...Being able to make all the changes I want to my team and have transfers charged only at the end of a transfer deadline...

Basically, in a stage such as today the transfer deadline would be moved to the next stage and your transfers would never have become realized because the game organizers could move or cancel the transfer deadline and transfers wouldn't have taken place..."

enrique replied to 1wrangler | 11 years ago
1wrangler wrote:

..I just wanted to add that I like this idea of Enrique's:

Thanks!  1

STEVESPRO 79 | 11 years ago

enrique I have made my point so please stop quoting me and shut the fuck up....Sorry if this offends anyone but everyone has their breaking point....Complete and utter tit...

enrique replied to STEVESPRO 79 | 11 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

enrique I have made my point so please stop quoting me and shut the fuck up.... everyone has their breaking point...

Dude, chill out!  1 I apologize, really...

Remember the words of the venerable master, Gkam:

Gkam84 wrote:

... its "just a game"...

Heh heh, on the other hand, I have to admire a man who's so in touch with his emotional side!  1

Remember this?

Raleigh wrote:

I like the points for starting and finishing a stage.

I mean, that's a pretty big effort isn't it?

STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Please tell me that this is tongue in cheek humour or are you on drugs.....If its not humour or drugs then please explain in detail how this would improve the game...  7

Take it easy... Go out for a ride... Hold your girlfriend's hands! I, mean, I know you have one because you said:

STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

... my girlfriend is also a premium user...

It's just a game and just a forum  1 Life is good!  1 I mean you at least have a girlfriend, a bike, two legs and you've won a stage in the Giro here! What more could you want? Chill out, let it all out, come back and I'll be here to welcome you with open arms!  1 I'm not here to battle it out with you  3


Download this song. Listen to it, sing along, and think of me... And my most sincere apologies for pissing you off  4  3

My kindest and most soothing thoughts go out to you and yours...

enrique replied to enrique | 11 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

... my girlfriend is also a premium user...

Out of curiosity, Steve, is your girlfriend as avid a fan of this game as you are? And do you manage her account or does she make her own choices? What's her user ID? Is she playing the Tour? Is she beating you?...

STEVESPRO 79 replied to STEVESPRO 79 | 11 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

enrique I have made my point so please stop quoting me and shut the fuck up....Sorry if this offends anyone but everyone has their breaking point....Complete and utter tit...

Just a quick apology for my swear word in the above post...with hindsight maybe on arriving home from the pub on a friday evening is not the best time to speak ones mind but whats done is done......That said, the messsage remains the same, enrique please find someone else to stalk, Im tired of you taking bits from old posts of mine and re-posting them in a contorted fashion....

enrique replied to STEVESPRO 79 | 11 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Just a quick apology for my... above post...

Apology accepted... All's cool... Peace?...  3

stevemarks | 11 years ago

On the stats pages I would like to have the ability to see how many FC points a rider had achieved in the current competition and in the current season. Preferably for any chosen period of time too.

I am not concerned if it is too difficult but I would certainly use it if it were a feature.

enrique | 11 years ago
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Personally think that when a stage is abandoned then everybodys transfers for the stage should be nullified...

I agree... I dug up some old suggestions from the "Suggestions for 2012 Season" thread that, though universally hated, I think would fix this issue...

drheaton wrote:

Have a team reset button when doing transfers - Basically be able to reset my own transfers if I realise I've messed up.


enrique wrote:

That! Or! Being able to make all the changes I want to my team and have transfers charged only at the end of a transfer deadline...

Basically, in a stage such as today the transfer deadline would be moved to the next stage and your transfers would never have become realized because the game organizers could move or cancel the transfer deadline and transfers wouldn't have taken place...

I also think the second option addresses this point, too:

STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

...people live in different time zones and have work committments etc and so its creating an uneven playing field......

Having said that, and just to be clear, I also agree that having the transfers available for use for Premium players at a later stage is inherently unfair. If the stage gets cancelled you should lose the transfers that were to be awarded for that day's stage...

northstar replied to enrique | 11 years ago
enrique wrote:
STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

Personally think that when a stage is abandoned then everybodys transfers for the stage should be nullified...

I agree... I dug up some old suggestions from the "Suggestions for 2012 Season" thread that, though universally hated, I think would fix this issue...

drheaton wrote:

Have a team reset button when doing transfers - Basically be able to reset my own transfers if I realise I've messed up.


enrique wrote:

That! Or! Being able to make all the changes I want to my team and have transfers charged only at the end of a transfer deadline...

Basically, in a stage such as today the transfer deadline would be moved to the next stage and your transfers would never have become realized because the game organizers could move or cancel the transfer deadline and transfers wouldn't have taken place...

I also think the second option addresses this point, too:

STEVESPRO 79 wrote:

...people live in different time zones and have work committments etc and so its creating an uneven playing field......

Having said that, and just to be clear, I also agree that having the transfers available for use for Premium players at a later stage is inherently unfair. If the stage gets cancelled you should lose the transfers that were to be awarded for that day's stage...

You're Jeremy Clarkson aren't you?

enrique replied to northstar | 11 years ago
northstar wrote:

... You're Jeremy Clarkson aren't you?

No... I am... Iron Man... (Cue Black Sabbath song) :)!

netclectic | 12 years ago

When you click 'Switch Team' would it be possible to go back to the page you were on? E.g. if I click switch team while on the 'My Team' page it should automatically take me back there instead of to the Dashboard page.

drheaton | 12 years ago

A request more than a suggestion really.

Last year I had two accounts running a standard and purist team. I did really well on my purist team with a 2nd in the Vuelta and I'd quite like to bring those Palmares over onto my Premium account which is now hosting both teams.

Would it be possible to reference two accounts in a Palmares page?

letsgoup | 12 years ago

I agree with lukea-d, its easier to manage your team when they are lined up in value order  1

Liking the 10 points rather than 20 points for penalty transfers. Already used it as I think it will pay off. I never felt like that when it was 20 points. Always to big a gamble- but not now  3

lukea-d | 12 years ago

On the 'My Team' and 'Pick team' views, would it be possible to have the riders listed in order of value rather the order in which they were picked? This would make it easier when managing multiiple transfers. Maybe even the option to sort your team however you wanted, e.g. role, value, points scored, etc.

dave atkinson | 12 years ago

yeah probably...


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