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How Many Miles In One Day?

Hi folks,

What is the furthest distance you have ridden in one day? I am thinking of trying a 230mile trip in 15 hours for charity in July of 2012 and wondered if this sounds achievable?

My usual average is between 16.5 & 20mph but have only ridden a max of 86 miles in one sitting.

Has anyone done anything like this before and could you offer any advice?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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londonplayer | 12 years ago

I've done 100km with a rucksack on my back from London to Berkshire. As people have previously said, it's eminently achievable. Go for it.

crazy-legs | 12 years ago

To be honest, doing that kind of distance is almost purely a mental challenge so long as you make sure to pace yourself and don't go caning off!

Longest I've done was about 200 miles (Dunwich Dynamo) where we did the ride, then rode down to Ipswich (40 miles), got the train back to London and rode home. Total was about 200 miles but obviously with breaks in between - food stop at 60 miles, then a good hour or so in the cafe at Dunwich, then the train journey of 1.5hrs.

Break it down into small manageable chunks and definitely try and find a riding companion or two. Doing that kind of distance completely solo is not fun!

dave atkinson | 12 years ago

hmm, skeggy or lake geneva?


MickeyBlueEyes replied to dave atkinson | 12 years ago
dave_atkinson wrote:

hmm, skeggy or lake geneva?


Tough call I know  4

Would love to do the ride to Switzerland but not 100% sure I am at that level yet.

We'll have to wait and see........

MickeyBlueEyes | 12 years ago

Thanks for all your replies, some good pointers to take in.

We did a St Bees - Robin Hoods Bay trip in July of this year for our company charity of the year, Alzheimers Society, taking in Hardknott, Wrynose, The Struggle @ Kirkstone and the like, was absolutely fantastic.

The proposed ride next year will be from Tutbury in Staffordshire to Skegness and back. However, a couple of us on the night shift this week are mulling over the possibility of riding from our Croydon Head Office to Head Office Worldwide in Vevey Switzerland which is situated on Lake Geneva. Really like the idea of this, approx 1000k in 6 days. I imagine the mountain climbs would be epic!!!!  13

SideBurn | 12 years ago

Well? Are you going to do it?? And if so where is the course???

formereve | 12 years ago

I did 303k last year in May on most of this route (it has now changed slightly from when I did it):

The route is organised through Audax UK whose web address is which hopefully will work for you as it didnt for me a few minutes ago.

What I would suggest, as I was in the same position as yourself a few years back, is lead up to it by doing say a 200k ride (128 miles roughly) and see how that feels.

You can have a look on the Audax site for rides near to you to try these out which will give you a slight advantage as you will be able to ride with other people who perhaps may join you on your other ride in July.

15 hours is achievable as my first attempt at that distance was 14 hours 6 minutes and this was the total time taken for it including 7 stops AND I got 2 punctures along the way.

If you need any more pointers all the good people on this thread will no doubt help you as will I  1

Blackhound | 12 years ago

My furthest is 330k with a couple of 300k's as well. Has as been said above just keep to an easy pace for you and eat and drink a lot. Company can be useful but depends on your outlook. Good luck.

giff77 | 12 years ago

Would say much the same as Dave. Also plan your nutrition and hydration. I did 260k in the summer and drank something like 7 litres which still wasn't enough. Ran out in the last 30k with nowhere to top up. Recommend three bottles, especially if it's hot. Also pace yourself and you'll have a great day  1

SideBurn | 12 years ago

Whoops! Contravened Rule 24... Make that 356km and 16km from home and 160km ish. Sorry

Simon_MacMichael | 12 years ago


I'd have got a taxi to pick me up and drop me just round the corner from home...


SideBurn | 12 years ago

Was told by my Dad that you could not ride from where we lived in Berkshire to Bristol and back in one day.... 220 miles and 17 hours later I had to ask him to collect me 'cos it was dark... about 10 miles from home. I considered this victory; he always maintained it was failure. I was s**tfaced. I have never tried to repeat it! I used the A4 which is fairly flat and did it in June (lots of daylight). Would say if you can do 100ish miles without being completely knackered and pace yourself well it is very possible. I Still look at the picture of me on the Clifton suspension bridge with pride! But if you do; take some lights! Victory or failure? Please be kind...

ilovemytinbred | 12 years ago

I did 190 miles to Truro from Bristol to go and see a mate. It was meant to be a bit less but I got confused and ended up miles away- 14000 ft of climbing that day. Im no athlete either!

I thought it was fine, I just didnt think about it too much. Just keep pedalling. People worry about these things but if you ride a decent amount it wont be a problem. I enjoyd it on my own- but thats just me. Comfort is definately important and so is consuming fuel regularly from the start, especially if you are going to push the pace a bit.

dave atkinson | 12 years ago

Me and Trev did Bath to Colchester in a day...

turned out it was 358.6km, which is more or less what you're planning. we completed it in 15.5hrs. It was a *very* flat route  1

things we learned:

1) make sure you have at least one other rider with you, then you can hide for a bit if you're suffering. both trev and i had low points along the way, if you're on your own there's nowhere to hide and it'll be that much harder.

2) Make sure you're comfortable on your bike. nothing worse than having to pack because you're in bits.

3) tribars are your friend. they give you an extra position on the bike and the chance to rest your wrists a bit on the easy bits, plus we were loads quicker when we were in TT mode.

4) decent shorts and good chamois cream FTW

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