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Wiggle Return, Advice Please...

I ordered a set of Fast Farward F4R wheels from Wiggle in March. 12 easy, interest free payments.


The wheels arrived and I swiftly installed them on to my summer bike and waited for some decent weather.


Upon returning from a ride last week, I discovered that the rear wheel had a crack/fold in the carbon, close to one of the spoke holes. Not ideal. Arranged a return with Wiggle and waited for them to contact me.


Received an email this morning stating that they now want to send the wheels back to their supplier for warranty inspection.  The quote from their email is "We will contact you as soon as we have heard back from the supplier but please be aware that it can take up to 30 days to hear back and with international suppliers it can take longer."


So I'm now left paying for goods that I can't use, for 30 days or longer? This seems to leave a bitter taste if I'm honest. Any advice on what I can/could/should do would be greatly appreciated.

As a side note, I am well within the recommended weight use for the wheels, and they have 500 miles of good weather use on them at the most.

Link to damage on the rear wheel below -



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mikecassie | 7 years ago

My tuppence.  

Bought a set of Leyzene Zecto lights almost two years ago, noticed the front light had stopped working when I tried to switch on one evening.  Checked and Leyzene do a 2 year warranty, so followed Wiggles returns policy and got a refund, no issues at all, just took time.  

RMurphy195 | 7 years ago

I had a similar problem with a tyre a few weeks ago - I'd bought it 15 months before, and had used it for a few weeks only. Sent photos and explanation of how tyres used, kept pumped up etc.,they refererred me to the returns policy the OP refers to, I returned the tyre using collect+ with the appropriate form filled out(no charge), they sent me a replacement by return post. (Tyre had sidewall cracking).

Just follow Wiggle's procedure, no option really.


Simontuck | 7 years ago
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It'll be Winter again soon, so you'll be paying for wheels you can't use anyway. Still, at least if you'd had to pay for them in one go you'd still be saving up for them now and wouldn't have any wheels anyway.

Nick T | 7 years ago

What a bizarre perspective. You aren't renting the wheels, you're paying back the loan you received in order to take ownership of them. The loan was also provided by V12 rather than Wiggle, so how you paid for them is none of Wiggle's concern as they deal with your enquiry 

philhubbard | 7 years ago

Unfortunately I feel your pain but what Wiggle tells you is correct. Unfortunately they aren't going to replace your wheels on your word as they will end up covering the cost.


They will send them back to the professionals (in this case FFWD) who will more than likely either replace or credit Wiggle who in turn will ask if you would prefer a refund or a new set of wheels. And 30 days isn't bad, just remember you've got to factor in that shipping to FFWD could take 3-5 days each way and then when they arrive they are bottom of the pile. For all we know FFWD could have 1000 wheels to check.


I hope for your sake FFWD aren't too busy so they can sort you out as quickly as possible.

emjay49 | 7 years ago
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Let Wiggle do their thing. I had exactly the same dilemma when I returned my Garmin recently. I received the same email that you did and sighed heavily!
After thinking it through I understood that they can't just refund / exchange expensive items without some recourse back to the manufacturer. In my case Wiggle came up trumps in less than a week and exchanged my Garmin without quibble. Very happy with the result.

wycombewheeler | 7 years ago

Are you suggesting you should have more rights by paying on interest free credit? Because if you had paid cash outright you wouldn't make the same statement about not being able to use the wheels you paid for.

Rapha Nadal | 7 years ago

"So I'm now left paying for goods that I can't use, for 30 days or longer?"

If your house was flooded & you had to move out for a few weeks, would you stop paying your mortgage because you can't use the house you're paying for? 

You've borrowed money to buy the wheels and the terms of your 12 month agreement is that it's paid back.

Let's hope that Fast Forward warranty the wheel as it's not good that it's cracked after such a short time.  Whilst these spots are under a lot of tension, it shouldn't go after such a short period.  Fingers crossed.

Lazereyes replied to Rapha Nadal | 7 years ago
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Rapha Nadal wrote:

"So I'm now left paying for goods that I can't use, for 30 days or longer?"

If your house was flooded & you had to move out for a few weeks, would you stop paying your mortgage because you can't use the house you're paying for? 

You've borrowed money to buy the wheels and the terms of your 12 month agreement is that it's paid back.

Let's hope that Fast Forward warranty the wheel as it's not good that it's cracked after such a short time.  Whilst these spots are under a lot of tension, it shouldn't go after such a short period.  Fingers crossed.

I am afraid he's right, wiggle credited you the money that you chose to spend on wheels, I am sure they'll work with you to sort out the customer - manufacturer relation, but you owe them money.

That being said, I am hoping that this is manufacturing defect and you're eligible for replacement

Good luck

dottigirl | 7 years ago
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If you've done as few miles as you say, they're not fit for purpose, you should be covered under the Consumer Rights Act. Read this to confirm your rights:

The 30 days appears to be a legal thing.

barongreenback | 7 years ago

Tricky.  Consumer law all hinges on what is 'reasonable' - after 6 months the burden changes as to whether you can prove the goods were faulty at the point of purchase rather than through misuse.   30 days doesn't sound like an unreasonable length of time but longer does.  Where Wiggle are being reasonable is investigating the cause.  Ultimately though, if the manufacturer says it's your fault, you may need to take them to court.


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