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Castelli X2 Endurance vs Sportful Total Comfort

Hello,Can you advise me which short bibs are more comfortable for very long rides?

Will it be Castelli X2 Endurance or Sportful Total Comfort. I heard also that dhb aeron speed are good too, but not sure which ones are better than the others.


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SteeveB | 7 years ago

i have the sportfuls and i have to say they dont do it for me. on long rides my left sit bone gets sore. seems not to be quite enough padding where i need it. perhaps it is just my boney arse!

i gota pair of Assos T.equipe_s7 Bib Shorts which work really well . Did the dragon tour and lots of other long rides on these. super comfy.

Havent tried the castelli's though.



Spangly Shiny replied to SteeveB | 7 years ago

SteeveB wrote:

on long rides my left sit bone gets sore

Get you pins checked for leg length imbalance, a painful sit bone on one side suggests that you may have one leg longer than the other.

Then it's just a question of shimming out the cleat on the short leg side.

bartkwiat | 7 years ago

Thanks for helping me.

check12 | 7 years ago

The x2 pad in the Castelli is fantastic for me, I have the total confirm and it's good but I prefer the x2's three mini gel pads, two for the sit bones and one for aherm, the front bit! Any Castelli bibs with the x2 are good, free aero etc. 

Nixster | 7 years ago

I sugget you need to try them to find out - everyone's different when it comes to shorts.  

But in an effort to be helpful, the Sportful pad is pretty substantial and offers the most padding, the DHB pad is less dense and a bit less bulky and the Castelli X2 pad is much less bulky than the Sportful but denser than the DHB.  I found the Sportful pad too much like wearing a nappy to buy the shorts but I've had the other 2 and the Castelli is my favourite, equalled only by the current Assos pad in the T'Equipe 7 shorts.

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