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Phil Liggert, sponsored by ...?

Watching ITV4's Tour de France coverage, this year I've noticed Phil Liggert mentioning particular products in clumsy way on several occasions. He's mentioned Fizik saddles, Fizik bar tape, and now George Hincapie and the rest of the BMC team riding Easton wheels. And several times the "Clean Bottle".

It seems particularly odd, since he and Paul Serwin are usually pretty ignorant about current equipment. Earlier on in the tour they pointed out that a rider was using gears which had electronic push button shifting when he had a Campagnolo group!

Now does Fizik, Easton and the "Clean Bottle", have the same UK distributor by any chance?

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Super Domestique | 14 years ago

I have also watched some of the Eurosport coverage as the HD picture is so much better. I love the banter, although Sean Kelly's voice can send you to sleep!

jova54 | 14 years ago

Just been watching a bit on ITV4 and another classic Liggert moment with the crash at the end of the peloton.

'There appear to be two or three riders down, one from Footon but can't make out who' All the while the camera is staring at his back with the number 217 clearly visible.

Maybe he's looking at different pictures, or needs the services of a good optometrist.  3

cat1commuter | 14 years ago

Yes, you can often hear the sound of Phil Liggert, off in the background doing a bit of commentary for someone else, leaking into Sherwin's mike.

Liggert isn't very good at recognising the riders these days. The worst was a couple of years ago when Cav got his first stage, but he mistook him for Ciolek, despite the fact that Ciolek is unmistakable in a sprint because his head nods up and down as if it is mounted on a piston. They re-recorded that bit of commentary for the highlights programme.

Favourite malapropism this year was Paul Sherwin referring to the previous day's Cancellara-neutralised stage as a "damp squid"!

handlebarcam | 14 years ago

Liggwen and Sherett do the commentary for more than just the UK. It might be a deal connected with their US TV network. Oh, and Campy do have an electronic groupset, but AFAIK it never got out of the prototype phase. They have, both of them, been making a lot of mistakes this year. Everything from malapropisms such as "smoothing pedally" to calling Schleck Contador, and saying Contador has to make time up on Contador, then 30 seconds later saying all he has to do is stay on his wheel.

Super Domestique | 14 years ago

Google highlighted this:

Didn't spot 'Clean Bottle' but 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

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