Whyte King and Queen of the Hill: Scottish Open Champs Enduro 2017
Saturday 19 - Sunday 20 August 2017
£55 (£50 earlybird)
Event start & HQ - Tweed Valley, Scottish Borders
This event has become something of a UK enduro classic. The course will make the most of the massive variety of trail riding here, with the sweetest descents on the valley's finest dirt, roots and rock. This year we are using SI Air system timing* (no dibbing) at all three enduro rounds. We are delighted to announce that Whyte Bikes are back as the sole title partners for this enduro adventure.
You can expect pro athletes mixing it up with the rest of us and battling it out to become the Scottish Open Champion. The title is becoming an important one in Scotland, but the race remains the friendly and good-spirited blast it always has been. For ambitious first timers or pros - we really are all in this together!
All riders can choose if they want to be seeded for each of the races or, alternatively, they can choose a start time at event registration so they can ride with their mates all the way round the course. Seeded riders have pre-set start times for every stage of the race and face penalties if they miss their start times. Being seeded means you will have much less chance of encountering traffic while on the race course, with no uncertain queuing at stage starts.
*If you own a SPORTident Air Timing / Active Timing Card and would like to use it in any of the three TweedLove Triple Crown Enduros this year, please complete this form. If you use your own Timing Card, you will be reimbursed £3.60 - you will only receive this discount if you complete the form at least 3 weeks prior to the event you wish to use it in.
Location and dates
Saturday 19 August: Race registration and unmarshalled practice: selected trail sections only
Sunday 20 August: Race registration (morning only, times TBC) and race day!
The Triple Crown - Ride all three enduros
The three best quality enduro races in the UK? We think so! Riders completing all three rounds are eligible for the Triple Crown title.
After a sell-out in 2016, the TweedLove Triple Crown is back for 2017, with new courses, new stages and SI Air system timing (no dibbing) at all three rounds. This is the place to come for enduro racing in 2017, with the best enduro tracks in the UK, and some as good as you'll find anywhere on the planet. A limited number of earlybird entries will be available for each of the three races, with a limited number of discounted entries for all three - the Triple Crown.
We aim to provide the best courses, the best organisation, the best atmosphere and the friendliest, best value enduro events in the country. We've built up a great track record over the lasy 6 years hosting the biggest international enduro races right through to local community races, and we'll be working harder than ever to make sure everyone has a great, safe, and rad time racing with us in 2017.
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