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Ask your MP to attend the Parliamentary debate on cycling and have your voice heard

Date set for debate of Get Britain Cycling report with measures including 10% of journeys by bike by 2025

Cycling has finally edged its way up the political agenda, with an All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group (APPCG)  holding a six-week inquiry earlier this year that culminated in the publication of the Get Britain Cycling report - but there's more work to be done.

The report has secured a debate in the House of Commons on 2 September 2013, thanks to lobbying by Dr Huppert, MP for Cambridge and the support of 700,000 people who signed a petition demanding a debate.

But - and this is a big but - the debate will only be effective if there is a decent turnout of MPs in the chamber to debate the report, which recommends such measures as:

• 10 per cent of all journeys to be made by bicycle by bicycle by 2025 rising to 25 per cent by 2050


• Government funding for cycling should start at a minimum of £10 per head

• Cycling should be considered at an earlier stage in all planning decisions, whether transport schemes or new houses or businesses


• More use should be made of segregated cycle lanes, learning from the Dutch experience

• Urban speed limits should generally be reduced to 20 mph


• Just as children learn to swim at school, they should learn to ride a bike

• The Government should produce a detailed cross-departmental Cycling Action Plan, with annual progress reports.

This is the current text of the motion to be debated on 2 September 2013:

"That this House supports the recommendations of the All-Party Parliamentary Cycling Group's report 'Get Britain Cycling'; endorses the target of 10 per cent of all journeys being by bike by 2025, and 25 per cent by 2050; and calls on the Government to show strong political leadership, including an annual Cycling Action Plan and sustained funding for cycling."

British Cycling is encouraging members and supporters alike to write to their MP to encourage them to take an active part in the debate. 

Use the downloadable template letter to add your voice, plus include details of local problems or your own concerns about cycling, to encourage them to become involved in your local area's needs.

Find your local MP by using this link.

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duc888 | 11 years ago

So what will my fat, chauffeur driven MP actually know about cycling if I send him along, absolutely squat. His opinions will no doubt be the same as the bloated house of lords was recently.

Ghedebrav | 11 years ago

kie7077 - I agree, but those recommendations would simply not get a debate, as it's the opinion of only a tiny minority. We might not like gradual change, but it's that or nothing.

leqin | 11 years ago

Everybody should do this - just visit and send your MP a message and it only takes a couple of minutes.

Last year, and this, those of us who wanted to get sensible libel laws introduced in this country did just this and the MPs had to listen, so don't just say it doesn't work - it only doesn't work if enough people don't make them listen and so far as libel laws go they had to listen because made enough noise in their inbox.

kie7077 | 11 years ago

Pffft, the recommendations are lame.

The sooner oil starts to run out the better, that'll sort this out permanently.

How about aim for 50% cycling by 2025 instead and spend most of the roads budget on getting there.

And why not make those that damage the roads and pollute the most pay until they damage and pollute less.

mrmo | 11 years ago

i have done it, but i am not hopeful anything will change.

CraigS | 11 years ago

You don't have to send a letter either, you can do it online here:

andybwhite replied to CraigS | 11 years ago

Done. But I doubt my MP will be interested.  14

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