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Outrage as teen driver who hit six Texas cyclists as he deliberately blew exhaust fumes at them remains free

Social media users ask why no arrest made; crowdfunder launched to pay victims’ medical bills

Social media users have expressed outrage over why a 16 year old youth who hit six cyclists in his Ford pick-up truck on Saturday has not been arrested.

Meanwhile, a crowdfunder has been set up to help pay for the medical costs of the injured cyclists, and has so far raised more than $7,500.

The cyclists, two of whom had to be airlifted to hospital – fortunately without life-threatening injuries – had been on a training ride for Ironman Texas on old Highway 290 near Waller, around 10km northwest of Houston.

> Pick-up truck driver, 16, crashes into six cyclists while blowing exhaust fumes at them

The driver ploughed into them when he accelerated as he attempted to blow black smoke at them from his illegally modified exhaust, a practice known as “coal rolling” (an example from Daytona, Florida, in 2018 is shown in the video above).

Waller Police Department spoke to the driver of the pick-up truck on Saturday and have said that they are continuing to investigate, but despite eyewitness accounts of what happened, no arrest has been made.

There has been no update of the situation on the department’s Facebook page, with the latest post, published on Friday, relating to the county fair, receiving dozens of comments wondering exactly what is going on.

Several people posting pointed out that the incident has received worldwide media coverage, making the department’s silence all the more baffling.

What are y'all doing with the 16yr old who plowed into a group of cyclists sending some to the hospital! Do the right thing now, the whole world is watching you! – Alison Ramirez

I'm sure that the Waller County Fair is awesome, and that the livestock show is great. Hopefully the teenager that mowed down six people minding their own business on a public road inside your jurisdiction will be able to hear who won Best in Show from inside his jail cell, where he belongs but still isn't. You guys planning to do your actual job anytime soon, or just keep on being the FFA's free PR firm on the public dime? Waller County law enforcement consistently fails to live up to their own low expectations. What an embarrassment – Fred Zapalac

Others had their own suspicions about why no arrest had been made or charges brought.

Something tells me the kid that ran over the cyclists is related to the mayor, the sheriff or the chief of police – David Lara

Curious on who that MINOR is related to, to get a pass like this. If he was of any different shade of color he'd be locked up and your county DA would be looking to charge him as an adult already – Nick Pandher

The Waller County District Attorney’s Office published a post on Facebook about the incident late on Sunday evening, saying: “Thank you to everyone that has messaged regarding the Saturday morning collision between a pickup truck and bicyclists in the Waller area.

“Please know that this matter will be thoroughly reviewed and appropriate actions taken as soon as the investigation is completed and handed over to this office.”

Again, this did not satisfy respondents to the post, including some who demanded to know why the driver was not taken immediately into custody and others who pointed out that rather than a “collision,” it was more a case of deliberate assault or even attempted murder.

Why did they not detain the driver, did they get a blood sample to run a toxicology report? I assume his family has connections with the local police department if the police did not run toxicology – Spencer Tennant

Premeditated, attempted murder, or at least aggravated assault. Wonder how quickly he would have been arrested if he was black? – Michael Evans

It's only by a miracle someone was not killed that day.

I grew up in Waller. My mom still lives there and came across the scene shortly after it happened, terrified it was me or my teammates.

We will be watching and expecting the laws to be upheld and charges beyond a slap on the wrist to be filed in this matter – Jessica Miller

“Rolling coal” originated in the world of truck racing. It involves drivers modifying their vehicles with aftermarket parts to get around pollution control systems, enabling them to produce massive clouds of black fumes, with typical targets including cyclists, pedestrians and drivers of electric vehicles.

The US Environmental Protection Agency has made clear that the practice contravenes the Clean Air Act which prohibits the manufacturing, sale, and installation “of a part for a motor vehicle that bypasses, defeats, or renders inoperative any emission control device.”

The statute also “prohibits anyone from tampering with an emission control device on a motor vehicle by removing it or making it inoperable prior to or after the sale or delivery to the buyer.”

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Dave Dave | 3 years ago

"“Rolling coal” originated in the world of truck racing. It involves drivers modifying their vehicles with aftermarket parts to get around pollution control systems, enabling them to produce massive clouds of black fumes, with typical targets including cyclists, pedestrians and drivers of electric vehicles."

LOL. Obnoxious as it is, that description is nonsense. 'Coal rolling' is a byproduct of performance modifications. It has little or nothing to do with exhaust treatment. It comes from massively over-fuelling a diesel engine to produce maximum torque.

It may be mainly used, in practice, by obnoxious youths who will 'target' cyclists etc with exhaust smoke, but that is not the _point_ of it.

(To be clear, I'm fully in favour of banning it - like we have here in the UK. But that ban has to be based on reality, or it won't gain support.)

hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

It's extremely damning if there was no alcohol or blood toxicology test. It very much sounds like the police knew the kid was related to someone influential.

wycombewheeler | 3 years ago

Truly shocking that medical expenses need to be covered by crowdfunding and not from the insurance of the driver, clearly at fault in this incident.

andystow replied to wycombewheeler | 3 years ago
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wycombewheeler wrote:

Truly shocking that medical expenses need to be covered by crowdfunding and not from the insurance of the driver, clearly at fault in this incident.

Ultimately, they likely will be, maybe even within a year or two.

Jules59 replied to andystow | 3 years ago

That's assuming he has any insurance. And even if he has it may be invalid due to the illegal modifications to the exhaust system.

andystow replied to Jules59 | 3 years ago
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Jules59 wrote:

That's assuming he has any insurance. And even if he has it may be invalid due to the illegal modifications to the exhaust system.

Not having insurance is possible, but the insurance being invalidated by a modification to the car is extremely unlikely in the US. They may pay then drop him as a customer, but they'll eventually pay, probably to the policy limits.

If the victims drive too (very likely in Texas) and have uninsured/underinsured coverage on their car insurance policies (pretty common, I have it on mine) then their own policies will pay out if the perpetrator's do not.

wycombewheeler replied to Jules59 | 3 years ago
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Jules59 wrote:

That's assuming he has any insurance. And even if he has it may be invalid due to the illegal modifications to the exhaust system.

It shoud not be possible for insurance companies to wiggle out of third party liability like this. Stop payments to the policyholder by all means, and even pursue the policy holder for costs. But third parties should not lose protection due to things outside their control.

The fact is the illegal modifications in this case did not cause the incident.

wycombewheeler replied to andystow | 3 years ago

andystow wrote:

wycombewheeler wrote:

Truly shocking that medical expenses need to be covered by crowdfunding and not from the insurance of the driver, clearly at fault in this incident.

Ultimately, they likely will be, maybe even within a year or two.

doesn't really help the victims who may well go bankrupt in the meantime. Does this mean the crowdfunders will be reimbursed when the insurance pays out?

andystow replied to wycombewheeler | 3 years ago
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wycombewheeler wrote:

doesn't really help the victims who may well go bankrupt in the meantime. Does this mean the crowdfunders will be reimbursed when the insurance pays out?

The hospitals will send bills, but they will not be aggressive for a year or two if they know there's an insurance payout coming. They will also be paid more if they get a payout from car insurance, rather than the cyclists' health insurance, which may be paying pre-negotiated rates.

It's a mess, but not as bad as you think for situations where people actually have insurance. Ohio Bike Lawyer explains how a lot of it works here.

SNS1938 replied to wycombewheeler | 3 years ago

John Oliver did a show recently about the cost of ambulance rides, and how crazy they are. I see why two riders refused an ambulance ride and got their own way to the hospital.

The system here is so broken.

AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

Unfortunately the US Police don't seem to find drivers guilty of anything but having accidents no matter what illegal moves they do. Look at Pedro Lopez last year who was killed when a truck did an illegal u-turn straight into him and hit other vehicles. Even though the NYPD had the video, they stated "No criminality appeared to take place". Or the initial investigation of the "accident" where a drugged up driver crashed into and killed / injured a bunch of cyclists. It took them a week to charge him with anything and that was only because they finally found drugs in his system. If they hadn't, I expect he would have got away free from an criminal prosecutions. 

Billy1mate replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

It seems yank police are a continual embarrassment, they do not serve or protect.

SNS1938 replied to Billy1mate | 3 years ago

They certainly don't help themselves.

TempleOrion replied to SNS1938 | 3 years ago
SNS1938 wrote:

They certainly don't help themselves.

I suspect that's *all* they do, actually: Help themselves,.rather than the public...

eburtthebike replied to Billy1mate | 3 years ago

It seems that in the US, getting in the way of a driver is a crime.

Roulereo replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

You guys should be thankful you don't live in Melbourne Australia.

Under thw world's longest and most unsuccessful Lockjdown, Victoria Police are using the 'Health Act' powers to assault and intimidate anyone they choose. Protests are now illegal. Public transport is shut down on weekends into the CBD to prevent potential for protest. Riot police with plastic bullets and shrapnel grenades have been used every few days on the streets of Melburne CBD, and pepper spray is used in the majority of interactions with protestors. With the exception of one instance (union members against CFMEU union bosses) there has been no property damage by protestors and all violence has been instigated by police. 

All Melbourne residents are lockedown with a nightly curfew, with exercise limited to 2 hours per day. Specifically, cycling is limited to 10km radus from home. It was only increased from 5km last Sunday. 

The UK and the rest of the world needs to be made aware of the police state and hell hole Melbourne has become.

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