Jack has been writing about cycling and multisport for over a decade, arriving at road.cc via 220 Triathlon Magazine in 2017. He worked across all areas of the website including tech, news and video, and also contributed to eBikeTips before being named Editor of road.cc in 2021 (much to his surprise). Jack has been hooked on cycling since his student days, and currently has a Trek 1.2 for winter riding, a beloved Bickerton folding bike for getting around town and an extra beloved custom Ridley Helium SLX for fantasising about going fast in his stable. Jack has never won a bike race, but does have a master's degree in print journalism and two Guinness World Records for pogo sticking (it's a long story).
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Richie Porte: rider sponsored by coffee company in slagging-off-other-coffee-manufacturers shock.
This is the hill in Chester where, back in the late '50s, we old-school time trialists, after the cafe stop would see how far we could get up (not IF you could get up). We measured success by which back door we could reach. You needed a 'catcher' ready 'cos we were strapped in to toeclips.
And I thought the one I have here in Stavanger is hard enough topping out at around 30-32% (can't find the actual figures at the moment) . . but when the "Hammer Series" comes through Stavanger thy use it, and they go up it 10 times. On their first lap, I'm sure they are going up faster than I dare go down, and that's me running decent grippy tyres and good stopping disc brakes.
There's a 70 degree bend right at the bottom of the steepest part, and it's blind, with hedging, and the road is 2 way for traffic, even if only for access to properties.
I have the power to get up (in the granny gear) but generally find my front wheel trying to lift and that is scary.
37% grade.
Choice 1: Road bike. You make it. Bragging rights and free beer for life.
Choice 2: Road bike. You fail and walk up. You're human - accept it!
Choice 3: Road bike: You fail, come to a halt, brain turns to porridge, CLIPTASTROPHY! - You are the talk of every club ride ever, "Do you remember when ... What a wanker!"
Choice 4: MTB. It's what it's for. Zero bragging rights.
Choice 5: Fixie/single speed. You already have your excuse, absolutely no-one expects you to make it. Serious bragging rights for attempting with bonuses for distance (that will get longer depending on time elapsed and alcohol consumed).
How much pulling power do you lose though RR?
Last time I rode something I thought was doing to push me to crawling speed I did it on flats just incase I had to bail out! It's also a lot easier to get started again on steep stuff with flats.
A few of us rode it in June. Its not too bad. Its just a case of pick your easiest gear, try not to spin out and accept itll be steep for the next couple of minutes.
Its harder work getting out of the village. Its not quite as steep but its WAY longer.
Its well worth riding this climb but as you drop down into the village youll realise theres plenty of steep climbing to do once youve made it up the worlds steepest road.
Whats not to love?
I've ridden it. Dropped down it first to check out the lie of the land and then turned around and rode back up. I was 51 at the time riding 34/32 on 700x28 tyres on my 2015 GT Grade Alloy 105 (which is a 10kg bike upgraded with a 105 50/34 chainset). Like Rosedale and Hardknott (and Mow Cop and others) it is a case of gritting your teeth, hauling on the bars and mashing the pedals for a relatively short time. The burn comes afterwards.
If you complied with no-entry signs you'd never manage all of the 100 Greatest Climbs, Constitution Hill in Swansea is similarly signed at the bottom.
Constitution hill is a belter. Slipped on a cobble and fell off last time i had a go at it.
I have noticed that ITV are showing their higlight show of the TdF on ITV1, a bit after midnight mind, but cycling on a main channel away from ITV4.
Celebrating a poor road routing now are we
We found Ffordd Pen Llech on Sunday, scary enough walking down it, not sure I'm brave enough to try riding up! It is one way but it's a very quiet road for some reason ... would be fine riding up if you've got the legs for it. And no, the photos don't do it justice
I'm not the strongest cyclist but I've got to the top of Monks Hill in Weston. However, I went up the less steep side, had a look at the steep side and didn't trust my rim brakes enough to go down it - probably a bit of vertigo kicking in as well.
There doesn't seem to be much on the web about it, but I did find this: https://thecyclehub.net/6th-rule-saturday-cycling-find-good-hill-climb/
I'd love to ride up it, but that looks like a no entry sign in the picture, what a shame...
When the chaps at another Youtube channel did it with Dan Evans, the road was specifically closed for the attempts. The local council will need to look at it now as a 1.5 tonne car will be hard to stop on those gradients if cyclists decide to ignore that sign to climb it.
I think that now it’s had this publicity, the council ought to consider changing the one-way direction. I’d have thought it safest to wear the clutch out going up rather than the brakes going down, especially if you only find out there’s ice/snow on the road when you’re already committed!
37.5% gradient?
Pretty sure I don't have a gear low enough for that..
Someone will be on here soon humblebragging about something they did on 53-11.
Usually starts with 'I'm not the strongest cyclist but....'