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Instagram video shows driver knocking cyclist off bike – the second such incident in same Surrey town in three months?

Footage posted to social network is similar to incident in Ewell in September that left cyclist with broken leg

A video posted to Instagram shows a driver deliberately knocking a cyclist from their bike, all for the sake of likes – and is said to have taken place in the same town in Surrey where a similar incident that left a cyclist with a broken leg in September was the subject of a police witness appeal.

The footage, and mirror copies of it, have been deleted by the photo- and video-sharing network since being posted at the weekend following complaints from users, according to Mail Online.

However, that hasn’t prevented the website from itself posting the footage, which was reportedly filmed in Ewell, near Epsom in Surrey.

The motorist, driving a Volkswagen, tails the cyclist along a line of cars parked to the left while a passenger films.

He then shouts, “Oi!” and knocks the cyclist from his bike, onto the car bonnet from where he falls to the ground.

The cyclist shouts, “What are you f*ck*ng doing, you pr*ck?” while the car occupants continue laughing before the driver makes off.

It is unclear when the footage was shot, but can reveal that in September, Surrey Police issued an appeal for witnesses after a cyclist in Ewell sustained a broken leg when he was knocked from his bike, apparently on purpose, with the driver failing to stop.

That incident took place on 10 September at 9.20pm, two hours after sunset.

The police appeal, under crime reference number PR/45180097393, said:

It is believed that the cyclist, believed to be a man in his 40s, was knocked deliberately from his bike, causing him to sustain a compound fracture to his right leg. The car failed to stop following the incident, which took place in Gadesden Road at the junction with Scotts Farm Road. The car was described as a black 4x4, possibly a Vauxhall with roof bars, although enquiries remain ongoing to establish this.

The cyclist was taken to hospital where he remains in a serious but stable condition.

Officers are investigating whether the collision is linked to a knifepoint robbery at the Epsom Downs Viewpoint, off Grandstand Road, which took place earlier that evening around 8.55pm.

We have asked Surrey Police whether they are investigating the incident shown in the Instagram video, and also whether they believe it may be linked to the one in September.

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mdavidford | 6 years ago


It is believed that the cyclist, believed to be a man in his 40s...


Does he not remember how old he is? Due to concussion sustained in the incident?

peted76 | 6 years ago

How have i missed this thread up to now! It's got 'classic' written all over it!

bikeman01 | 6 years ago

You've got to love how DM reader LokiUK, Darwen comments "Cyclist should not be on the road without at least a helmet!".

I'm not sure if that's helpful safety advice or if he's saying "the cyclist was asking for it".


don simon fbpe replied to bikeman01 | 6 years ago
1 like

bikeman01 wrote:

You've got to love how DM reader LokiUK, Darwen comments "Cyclist should not be on the road without at least a helmet!".

I'm not sure if that's helpful safety advice or if he's saying "the cyclist was asking for it".


I've ridden up the devil's road, and trust me helmets don't make one jot of difference when it comes down to shite driving.

Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Never mind dropping paving stones on cars, he was clearly dropped on one as a child.

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here but Leg's statement is taking the biscuit.

Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here 

It's just as well I don't do that, then.  Isn't it?

don simon fbpe replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 6 years ago

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here 

It's just as well I don't do that, then.  Isn't it?

Go on then, give a convincing argument for escalating violence towards innocent people. I'm all for a bit of terrorism, it's not war, so we'll call it what it is. I'm just looking for the response for when plod catch up with me that'll keep me out of jail.

I'm disappointed that as our self appointed leader you've decided to runaway to The Netherlands, best of luck.

Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to don simon fbpe | 6 years ago

don simon fbpe wrote:

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here 

It's just as well I don't do that, then.  Isn't it?

Go on then, give a convincing argument for escalating violence towards innocent people. I'm all for a bit of terrorism, it's not war, so we'll call it what it is. I'm just looking for the response for when plod catch up with me that'll keep me out of jail.

I'm disappointed that as our self appointed leader you've decided to runaway to The Netherlands, best of luck.

Prior to the establishment of the Irish Free State, 'terror' attacks were being carried out by the Fenians, targeting the British.  

The British announced that thenceforth, every 'terror' attack would result in the hanging of ten people selected at random, from the area in which the attack took place.

The attacks stopped overnight. 

Look, I get it.  You're peace-loving, all men are equal, dib-dib-dib.   But British cyclists are the subject of a campaign of intimidation, bullying, assault and murder.  You can keep suffering that, whilst begging the drivers to stop hurting you.  Or you can fight back. 

<hands up in a 'I give up' sort of gesture>

Not my problem anymore.  Or at least, it won't be.  

don simon fbpe replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 6 years ago

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

don simon fbpe wrote:

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here 

It's just as well I don't do that, then.  Isn't it?

Go on then, give a convincing argument for escalating violence towards innocent people. I'm all for a bit of terrorism, it's not war, so we'll call it what it is. I'm just looking for the response for when plod catch up with me that'll keep me out of jail.

I'm disappointed that as our self appointed leader you've decided to runaway to The Netherlands, best of luck.

Prior to the establishment of the Irish Free State, 'terror' attacks were being carried out by the Fenians, targeting the British.  

The British announced that thenceforth, every 'terror' attack would result in the hanging of ten people selected at random, from the area in which the attack took place.

The attacks stopped overnight. 

Look, I get it.  You're peace-loving, all men are equal, dib-dib-dib.   But British cyclists are the subject of a campaign of intimidation, bullying, assault and murder.  You can keep suffering that, whilst begging the drivers to stop hurting you.  Or you can fight back. 

<hands up in a 'I give up' sort of gesture>

Not my problem anymore.  Or at least, it won't be.  

You're not an army and you're not a terrorist. You must be a freedom fighter.

ficklewhippet replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 6 years ago
1 like

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

don simon fbpe wrote:

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

I've posted a lot of ill-thought-out crap on here 

It's just as well I don't do that, then.  Isn't it?

Go on then, give a convincing argument for escalating violence towards innocent people. I'm all for a bit of terrorism, it's not war, so we'll call it what it is. I'm just looking for the response for when plod catch up with me that'll keep me out of jail.

I'm disappointed that as our self appointed leader you've decided to runaway to The Netherlands, best of luck.

Prior to the establishment of the Irish Free State, 'terror' attacks were being carried out by the Fenians, targeting the British.  

The British announced that thenceforth, every 'terror' attack would result in the hanging of ten people selected at random, from the area in which the attack took place.

The attacks stopped overnight. 

Look, I get it.  You're peace-loving, all men are equal, dib-dib-dib.   But British cyclists are the subject of a campaign of intimidation, bullying, assault and murder.  You can keep suffering that, whilst begging the drivers to stop hurting you.  Or you can fight back. 

<hands up in a 'I give up' sort of gesture>

Not my problem anymore.  Or at least, it won't be.  


Cracking example there, I mean it's not like that approach sowed the seeds for the next 150 years or so or anything is it?

L11W - Rebel Without A Clue. Enjoy the doobies, try not to beat the wife and two kids if you don't get your fill of imagined conflicts out on the roads (I'm sure they'll be fine as you'll be late home most nights)

ficklewhippet | 6 years ago
1 like

More importantly can the nutjob L11W bring his flights forward ASAP?

ironmancole | 6 years ago

Call a Muslim a terrorist or ridicule a homosexual and quite rightly they are investigated as hate crimes, which carry some pretty heavy criminal penalties.

Deliberately knock a human being from a bicycle and it’s pretty much trivialised as amusement.

Driver should be charged with attempted murder and issued a lifelong driving ban.

In reality, if caught, will face a small fine and an assault charge that will be waterered down by a solicitor arguing the attacker was having a hard time in life and didn’t intend to injure anyone.

Yet again I ask why we collectively do nothing other than whinge about stories like this on, cyclists as a group appear depressingly unwilling to get organised and demand legislative change.

Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to ironmancole | 6 years ago

ironmancole wrote:

Call a Muslim a terrorist or ridicule a homosexual and quite rightly they are investigated as hate crimes, which carry some pretty heavy criminal penalties.

Deliberately knock a human being from a bicycle and it’s pretty much trivialised as amusement.

Driver should be charged with attempted murder and issued a lifelong driving ban.

In reality, if caught, will face a small fine and an assault charge that will be waterered down by a solicitor arguing the attacker was having a hard time in life and didn’t intend to injure anyone.

Yet again I ask why we collectively do nothing other than whinge about stories like this on, cyclists as a group appear depressingly unwilling to get organised and demand legislative change.

What use is it if you 'demand legislative change' only to be ignored?

They ignored a million of us in 2003.  What makes you think they won't ignore a million cyclists, if by some miracle, that many protested now?


Kendalred replied to ironmancole | 6 years ago

ironmancole wrote:

Call a Muslim a terrorist or ridicule a homosexual and quite rightly they are investigated as hate crimes, which carry some pretty heavy criminal penalties.

Deliberately knock a human being from a bicycle and it’s pretty much trivialised as amusement.

Driver should be charged with attempted murder and issued a lifelong driving ban.

In reality, if caught, will face a small fine and an assault charge that will be waterered down by a solicitor arguing the attacker was having a hard time in life and didn’t intend to injure anyone.

Yet again I ask why we collectively do nothing other than whinge about stories like this on, cyclists as a group appear depressingly unwilling to get organised and demand legislative change.

It doesn't need to be, and you could argue, it shouldn't be, classed as a hate crime. It should just be treated in the same way as violence against the person is treated when away from the roads. If you did this type of thing in the local shopping mall (ie deliberately cause serious injury to another person), then you would be locked up for it - especially if you used a deadly weapon, which is what a motor vehicle potentially is.

Society tends to classify hate crime as crimes against a group - the members of that group usually have no choice but to be members of that 'group' - ie LGBT, ethnic minorities, women, Jewish etc etc. These are not lifestyle choices, but cycling is. I get stick for being a vegan, but it's not really a hate crime, as veganism is a choice.

Christopher TR1 | 6 years ago

If violence is the answer then it needs to be pin-point accurate, like a D-lock to the skull of Dash Cam Bristol. Not random.

Christopher TR1 | 6 years ago

Many cats like cake!

hawkinspeter replied to Christopher TR1 | 6 years ago
1 like

Christopher TR1 wrote:

Many cats like cake!

They must be the good ones then.

They'll still eat your body when you die though (or your face if you're Aunt Helen)


ktache | 6 years ago

mmmm...crispy pancakes.

lllnorrislll | 6 years ago

Until attacking a cyclist is seen as a hate crime and prosecution for posting 'attacks' on social media becomes a thing, cyclists will be seen as fair game.
We have a new generation of celebrity (or celebrity wannabe), who think nothing about harvesting 'likes', from their stupid / dangerous antics on videos and although some may well be fake, a lot of these attacks are very real and someone will get killed.
Today I had YouTube advertise me to watch a video by a youtuber - dash cam Bristol, assumably because I watch cyclist / cycling videos and he has submitted called 'cyclist vermin', which had already had 21k views. Within 2.05mins the video shows his bullying a female cyclist in to a kerb before swearing and honking her. His followers all lapping it up. Time to make an example of them!!

Kendo replied to lllnorrislll | 6 years ago
lllnorrislll wrote:

Until attacking a cyclist is seen as a hate crime and prosecution for posting 'attacks' on social media becomes a thing, cyclists will be seen as fair game.
We have a new generation of celebrity (or celebrity wannabe), who think nothing about harvesting 'likes', from their stupid / dangerous antics on videos and although some may well be fake, a lot of these attacks are very real and someone will get killed.
Today I had YouTube advertise me to watch a video by a youtuber - dash cam Bristol, assumably because I watch cyclist / cycling videos and he has submitted called 'cyclist vermin', which had already had 21k views. Within 2.05mins the video shows his bullying a female cyclist in to a kerb before swearing and honking her. His followers all lapping it up. Time to make an example of them!!

Re: Dash Cam Bristol - That's shitty. I trust that you reported the video to You Tube for hateful content?

don simon fbpe replied to Kendo | 6 years ago

Kendo wrote:
lllnorrislll wrote:

Until attacking a cyclist is seen as a hate crime and prosecution for posting 'attacks' on social media becomes a thing, cyclists will be seen as fair game. We have a new generation of celebrity (or celebrity wannabe), who think nothing about harvesting 'likes', from their stupid / dangerous antics on videos and although some may well be fake, a lot of these attacks are very real and someone will get killed. Today I had YouTube advertise me to watch a video by a youtuber - dash cam Bristol, assumably because I watch cyclist / cycling videos and he has submitted called 'cyclist vermin', which had already had 21k views. Within 2.05mins the video shows his bullying a female cyclist in to a kerb before swearing and honking her. His followers all lapping it up. Time to make an example of them!!

Re: Dash Cam Bristol - That's shitty. I trust that you reported the video to You Tube for hateful content?

I think that vid sums attitudes pretty well, 1 female cyclist who was harrassed by the van gets the abuse from followers while the other 10 mins 45 secs of shitty driving in an 11 min video is accepted. OK, the second old fella on the bike could well have stopped, but our intrepid cameraman wouldn't have been able to get a reaction if he'd driven more considerately. It's almost like people can't think.

JohnnyRemo | 6 years ago

Confused - says it happened after dark, but Mail vid is in daylight?


daccordimark replied to JohnnyRemo | 6 years ago
1 like

JohnnyRemo wrote:

Confused - says it happened after dark, but Mail vid is in daylight?


The September attack happened after dark, the article moves on to that one at the end. I've noticed this happen a few times on and it takes a while to work out they're talking about a different thing.



JohnnyRemo | 6 years ago

If the video on the Fails site is what is being reffered to it looks pretty staged.


EddyBerckx | 6 years ago

Not quite understanding this story.

Someone posted this video...the police can force the site to reveal who and work their way to the guilty party from that.

Doesn't matter if they deleted it, they have to store a copy for around a year I believe anyway before it gets permanently deleted. What went wrong here??

ConcordeCX replied to EddyBerckx | 6 years ago

StoopidUserName wrote:

Not quite understanding this story. Someone posted this video...the police can force the site to reveal who and work their way to the guilty party from that. Doesn't matter if they deleted it, they have to store a copy for around a year I believe anyway before it gets permanently deleted. What went wrong here??

perhaps they'll do the decent thing and force to reveal the name and address of legs-eleven-worcester so he can spend some time in Broadmoor 


Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to ConcordeCX | 6 years ago

ConcordeCX wrote:

StoopidUserName wrote:

Not quite understanding this story. Someone posted this video...the police can force the site to reveal who and work their way to the guilty party from that. Doesn't matter if they deleted it, they have to store a copy for around a year I believe anyway before it gets permanently deleted. What went wrong here??

perhaps they'll do the decent thing and force to reveal the name and address of legs-eleven-worcester so he can spend some time in Broadmoor 

What, again?? 

Sniffer replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 6 years ago
1 like

Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

ConcordeCX wrote:

StoopidUserName wrote:

Not quite understanding this story. Someone posted this video...the police can force the site to reveal who and work their way to the guilty party from that. Doesn't matter if they deleted it, they have to store a copy for around a year I believe anyway before it gets permanently deleted. What went wrong here??

perhaps they'll do the decent thing and force to reveal the name and address of legs-eleven-worcester so he can spend some time in Broadmoor 

What, again?? 

Do you keep getting sent to Broadmoor?

Legs_Eleven_Wor... | 6 years ago

Now, select one motorway bridge at random, somewhere in Britain, and drop a paving stone onto a car.  

And do this every single time a cyclist is deliberately targeted. 

Mungecrundle replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 6 years ago
Legs_Eleven_Worcester wrote:

Now, select one motorway bridge at random, somewhere in Britain, and drop a paving stone onto a car.  

And do this every single time a cyclist is deliberately targeted. 



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