Sir Bradley Wiggins is to front a four-part Tour de France podcast for Eurosport. The Bradley Wiggins Show will go out every Monday during the race with a video version also available at
We’re promised Wiggins’ perspective on all the major talking points, together with previews of upcoming stages.
Eurosport says the show will be anchored by radio presenter Adam Green with Molly Weaver (who has recently stepped away from professional cycling for a period) joining them as a regular guest.
Wiggins said: “I can’t wait to get in the Eurosport studio and share my views on this year’s Tour de France.
“Having competed in the Tour six times, I know what the riders and teams will be going through and I look forward to giving my honest opinions on what is happening on and off the road.”
The 2012 winner said that when the series was first proposed, he jumped at the chance to be involved.
“My passion for cycling remains as great as ever and I want to make the series appeal to both hardcore cycling supporters and general sport fans who want to know more about the biggest cycling race in the world.”
The first episode comes out on July 9, and will be available on all major podcast providers including iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, GooglePlay, Audioboom, Stitcher and Deezer.
The Bradley Wiggins Show will not be the only podcast by a former, erm, participant during this year’s race. Last year Lance Armstrong attracted a sizeable listenership for his Stages podcast which went out about an hour after each stage.
Stages now seems to have been rebranded as THEMOVE (all upper-case, no space, because that’s apparently how we have to name things in the modern world.)
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What a lovely idea, but based on very personal experience the local filth will have far more sympathy for the offender than any victim. ...
Thanks - much appreciated. ...
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