Two loops, three distances, the Evans Cycles perennial favourite returns for another year of hills and endurance.
For all those riders who have done the half loop in the past and wondered what the second half of the long loop had in store, we are now offering 2 “Half” loops, the original West loop and the new East Loop. The West loop contains climbs like Leith Hill, Combe Lane and Box Hill, whilst the East has the quad trembling threesome of The Wall, Yorks Hill and finishes on Titsey Hill. The full route combines them both to make a 10.5 climb, 115mile beast. So start training now for one of the original tough sportive challenges on the calendar!
Along with the ride itself you’ll also get free breakfast before the ride, fully stocked drink stations, So much High 5 you won’t know what to do with it, a free post event pasta meal, a goodie bag worth around £10 and a medal! It’s got to be one of the best value Sportives out there.
But wouldn't you basically get the same information just by comparing the times it took you to ride it?
Stupid Purchase Especially Cos It Always Lets In Zippiness-Ending Detritus?
This is part of why the solution to the problem is not attempting to build separate infrastructures for each type of vehicle that appears, but...
Well that took a lot of searching, see example below from Tuscumbia, Alabama (pop. <10,000). Plenty more examples in this list:...
I see that you get the Premium Ordnance Survey version including UK, USA, Australia and NZ for £35/year
The journo has definitely passed his "find interesting things to say about a very boring product" test!
What's relevant probably depends on the individual's use case....
'should' these days - only the MUSTs and MUST NOTs are shouted.