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Police seek road rage cyclist after fight with Uber driver

Unclear what precipitated the incident

Police are looking for a cyclist who was involved in an altercation with an Uber driver in Shoreditch on Tuesday morning. The apparent road rage incident is said to have culminated in the driver sustaining a dislocated shoulder.

Police have confirmed to the London Evening Standard that they were called to Great Eastern Street in Shoreditch at 8.56am on Tuesday following reports of a road rage incident between a cyclist and a car driver who were fighting in the street.

The Uber passenger, Richard Beech, editor of the Joe website, recounted his version of what happened via Twitter. It is unclear from his account what precipitated the incident.

Beech wrote:

“I was running late for work this morning, so I decided to get an Uber, it's only £8 from my house to my office.

“The guy turns up, he's a nice guy, we're talking about football, everything is fine.

“Then we get onto Roman Road, and cyclists are clusterfucking this guy like I've never seen before. It's like a swarm of bees.

“This one guy, who's dressed like he's about to win the fucking Tour de France is snaking around the road, so the Uber guy can't overtake him.

“Uber guy eventually overtakes, & the cyclist pulls up alongside him at the lights & calls him a "twat", then squirts his water bottle in car.

“I'm covered in water, so is the driver, and the cyclist speeds off. Unfortunately he speeds off on the same route as us.

“I tell the Uber driver to leave it, there's no way this can end well for him. Eventually we overtake cyclist again.

“The cyclist catches up when we're in traffic, uses his bike to carve a dent in the side of the Uber, and smashes the wing mirror off.

“Cyclist makes the mistake of stopping and saying "how do you like it now, c*nt". Faster than a cheetah, Uber man is out the car.

“Grabs the guy's bike so he can't run away, and they are fighting in the middle of the street in Shoreditch.

“I phone the police, and while I'm on the phone, the cyclist, who is a big guy, city boy type, has the Uber driver down on the floor.

“Police turn up, and the cyclist fucking hightails it, Uber man has dislocated shoulder, and is taken to hospital after we give a statement.

“Anyway, I walk to work from there. Hoping the guy's ok.”

Beech said he had submitted footage of the incident to the police. He also added that he later received a bill for a 90-minute Uber trip from his house to the hospital.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Look555 | 6 years ago
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His bias has nothing to do  with: who he's chief spokesman for whilst no one else employs him. Looking for a decent gig at the mail no doubt. Do not feed the troll.

maviczap replied to Look555 | 6 years ago
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Look555 wrote:

His bias has nothing to do  with: who he's chief spokesman for whilst no one else employs him. Looking for a decent gig at the mail no doubt. Do not feed the troll.

Yet another anti cycling in London loon. If it was only an £8 Uber fare, just buy a bike or walk to your office

srchar | 8 years ago

I tweeted the beardy Shoreditch guy who ruined the USA Soccer Guy Twitter account. He tried to explain himself, but was unconvincing; he then tweeted a photo of himself on a bike to "prove" he's not fibbing and it all became clear...

He's a bloody casual triathlete.

matthewn5 | 8 years ago

I think I actually saw this fight - if it was on the Old Street end of Great Eastern Street westbound?

There was a cyclist, big but soft, helmeted, with a backpack, wearing cargo shorts and a casual shirt but looking more like a harmless tech nerd, trying to wrestle an unremarkable fixie with four-spoke wheels away from another guy, who was frantically trying to grab it and get to the cyclist. The fixie guy was saying "let go of my bike, let go of my bike" and was using it to defend himself from his attacker, who was trying to wrestle the bike off him. This went on for a while with the bike getting twisted around, dropped, jumped on, stepped on etc by the attacker. Eventually the attacker just sat on the bike. By this time they were in that square in front of the Yard pizza joint. Very ugly.

I was late for work so didn't hang about.

In the light of the above, could it be the same incident? If so, it was quite different to the twitter account. Very different. Looked like the fixie guy was defending himself from a frenzied attack.

Accessibility f... | 8 years ago

> “The cyclist catches up when we're in traffic, uses his bike to carve a dent in the side of the Uber"

How is this possible?  Beyond dismounting and throwing the bike into the car, I can think of no way this can be done.

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Maybe we can start a club, ride around and hand out beatings to dodgy drivers..

Full Tour Gear City Boys enlightened

Coffee stops will include a ritual chant in ode to our Uber beating founding father.

Leviathan | 8 years ago
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I think I'll have two twatwaffles with a side of egging himon for Saturday breakfast.

Jack Osbourne snr | 8 years ago

I had to stop myself from extracting a private hire driver from his shell on Thursday morning. I really object to having the front end of a car directly in front of me while the rear is still beside me.
To be fair he did at least start indicating as he cut me up.

Richard D replied to Jack Osbourne snr | 8 years ago

“Cyclist makes the mistake of stopping and saying "how do you like it now, c*nt". Faster than a cheetah, Uber man is out the car.

“Grabs the guy's bike so he can't run away, and they are fighting in the middle of the street in Shoreditch.

Right there, any hope that the Uber driver has of running some sort of self defence argument goes out of the window.  He stops his car, gets out, and starts fighting with the cyclist.

And loses.

I do hope that the Police (and especially the cyclist's defence lawyers) get a copy of this Pilchard's account.  I bet that his statement to the Police omits all the prejudices, biases, half-truths and incriminating information that he's posted to Twitter or wherever it was.

Yorkshire wallet | 8 years ago

We all need to start riding flats for easy dismounts and a decent footing when trouble starts. 

I like fact that you wear riding kit means you're pretending to be in the TDF according to the beard clone twat. Yes, we all really do think we're in the TDF. Maybe the TDF rider just expected a sticky bottle?

vonhelmet replied to Yorkshire wallet | 8 years ago
Yorkshire wallet wrote:

We all need to start riding flats for easy dismounts and a decent footing when trouble starts. 

I like fact that you wear riding kit means you're pretending to be in the TDF according to the beard clone twat. Yes, we all really do think we're in the TDF. Maybe the TDF rider just expected a sticky bottle?

This always makes me laugh. I wonder whether it applies to other sports? He's wearing a football shirt for five a side, thinks he's Pele in the World Cup. He's got some golf clubs at the golf course, thinks he's Faldo at the open. Running shoes on to go for a jog, thinks he's Mo Farah at the 2012 Olympics.

Leviathan replied to vonhelmet | 8 years ago
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vonhelmet wrote:
Yorkshire wallet wrote:

We all need to start riding flats for easy dismounts and a decent footing when trouble starts. 

I like fact that you wear riding kit means you're pretending to be in the TDF according to the beard clone twat. Yes, we all really do think we're in the TDF. Maybe the TDF rider just expected a sticky bottle?

This always makes me laugh. I wonder whether it applies to other sports? He's wearing a football shirt for five a side, thinks he's Pele in the World Cup. He's got some golf clubs at the golf course, thinks he's Faldo at the open. Running shoes on to go for a jog, thinks he's Mo Farah at the 2012 Olympics.

Apparently so. I was going through a country park the other week wearing my GB London 2012 jersey and some kid said something like 'Ha, Tom Daley.' I didn't stop to point out his error.

davel | 8 years ago

I visited the site. It is a mere drop in an ocean of pointless clickbait.

I too want to find this big guy, dressed like he was about to win the tour de france (but was also a City boy type: pin-stripe suit...? phone in each hand...?)


The _Kaner replied to davel | 8 years ago
davel wrote:

I visited the site. It is a mere drop in an ocean of pointless clickbait.

I too want to find this big guy, dressed like he was about to win the tour de france (but was also a City boy type: pin-stripe suit...? phone in each hand...?)


Alan Sugar????

Except, even though he cycles...hes still an obnoxious twunt to cyclists...

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

Rather cyclists had a tough reputation than a soft one. More riders would get less hassle..

Judge dreadful | 8 years ago

That's a terrible road for getting squeezed if you don't grow a pair. Over reaction from cycloman though. That gives us all a bad name.

Beecho | 8 years ago

Wasn't me guv

DrG82 | 8 years ago
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Surely every taxi driver runs a dash cam these days so it will all come out in the wash and this Richard beech's story can be ignored because he's obviously anti cyclist and a totally unreliable witness.

frogg | 8 years ago

haven't you noticed that drivers can't stand drive behind a cyclist at 15mph in a busy environment, but have no problem standing still for hours in traffic jam ?

StuInNorway | 8 years ago

Don't forget that he started it with "What follows is a true story" . .  the twitter equivalent of "Once upon a time"
There is absolutely another side to this story. He aludes to it himself 

"Mr Beech said the cyclist sped off afterwards, but the driver went after him, despite his passenger urging caution. But after overtaking the cyclist again, violence broke out between the pair."  - Yes Mr Innocent Uber Driver "went after him" (road rage) and after overtaking violence broke out . .  Uber driver jumps out car and attacks cyclist. The fight was not IN the car

Ush | 8 years ago

Beech seems like an unreliable witness at best.  

tritecommentbot | 8 years ago

His langauge indicates a strong bias. 


Pretty much screwed himself over as a reliable witness there.


Something started it and his omission of it is the most damaging to his version of events. 

davel | 8 years ago

The scrap aside, Richard Beech seems a twat.

ChrisB200SX | 8 years ago

Bloody cyclists, randomly attacking poor innocent Uber drivers. Yeah, a likely story.

WillRod | 8 years ago

Cyclists don't normally attack cars for random things. I'm willing to bet that the uber driver did something dangerous that upset the cyclist. I gave up using taxis because they drive like psychos.

And the speed limit things is true. You can be bombing it down a long, slight descent, doing 30-35mph in a 30, and still get overtaken! I bet even Todd Reichert at nearly 90mph would get overtaken if he weren't on closed roads!

nowasps | 8 years ago

Mr Beech's testimony sounds a little off.

SimonS | 8 years ago

This is the bit that doesn't ring completely true:

"Then we get onto Roman Road, and cyclists are clusterfucking this guy like I've never seen before. It's like a swarm of bees"

Would seem to translate at "there were a lot of cyclists using this road"

"This one guy, who's dressed like he's about to win the fucking Tour de France is snaking around the road, so the Uber guy can't overtake him"

Probably translates as 'was riding in primary becasue Roman Road is too narrow to safely pass, was rush hour so road was busy (and it's a 20mph limit anyway so a 'tour de france' rider isn't going to be holding up mr Uber)

"Uber guy eventually overtakes, & the cyclist pulls up alongside him at the lights & calls him a "twat", then squirts his water bottle in car"

Uber guy forces his way past dangerously but of course as expected hasn't actually got anywhere so is promptly caught and overtaken again.   

After that who knows what the truth is - obviously it escalated badly but I really don't buy that this was completely unprovoked.

vonhelmet replied to SimonS | 8 years ago
SimonS wrote:

(and it's a 20mph limit anyway so a 'tour de france' rider isn't going to be holding up mr Uber)

Speed limits are irrelevant.  If you're behind a cyclist, you're not going fast enough.

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