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Video: Col Collective take on biggest climb yet - more than 4,000m

Mike Cotty heads to Colorado to tackle Mount Evans

Mike Cotty and the Col Collective are back with a new video – and it’s one of a monster climb, the highest they have ever done.

The ascent in question was Mount Evans in Colorado, which tops out at 4,307 metres.

To put that into context, the highest paved road in Europe, in Spain’s Sierra Nevada, reaches around 3,300 metres.

The highest road reached in the Tour de France, the Col de la Bonette, by contrast, is 2,802 metres.

Here’s what Cotty says about the climb.

If there’s one climb that stands above all in Colorado it’s Mount Evans. Not only is it the highest summit of the Chicago Peaks, in the Front Range of the Rockies, but to top it off it’s the highest paved road in North America at a whopping 14,130ft (4,307m) elevation!

To put that in perspective by the summit you’re just 1,640ft (500m) shy of being at the top of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps, but to make it that high in Europe you’ll definitely need to trade your wheels for a pair of ice axes.....not so in the US!

In cycling terms, it’s like taking the Galibier and sticking Alpe d’Huez on top, starting at an already oxygen deprived 7,526ft (2,294m) elevation and riding all the way until the air is so thin you swear you’re about to enter a vacuum.

Starting in the historic mining town of Idaho Springs you face a daunting 27.9 mile ascent, journeying through three life zones passing forests, lakes and ancient trees toward the unknown. Although the gradient is never too steep, averaging 4.7% and topping out at 10% it’s the combination of the altitude and elements working together that make this one of the hardest climbs there is. Period.

As you emerge from the Arapaho National Forest conditions can change quickly. In a moment the temperature dropped from 71°F (21°C) to just 39°F (4°C) and with the wind chill it felt bitter to the point my face was verging on freezing.

With 60% less oxygen than at sea level, and a ripping headwind, the final miles often result in nothing more than sheer bloody mindedness and a will to survive. Well, at least that’s what it felt like to me.

We’d actually planned to ride Mount Evans later in our trip to give some time to acclimatise to the altitude but our original date happened to fall the wrong side of Labor Day (which is normally when the road is then closed after Summit Lake approximately 5 miles from the top).

Not wanting to risk it we had to tackle this on day one, straight off the back of a long haul flight coming from sea level. I’d like to think that’s why I found it so hard but the reality is, even on the finest of days and with the best prep Mount Evans is, and always will be, an utter brute. And you know what? We wouldn’t want it any other way.

Vital Statistics

Start: Idaho Springs
Length: 27.9mi / 43.9km
Summit: 14,130ft / 4,307m
Elevation gain: 6,944ft / 2116m
Average gradient: 4.6%
Max gradient: 10%
Ridden in September

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Twowheelsaregreat | 8 years ago

Surely it'd be more fun riding down?

captain_slog | 8 years ago

Wow. Just ... wow.

I'm lucky enough to have done some riding in Colorado's Front Range, though not this. One day.

But it looks so tough. Even Mike seemed to be struggling.

Here's Michael Seeberg writing in his excellent Road Biking Colorado: "As someone who's ridden it many times, I'll give you a summary. There's pavement at 14,000 feet - I'll say it again - there's pavement at 14,000 feet. This is a heinous route. Never have I suffered so much on a ride. If you do not acclimate, this climb will crush you."

dassie | 8 years ago
1 like

Rich_N_  yes , sounds a great thing to do.  50s is the new 40s.   3  I met a cyclist a few weeks ago who was everesting Rosedale Chimney bank in aid of Alzheimer's Research UK, he was mid-50s.

Rich_N_ | 8 years ago

I was there in 1998 on a mountain biking trip. I cheated and drove to the summit of Mt Evans. even that was hard! I drank a whole 2 ltr camelbak in the car.

If you plan to do this you need to take on board the info from the video - I used to be a mountaineer and understand the dangers of this kind of altitude. You will drink so much and as he said, you need to keep the fuel coming. And it's bloody cold....when I was there, it was the beginning of July, Summit Lake was frozen over and snow was either side of the road.

I really do want to ride this - but at 51 years of age, it might be a bit above me now!

Leviathan | 8 years ago

I'd cycle up moutains for money. Watch me suffering would be very entertaining. And I reckon I might get quite good at it.

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