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40-stone American rides across America to lose weight and get his wife back

Eric Hites inspired by Proclaimers' '500 miles' hit song...

A 40-stone American has committed to riding 3,000 miles coast to coast across America, in a bid to lose some weight and win his wife back.

When Eric Hites heard the Proclaimers hit I’m Gonna Be (500 miles), he decided it was time to make a change, and he chose to cycle from coast to coast across the States to win back his wife Angie.

He said: “When I heard that song it hit me.. I wanted to save our marriage.

"So I called her up and said hey, I can’t walk 500 miles but I can probably ride it on my bicycle.”

He said: “My wife and I separated last July for many reasons, money, issues at home etc. both of us were pains in the rear. I was a slob, borderline hoarder that was so over weight and unhealthy, I could not hold or get a job. I tried but, It would just not happen.

“So instead of working to get healthy, I tried to start businesses at the cost of my parents and eventually my father in law.

“I got sicker, grew depressed, kept secrets about money and kept things from her. I tried, but not as hard as I should. I should have tried to get healthy but I didn't, I sat there and did nothing. I just let life slip by.

“I had issues, it was really hard to be my wife let me tell you. I tried to tell myself I was doing my best, but I wasn't.

“Well, I started what I said I would do, I left I went on my trip, two weeks in, she realized I had gone. She said, "you are really on the Vineyard? " I said  "yeah, I told you I had to change my life to change my future and build to prove that I really adore you."

“She said that was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done. So that day I had my Angie back, but, I still had to do the work I promised unlike time in and time out in the past.

“So our relationship grew again, we found each other, we found our love. She came to visit me and it was the best time of my life.

“As as she went back home after the visit I dreamed of the day I would reach my goal and be able to come back home to her and hold her again.”

He wrote on his website at the start of his trip: “As of right now, I'm 560 pounds. I will be blogging and video blogging the whole trip and interviewing people along the way.

He added: “By completing this ride, I hope to encourage others to get up and get moving no matter their weight.

“I have a lot to prove and a lot to make happen. I want to write this book to inspire others and inspire myself and show the love of my life, I still got it.

“There are a lot of naysayers out there and I am going to prove them wrong.”

The About Eric section of the website states that: “Over the years [Eric] has gained weight and let life get away from him. He has come to a time in his life he has to decide if he will make changes and improve his health, love, and life.

“He likes to do big things, and make his family proud. Most of all he wants to show the love of his life, that he will be around for the long haul, to be there when they are old, and to prove by actions instead of words in a big way that his love has no bounds. He has to show her and the world what he can do. 

This ride will launch the rest of his life in the direction needed to be successful and healthy. While he is at it he will share this trip with the world through video, journal entries, and images so that the world can follow along on his journey and share in his triumphs and failures until he completes the ride.

“When the ride is over he will compile a book about his experiences and the people he meets along the way. This will be his defining moment, and hopefully forgiveness and a new solid start on the life he longs for.”

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ianrobo | 9 years ago

Well seems to still be going, has this twitter feed linked to a few YT vids

ianrobo | 9 years ago

I appreciate the guys effort and motivation but boy he has took too much on. Wonder if he is still going ?

J90 | 9 years ago

It's only 27 years after they released the song!

Good on him, I wonder what bike he's using....

bobcollege replied to J90 | 9 years ago

He's using a mountain bike with a trailer, he had been writing a journal but nothing has been posted since July 26th.

MervO | 9 years ago

Try 500 miles. Get it right before decrying others.

WolfieSmith | 9 years ago

Never heard the Proclaimers 500 Years?!! What a primitive country the U.S. is.  4

If his music knowledge widens as he pedals maybe he'll end up 24 hours from Tulsa looking for the way to Amarillo, still not sure what he's looking for on a dark desert highway but ready to send back a letter from America - by either band.

Good luck to him but I would advise a steel frame until he sheds 20 stone.

psling replied to WolfieSmith | 9 years ago
MercuryOne wrote:

Never heard the Proclaimers 500 Years?!! What a primitive country the U.S. is.  4

Me neither, when did they release that one?  16

Good luck to the guy - he'll probably get in shape, hooked on cycling and she'll leave him again because he's always out on his damned bikes...

Beatnik69 | 9 years ago

Good luck to them both!

racyrich | 9 years ago

Sounds very much like this book. Well worth reading.

climber | 9 years ago

I'm about to go on ride across the States, a tad overweight, what wheels would you guys recommend?

Colin Peyresourde | 9 years ago

Good luck to him. I hope he achieves what he wants to out of it. But I cannot help but feel that he has set a goal so big that he is going from 0-100 mph and that this sets him up to fail. Not only that, but that given his weight he will put his body under enormous strain. I hope that he receives some good guidance to help him reach all his goals.

He will face a lot of challenges in his endeavour and should they be too much I hope he can step away and come back stronger.

CommotionLotion | 9 years ago

Sounds like the inspiration for a film (wipes away tears)

chokofingrz replied to CommotionLotion | 9 years ago
CommotionLotion wrote:

Sounds like the inspiration for a film (wipes away tears)

Eddie Redmayne has already pledged to gain 460 pounds so he can portray Eric Hites in next year's Oscar-bait tearjerker.

zanf | 9 years ago

Shows again that obesity is not the really the main issue, but a symptom of other issues.

mike the bike replied to zanf | 9 years ago
zanf wrote:

Shows again that obesity is not the really the main issue, but a symptom of other issues.

..... and indeed, those other issues may not be the main issues, but merely symptoms of yet other issues.

Yorky-M | 9 years ago

Power of the bike. # Avoidthedrivethrus

KirinChris | 9 years ago

Good for him - hope he succeeds in his ride but more importantly with his family.

jezza666 | 9 years ago

Good luck - hopefully will publish periodical updates!

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