John has been writing about bikes and cycling for over 30 years since discovering that people were mug enough to pay him for it rather than expecting him to do an honest day's work.
He was heavily involved in the mountain bike boom of the late 1980s as a racer, team manager and race promoter, and that led to writing for Mountain Biking UK magazine shortly after its inception. He got the gig by phoning up the editor and telling him the magazine was rubbish and he could do better. Rather than telling him to get lost, MBUK editor Tym Manley called Johnâs bluff and the rest is history.
Since then he has worked on MTB Pro magazine and was editor of Maximum Mountain Bike and Australian Mountain Bike magazines, before switching to the web in 2000 to work for Along with founder Tony Farrelly, John was on the launch team for and subsequently became editor in chief of Future Publishingâs group of cycling magazines and websites, including Cycling Plus, MBUK, What Mountain Bike and Procycling.
John has also written for Cyclist magazine, edited the BikeMagic website and was founding editor of before handing over to someone far more representative of the site's main audience.
He joined in 2013. He lives in Cambridge where the lack of hills is more than made up for by the headwinds.
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Pointless trying to compare sentences without knowing the antecedents and any previous convictions of each offender.
Knifists need to put their house in order. Guys like this give responsible knife-users a bad name.
i hate the way we are all labelled as either car drivers, cyclists etc
anyone willing to carry a knife for the intent of using it as a weapon should be locked up for a lot longer than 8 months - 5 year minimum would soon make people think about.
Are the commenters comparing this guy to drivers who have killed cyclists being serious?
One is clearly a nutcase (he was carrying 2 blades, FFS!) who had the clear intent of maliciously wounding someone who had likely driven (and behaved) like a complete numbskull. That a death didn't occur is quite possibly just down to the driver being a bit handy with his fists. This is nothing short of road rage combined with the pre-meditation to be carrying not one but 2 deadly weapons.
The other is (by and large, clearly there are exceptions) generally an inconsiderate driver who whose complacency at the wheel leads them to think it's ok to call/text/close pass etc and who doesn't consider the safety of others. They often leave the scene and/or pass the blame even after killing someone, such is their level of selfishness.
I'd say both got off lightly, but intent is key here.
Oh well thats ok then, to kill another human through "inconcideration"............ I mean much better to be killed by an idiotic moron with 2 tonnes+ of metal than an idiotic moron with a bit of metal...........
Kick their car? Ok fine, if you like that sort of thing.
Carry an offensive weapon? Don't bother!
So he stops the car, pulls out a craft knife, then a lock knife and also threatens members of the public!
Maximum sentence for just carrying a knife without good reason is 4 years plus a ÂŁ5000 fine.
This person got off very lightly.
Errr âŠâŠâŠ. it was the cyclist who had the blades not the car driver. Fail.
Who carries a stanley knife and a lock knife, nutter.
the bloke is clearly an idiot. shouldnt have threated him with a knife, he should have just jump in the nearest car and drove it at him...apparently that is acceptable.
We have the same problem with the drivers in Bulgaria and it's absolutely true that they never get punished for injuring cyclists. So this guy has reacted this way for a reason. RESPECT!
The guy obviously crossed the red-mist line, but then the driver actually got out of his car to confront him? Isn't that a little crazy too? I know what I'd be doing in the drivers place - doors locked, camera on.
With such a discrepancy in sentencing between drivers who kill cyclists and one cyclist who wields a knife at a driver who has no doubt driven like a dick, almost wants to make you take a few with you like this idiot, not least the moton who has just tried to kill you. Motons don't like it up 'em, but they are more than happy to run us over and take the risk of actually being caught and if so a fine or a short driving ban.
Christ I no way condone this cyclists actions but for crying out loud what did Gary McCourt get for Killing a Second Cyclist? A 5 year ban and 300 hours community service. You do really do get less for killing a cyclist, its almost like were fair game, Even the Justice system hates cyclists.
I want Mr Timothy Harrington to be my prosecuting lawyer if, god forbid, I'm on the receiving end of a car v bike altercation.
Sounds like Hassell is rather less of a cyclist and more like a junkie on his way to/from a hit, probably nicked the bike as well.
Regardless of what drivers have or have not done... this is no cyclist, he's clearly just a dick on a bike who needs to be put away before he does somebody some serious damage. 8 months doesn't sound long enough to me.
I don't notice this subtle distinction ever being applied on this forum to drivers!
Cyclists (people who cycle?) are many kinds of individual, dicks included. Just like drivers.
I don't think its quite the same thing though.
The weapon was a knife, not a bike, and indeed the guy was a pedestrian at the time he attacked the victim.
Whereas with drivers we are usually talking about an incident where the car itself was the 'weapon' and where driving was consequently central to the offence. Take those drivers out of the car and they no longer pose a special threat.
This guy is presumably just as out-of-control when a pedestrian, the bike is irrelevant.
If some guys rob a bank and arrive and make their getaway in a car, do the reports say 'some motorists robbed a bank'?
(Edit - I admit you could argue the bike was peripherally involved as it started as a road-related argument)
christ drivers that have killed cyclists have received less than that!
Indeed. Crazy reaction, but it's galling seeing things like:
or this:
or this:
or this, "Only 1 in 10 drivers face jail time after killing a cyclist".
The difference is whether there is intent or not. Pulling out a knife and threatening someone is obvious intent to harm, whereas a traffic collision is not.