The route of a CTC ride in the New Forest has been changed as a result of safety warnings over a clash with a sportive this coming Sunday.
Last week, the New Forest Safety Advisory Group (SAG) called on the organisers of the Wiggle New Forest 100 Sportive and the CTC New Forest Gridiron 100 not to hold their events on the same day unless they can ensure that there is no clash between routes and timings.
The route of the CTC event has been changed so that riders from the two events will not travel in opposite directions on the same road at the same time, a situation the SAG felt would give local drivers dangerous conniption fits.
Wiggle New Forest 100 organiser Martin Barden criticised the SAG for issuing a "premature" press release about the clash that he said just heightened tensions over cycling in the area.
On its website, CTC Wessex said it only realised the extent of the clash on September 23.
“We have been in regular communication with UK Cycling Events since then, unfortunately they are unwilling to make any changes to the Wiggle event.
“So, as we could not agree any sort of compromise, we (with the help and cooperation of the village halls and WI's who make our event possible) have agreed to change our route in the interests of safety."
The new Gridiron route runs in the same direction as the Wiggle sportive and organisers have taken out much of the section where the two routes previously used the road in opposite directions.
Martin Barden, director of Wiggle sportive organisers UK Cycling events thanked the Gridiron organisers for changing their route.
He told the Daily Echo's Katie Clark: “Although we would have liked to have adjusted our route, it was unsafe for us to match the direction of the original Gridiron route”, he said.
“This route was in a clockwise direction meaning the majority of turns would have been right hand turns across a lane of oncoming traffic which is not as safe in our opinion.”
He added: “The only shame is that the Safety Advisory Group issued a premature press statement last week further heightening the tensions in the New Forest towards cycling.”
Chairman of the New Forest Safety Advisory Group, James Knight, said: “We’re pleased that the organisers have acted on our recommendations to ensure that their events can take place as safely as possible.
"The SAG has an important role in advising event organisers regarding the safety of their event in the interest of everyone taking part, as well as the local community.
"Our concerns have been lessened although the public should still be aware that congestion may occur and should take extra care when travelling in the area.”
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It's been two days now and not one comment has come forward in support of the communities who have had to suffer the problem of 'sportive virgin' cyclists (Gareth said it).
Up until 2012, cycling in the UK, in all itsâ aspects, was a real beacon. Our men and women racers were winning all over the world. It inspired families to join in. BC saw the opportunity to get many new members. Retailers saw the opportunity to sell more bikes. Sportive organisers saw the opportunity to get virgin bike-riders into mass-start social rides.
The problem has been that the majority of sportive riders have no experience of riding in a group on an open road. They haven't been taught the real basics of looking after the livelihood of their fellow cyclists. They don't appreciate the safety of other road users or pedestrians. In other words, they have not learnt the meaning of bike etiquette. They have no pedigree. The majority, and I do say the majority, have no respect for anyone-else.
Up until 2012, us real roadmen (proper roadmen.......shame on you, Gareth!), were already having problems with racing on open roads. Police forces all over the UK were trying to push us on to closed roads. In fact, due to the problems caused by sportives since 2012, more of our races will be on closed roads next year and beyond.
We had a real opportunity to be a real biking nation after 2012. All the disparate organisations should have joined forces, rather than forging ahead with their own agendas. There could have been real cohesion......something that even the non-cycling fraternity might have got behind. The BC, the LVRC, The CTC, The Surrey League (and other leagues) plus many other cycling organisations have their own event calendar. If they would just engage with each other, we might have one all-embracing calendar of events, where local communities would be well-prepared for cycling events that will be happening in on their door-step.
Oâk, Iâm the tree fairy, Iâm pompous, plus all the other things, but my comments were intended to pull out your comments. I did hope that there would be some support. At the end of the day, Iâm a roadman. A bit old, but Iâm still winning road races. Iâd like to think that today's the âsportive virginâ riders will one day make good road-men.
I've pointed it out before it is like the Peoples Front of Judea in here sometimes!!
Mind you, I hear that jaguars' earlobes are a great nutrious and low-fat ride snack...
With cyclists attacking cyclists, who needs New Forest NIMBYs?
The 'gentlemen' of the CTC have caved in and changed their route to appease Martin Barden and his horde of idiot sportive riders. The local hill-climb has had to shorten their event for the same reason.
How long is it going to take for an established cycling body (BC) to organise some kind of correlation, a calendar of events even, between all of these organisations. When that happens, Martin Barden will have to fall in line and organise his events in a civilised manner.
The New Forest is a peaceful place and it welcomes small groups of cyclists.....pedestrian types, family types and local training groups all year round. Sportives in the New Forest just don't fit.
If you are an experienced roadman, you will give me lots of likes! If you are a sportive rider, you will give lots of the other stuff!
So there you go!
This is really pompous. Have a load of 'the other stuff'.
Hello Chucky!
Us roadies have always been pompous, elitist if you like. That's the only way to keep sportive riders like you from creeping up the ladder!
You think you are on a ladder? The only ladder you will get to the top is is putting the fairy on the top of the Christmas Tree.
Think he might be the Christmas tree fairy....
Think he might be the Christmas tree fairy....
Wow. Just wow.
I bet you've been spray painting your tacks in readiness for this weekend?
Really? Seriously? Other stuff....from a very experienced 'roadman' who welcomes and waves all cyclists from the basket bike lady to the brand new sportive Virgin. Shame on you.
And the wiggle sportive route means that our club's annual hill climb has to be on a shortened course!
Let's be 100% clear here: the New Forest Safety Advisory Group's sole aim is to increase the opportunity for cars to overtake as frequently as possible. This has nothing at all to do with cyclists' safety. None. Sweet-nF-All.
Of course there'll be congestion. It's the new forest at a weekend. The tourist cars pretty much gridlock whole chunks... Oh wait...