Transport for London (TfL) is seeking feedback over recent trial changes made to cycleway CS8 between Chelsea Bridge and Wandsworth Town Centre – and says that the responses will help it determine whether they should be made permanent.
According to TfL, the route is among the top five per cent in the capital with the greatest potential for getting people cycling, and the changes, introduced from February this year, are already having an impact, with as many as 2,650 cyclists using it each day, up 30 per cent on the weekday average for 2014-19 despite a drop in all journeys in the capital due to the pandemic.
The trial changes include:
- a wider, protected cycle lane southbound on Chelsea Bridge
- wider cycle lanes with sections of protected space on Battersea Park Road
- a new protected cycle lane southbound on Ram Street in Wandsworth Town Centre
- 20mph speed limits along large sections of the route and
- a banned right turn onto York Place to reduce conflict with motor vehicles.
TfL says that the engagement process, full details of which can be found here, will remain open for six months, and is encouraging people to provide feedback on how the route has changed the area they live in and the way they get around.
Such feedback will then be used to decide whether any changes are needed to the trial schemes, and whether they should be made permanent.
London’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner, Will Norman, said: “We are continuing to do all we can to support the increasing numbers of Londoners who are walking and cycling, and help prevent a damaging car-led recovery from the pandemic. Reducing road danger through upgrades, introducing 20mph speed limits and making changes to road layouts is central to this.
“I encourage everyone who lives, works or visits the areas within the CS8 trial changes to have their say to ensure that their feedback is taken on board going forward.”
Helen Cansick, head of Healthy Streets delivery at TfL, commented: "We want to make walking and cycling easier and less intimidating on some of London's busier roads and we really value people’s opinions on how we can best achieve this.
“The trial changes to the CS8 route in Wandsworth aim to give people a new high-quality, safe cycling route, connecting neighbourhoods in the area to local high streets, Wandsworth Town Centre, central London and beyond.”
She added: “London’s growing network of high-quality Cycleways will play a vital role in ensuring a sustainable recovery from the pandemic and I’d encourage everyone who lives in, works in and travels through the area to get in touch with their feedback on these important trial changes.”
I only recently discovered that David McCallum (who played "Ducky" in NCIS) was quite a musician and possibly his most famous work is famous due to...
How's about, if you use active transport funding to fix a road it straightaway becomes default 20mph so everyone can use it in relative safety?
We have a new BKRY here in Cvrshm.
Tried to like this and got 'threaded ' comments instead.
Thanks for the insurance explanation, it's a bit of a sly headline calling the driver uninsured if 3rd party claims are dealt with differently in NZ.
Wouldn't they just charge your credit card rather than insist on a direct debit? And the cardholder's address is not shared with the merchant by...
To be fair, he'd only be riding in a cycle lane where it wasn't a bus lane, a side road or a junction. Cycle lanes always vanish when one of those...
Remember, any driver flashing headlights for you to proceed should be assumed to be a crash for cash scam. ...
This is just a joke certainly in any tvp area they can't even police themselves let alone anything else all their interested in is fineing...
last time I went a few years ago seat tickets gave you access to the central area, yes.