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'Police' scold cyclist riding with pet cat in basket for not wearing a helmet after moped rider knocks them off bike

The Metropolitan Police has since confirmed the advice came from a plain-clothes officer, who stopped to dish out the unwanted rebuke following the collision in central London

Footage of a cyclist in London, riding with their pet cat in the bike's basket, has gone viral online, the video showing the moment the pair were knocked off their bike by a moped rider, only for advice from a police officer pulling up at the scene in an unmarked car with blue lights flashing recommending the cyclist wears a helmet.

Travis Nelson and his feline passenger Sigrid, a deaf Norwegian Forest cat, have become something of an internet sensation, the Londoner sharing videos of the pair exploring the English capital by bike. Travis has been a guest on the Podcast, the double-act having more than 150,000 followers on Instagram and more than 21 million likes on TikTok.

> Meet Travis the human and Sigrid the cat, the viral sensations who have just switched to an e-bike

The pair's most recent video has been viewed more than 2.4 million times on X, the social media platform formerly called Twitter, and captured the moment an "impatient, close passing moped driver knocked us off our bike" in London on Monday.

The crash footage is shocking enough, with Sigrid falling from the HumanForest hire bike's basket towards the moped. All involved were thankfully uninjured, aside from a "bruised up butt cheek and aching knee", Travis tells us.

In the aftermath of the collision, an unmarked vehicle with blue flashing lights stopped at the scene. A woman, later confirmed by the Met to be a police officer, got out to first check everyone was okay, but then advised Travis to wear a helmet when cycling.

> Cyclist and granddaughter, 8, stopped for helmet "safety" advice by police who "sounded their sirens" and pulled pair over "because it's dangerous"

"You've not got a helmet on," the plain-clothes officer said. "I recommend wearing a helmet."

Travis later told his social media followers, "If anyone can fill me on how a helmet would have prevent this motorist from driving into me, I'd love to hear it."

Recalling the possible police advice given at the scene of the incident on Clerkenwell Road near Old Street, Travis told "She asked if I was ok, asked if I was sure, then said the helmet thing. She didn't mention being police or anything (that's why I had the question mark in my post)... but they had the blue lights."

Travis and Sigrid

Responding to’s request for clarification on the vehicle and the police’s role following the incident, a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police confirmed that officers in an unmarked car had indeed stopped at the scene of the collision, offering medical assistance and creating a police incident report.

However, the Met also claimed that both parties involved in the collision told the officers that they did not wish to report the matter to the police.

“Police are aware of a road traffic collision that occurred at around 13.45hrs on Monday, 13 November in Clerkenwell Road EC1. A moped was in collision with a bicycle,” the Met spokesperson told

“An unmarked police car was passing the scene during the aftermath of the collision and stopped at the scene.

“Blue lights were utilised to ensure the safety of all road users and an officer offered medical assistance. This was declined by both parties – with no injuries disclosed.

“Neither party indicated a wish to report the matter and a police incident report was created. Road safety advice was given to both parties, who then left the scene. Should any of the parties involved wish to report any concerns to police we would encourage them to do so.”

The spokesperson continued: “Police are aware of video footage of the collision and interactions afterwards circulating on social media platforms. It should be noted that this footage is heavily edited.

“All road users should be mindful and abide by the Highway Code and Road Traffic Act and consider the space needed for themselves and other road users when using London roads.”

> Government shuts down mandatory cycling helmets question from Conservative MP

It is Travis' first time off his bike since 2007, but fortunately "Sigrid is fine; my knee is messed up, can't ride for a bit".

"This is exactly why I don't like to stop for red lights," he wrote on social media. "Inattentive or impatient motorists frequently hit cyclists when the light turns green. Note also, I was in an ASL (Advanced Stop Line), meant to prevent exactly this kind of negligence."

Speaking to our sister website e-bike tips back in September, Travis explained how Sigrid usually travels in a unique set-up, with a specially designed pet basket which attaches to the bars of Travis' bike, a fixed gear track bike built for street riding, and even occasionally wears goggles specifically designed for pets.

At the time of Monday's incident however, he was using one of HumanForest's hire bikes.

Travis and Sigrid (e-bike tips)

Explaining their usual set-up, Travis told ebiketips: "The basket is a Doggy Shopper by Klickfix Rixen & Kaul. They were the first sponsor we ever had and sent us their top-of-the-line basket to replace my cheap Amazon one. Over the past couple years I've customised it quite a bit to suit our particular needs."

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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Rendel Harris replied to bigwheeler88 | 6 months ago
bigwheeler88 wrote:

I'm not playing mate. I've shaved since I took the pic but I don't think it takes much these days to be a bald bloke with a beard.

What a very peculiar person – just for the amusement of sane people, here is the avatar you're using next to a screenshot of my video; absolutely I'm not the only bald bloke with a beard but it's a bit odd that you're wearing my headband and my top as well…

bigwheeler88 replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago

I can see the resemblance, but my profile picture is definitely a picture of me. Good job on the charity bike ride though!

cmedred replied to bigwheeler88 | 6 months ago

Interesting to see lookalikes who both appear to wear t-shirts under their bike jerseys. Is that a UK thing? 

Rendel Harris replied to cmedred | 6 months ago
cmedred wrote:

Interesting to see lookalikes who both appear to wear t-shirts under their bike jerseys. Is that a UK thing? 

It's a sleeveless baselayer - wicks the sweat away quicker. You see quite a few pros wearing them (though I'm as far away from pro as it's possible to be). Weird that BW88 is even wearing the same Planet X one as mine eh?

Flintshire Boy replied to bigwheeler88 | 6 months ago
1 like


LOL! Keep it up. Please.


andystow replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
Rendel Harris wrote:
bigwheeler88 wrote:

I'm not playing mate. I've shaved since I took the pic but I don't think it takes much these days to be a bald bloke with a beard.

What a very peculiar person – just for the amusement of sane people, here is the avatar you're using next to a screenshot of my video; absolutely I'm not the only bald bloke with a beard but it's a bit odd that you're wearing my headband and my top as well…

Ok, the problem I have now is you look nothing like I expected! In my mind you had white hair and a much bigger beard.

What else am I wrong about? Does reality even exist?

Rendel Harris replied to andystow | 6 months ago
andystow wrote:

Ok, the problem I have now is you look nothing like I expected! In my mind you had white hair and a much bigger beard.

What else am I wrong about? Does reality even exist?

I'll get back to you on that one...

Flintshire Boy replied to andystow | 6 months ago
1 like


Whilst in my mind, he had a white beard and much bigger hair!


Mr Hoopdriver replied to andystow | 6 months ago
1 like
andystow wrote:

Ok, the problem I have now is you look nothing like I expected! In my mind you had white hair and a much bigger beard.

You thought he was Father Christmas ?

chrisonabike replied to Mr Hoopdriver | 6 months ago
1 like
Mr Hoopdriver wrote:
andystow wrote:

Ok, the problem I have now is you look nothing like I expected! In my mind you had white hair and a much bigger beard.

You thought he was Father Christmas ?

Mr. Natural?

HoldingOn replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago

Looks more like Ledner Sirrah to me....

chrisonabike replied to HoldingOn | 6 months ago
HoldingOn wrote:

Looks more like Ledner Sirrah to me....

You're confusing them with Rendell Harris!

SaveTheWail replied to HoldingOn | 6 months ago

I believe Perce and Clem Fandango also bear a remarkable similarity to each other.

Left_is_for_Losers replied to SaveTheWail | 6 months ago
SaveTheWail wrote:

I believe Perce and Clem Fandango also bear a remarkable similarity to each other.

Strange, other than perce popping up from time to time Clemmy seems to have done a runner. 

perce replied to Left_is_for_Losers | 6 months ago
1 like

Well if he's anything like me he's probably reached his SFBSP.

Mr Hoopdriver replied to perce | 6 months ago
1 like
perce wrote:

Well if he's anything like me he's probably reached his SFBSP.


perce replied to Mr Hoopdriver | 6 months ago

Spit for brains saturation point. Referring to a couple of trolls.

chrisonabike replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago

We now need someone on next to point out they've not just pinched your clothes (EDIT and your coiffage) but also your light fitting - and in fact your kitchen! 

It's like sci-fi world here on the internets, every day.

Flintshire Boy replied to chrisonabike | 6 months ago
1 like


But you've already pointed it out!!


chrisonabike replied to Flintshire Boy | 6 months ago
Flintshire Boy wrote:


But you've already pointed it out!!


No I didn't!  That was someone bogus, using the same username as me!

beachcomber - or maybe someone else writing under that name wrote:

The court had to be cleared owing to the roars of ribald laughter which greeted the appearance in the witness-box of the twelve red-bearded dwarfs all in a heap. Their names were read out amid growing uproar. The names appeared to be: Sophus Barkayo-Tong, Amaninter Axling, Farjole Merrybody, Guttergorm Guttergormpton, Badly Oronparser, Churm Rincewind, Cleveland Zackhouse, Molonay Tubilderborst, Edeledel Edel, Scorpion de Rooftrouser, Listenis Youghaupt, Frums Gillygottle.

Cocklecarrot:  Are these genuine names?
A Dwarf:  No, m'worship.
Cocklecarrot:  Then what's your name?
Dwarf:  Bogus, m'ludship.
Cocklecarrot:  No, your real name.
Dwarf:  My real name is Bogus, your excellency.

(At this point the court had to be cleared)

Rendel Harris replied to chrisonabike | 6 months ago

So who's on first?

chrisonabike replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
Rendel Harris wrote:

So who's on first?

TIMY / Ser Henri Lard, or one of the Nigels?  Or is it Socrati/Martin, or just some other nutter?  All the same?

EDIT - however - you do get to say to them "I will not communicate with you again.  But it's not you, it's me..."

Flintshire Boy replied to chrisonabike | 6 months ago
1 like


No, no. It's not you, it's deffo me.


IanMK replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
Rendel Harris wrote:

So who's on first?


SaveTheWail replied to IanMK | 6 months ago

I'm Rendel Harris, and so's my wife.

Flintshire Boy replied to chrisonabike | 6 months ago
1 like


Oh boy. Please, not A NOTHER bogus name!


Flintshire Boy replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
1 like


For somebody who is never bothered, you do come across as somewhat touchy and a smidgeon over-sensitive! (To say nothing of alluringly beardy).


PS - lurrrrrrve the sweatband!


Mr Hoopdriver replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
Rendel Harris replied to Mr Hoopdriver | 6 months ago

Ah, always glad of an excuse to hear the Biscuits.

ooblyboo replied to Rendel Harris | 6 months ago
1 like

Agree with this. I'd also like to know what else the officer said (if indeed they are a police officer) because the editing suggests that was a small part of a longer conversation.


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